This library allows you to communicate with SPI devices, with the Arduino as the controller device. This library is bundled with every Arduino platform (avr, megaavr, mbed, samd, sam, arc32), so you do not need to install the library separately.

If other libraries use SPI from interrupts, they will be prevented from accessing SPI until you call SPI.endTransaction(). The SPI settings are applied at the begin of the transaction and SPI.endTransaction() doesn't change SPI settings. Unless you, or some library, calls beginTransaction a second time, the setting are maintained. You should attempt to minimize the time between before you call SPI.endTransaction(), for best compatibility if your program is used together with other libraries which use SPI.

Download Library Spi.h

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So I try to add library, search