I've heard people say "[this member] gets no lines" so I want to know if they are exaggerating or if there actually are songs where a member has zero lines. More specifically I saw someone say that Winwin has no lines, I'm not an NCTzen so idk about that.

Edit: Okay so I took all of the suggestions and made a spotify playlist so I could try them out, I'm sharing it just in case anyone is interested. Also I realize it should be bass line, I realized like a minute after I posted it (it's driving me nuts tbh), but I'm a reddit baby and idk if it's possible to edit titles.

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A songline, also called dreaming track, is one of the paths across the land (or sometimes the sky) within the animist belief systems of the Aboriginal cultures of Australia. They mark the route followed by localised "creator-beings" in the Dreaming. These routes serve as crucial connections between individuals and their ancestral lands, carrying intricate geographical, mythological, and cultural information.

At its core, a songline functions as both a navigational aid and a repository of cultural knowledge. Embedded within traditional song cycles, dance rituals, stories, and artistic expressions, these pathways enable individuals to traverse vast distances while reciting the songs that describe landmarks, water sources, and natural features. Notably, the melodic contours and rhythmic nuances of the songs transcend linguistic barriers, facilitating cross-cultural understanding as different language groups interact and share the essence of these ancient narratives.

A unique facet of songlines lies in their role as cultural passports, denoting respect and recognition for specific regions and their inhabitants when the songs are sung in the appropriate languages. This intricate network of songlines interconnects neighbouring groups, fostering social interactions based on shared beliefs and obligations. The perpetuation of songlines through generations sustains a spiritual connection to the land, underscoring the concept of "connection to country," wherein the intricate relationship between individuals and their ancestral lands forms a cornerstone of Aboriginal identity and cultural preservation.

The Dreaming, or the Dreamtime, has been described as "a sacred narrative of Creation that is seen as a continuous process that links Aboriginal people to their origins". Ancestors are believed to play a large role in the establishment of sacred sites as they traversed the continent long ago. Animals were created in the Dreaming, and also played a part in creation of the lands and heavenly bodies. Songlines connect places and Creation events, and the ceremonies associated with those places. Oral history about places and the journeys are carried in song cycles, and each Aboriginal person has obligations to their birthplace. The songs become the basis of the ceremonies that are enacted in those specific places along the songlines.[1]

Since a songline can span the lands of several different language groups, different parts of the song are said to be in those different languages. Languages are not a barrier because the melodic contour of the song describes the nature of the land over which the song passes. The rhythm is what is crucial to understanding the song. Listening to the song of the land is the same as walking on this songline and observing the land.[citation needed] Songlines have been described as a "cultural passport" which, when sung in the language of a particular region and mob, show respect to the people of that country.[4]

Neighbouring groups are connected because the song cycles criss-cross all over the continent. All Aboriginal groups traditionally share beliefs in the ancestors and related laws; people from different groups interacted with each other based on their obligations along the songlines.[5]

In some cases, a songline has a particular direction, and walking the wrong way along a songline may be a sacrilegious act (e.g. climbing up Uluru where the correct direction is down). Aboriginal people regard all land as sacred, and the songs must be continually sung to keep the land "alive".[citation needed] Their "connection to country" describes a strong and complex relationship with the land of their ancestors, or "mob".[6] Aboriginal identity often links to their language groups and traditional country of their ancestors.[7] Songlines not only map routes across the continent and pass on culture, but also express connectedness to country.[8]

Songlines Singing is an essential element in most Mardudjara ritual performances because the songline follows in most cases the direction of travel of the beings concerned and highlights cryptically their notable as well as mundane activities. Most songs, then, have a geographical as well as mythical referent, so by learning the songline men become familiar with literally thousands of sites even though they have never visited them; all become part of their cognitive map of the desert world.[10]

... the labyrinth of invisible pathways which meander all over Australia and are known to Europeans as "Dreaming-tracks" or "Songlines"; to the Aboriginals as the "Footprints of the Ancestors" or the "Way of the Lore".

I find I tend to loose the earlier songs and need to restudy them to be able to dredge them back up from memory. I asked Gary Willis about this once and he says he keeps kind of shorthand notes to quickly remind himself of how the song should be played.

Take the first three lines:

The riff starts on 78 of the A string and ends on the 8th fret of (I think) the D string, does that twice, then replaces the last note with the 7th fret and repeats 10x.

Then the riff moves to starting on the 9/10 frets of the E twice.

Next section - riff drops down the E string and bounces around a bit.


I realize that my own remarks were mostly focused on how to get a bass line right, but indeed having to memorize the structure and details of a whole song presents its own set of challenges (and really that is included in the thread title as well )

It's such a beginer question but I cant find to solve it. I am working on Jupyter notebook and I want to plot a line graph representing the annual number of songs since 1921. I have no issue doing it as a bar graph but as soon as I try to do it as linpeplot I cant since I dont have a column name for the index. I need that exact plot but as a lineplot.

To start with, they mostly performed the gospel songs that Cash loved. This was the music that is euphemistically called Southern Gospel, but which is really white gospel. Cash had had a religious experience as a kid, when his elder brother, who had wanted to become a priest, had died and had had a deathbed vision of heaven and hell, and Cash wanted to become a gospel singer to pay tribute to his brother while also indulging his own love of music.

The other two were amazed. Not so much by the song itself, but by the fact that you could write a song at all. The idea that songs were something you write was not something that had really occurred to them.

But Cash also knew that he was going to have to do something more to get recorded. He was going to have to turn his little guitar jam sessions into a proper group like Elvis, Scotty, and Bill, not just three people bashing away together at acoustic guitars. They sometimes had Red on steel guitar, but they still needed some variety. Cash was obviously going to be the lead singer, so it made sense for him to stick with the acoustic rhythm guitar. Luther Perkins got himself an electric guitar and started playing lead lines which amounted to little more than boogie-woogie basslines transposed up an octave.

Urban line dance, hip hop line dance, soul line dance, country line dance, dance challenges and participation songs are great way to get everyone on the dance floor. Here are some popular dance songs that include contemporary pop, hip hop, soul, funk, r&b and country.

As always, the show\u2019s first act is an award ceremony spotlighting songs from four \u201CBest Musical\u201D nominees based on audience-created song titles, and the second act is the ENTIRE musical based on the winning song from act one.

When we are writing songs on the spot, it is helpful to know song structures. It's sort of like knowing different plays in sports - you may not know how it's going to play out exactly, but you have a framework to follow.

Yes and no. Country dancers still like to line dance whether it be at a club, party, or wedding. However, due to the mass overplay of line dances at weddings, many couples are choosing to add popular line dance songs to their "do not playlists". Whether or not to play line dance songs at your wedding should be determined by your guests and whether or not the songs will pack the dance floor.

Alternatively, without changing anything to your .desktop file or having to manually log your songs, you can run the background script below. It will create a log file, named played_songs, in your home directory:

Theatrhythm Final Bar Line is the music game that keeps on giving. Since its February release, various song packs have been released for it that add additional tracks from other Square Enix games outside of the Final Fantasy franchise, like Nier: Automata, NEO: The World Ends With You, and more. Now, Square Enix has revealed that 11 Final Fantasy XVI songs are coming to the game in a new track pack this November.

This style of dance, which is once again surging in popularity, calls for people of all ages to come together as a group and move their feet in sync to the beat of their favourite songs in a repeated sequence of steps.

Caution: this line dance contains high kicks, heavy stomping and fast footwork. Jason Aldean's 'Hicktown' might just be the best song for showing off your dance moves in a saloon. It takes a good amount of concentration to get the hang of it, but the end result will be worth it, making it the top choice on our list. 006ab0faaa

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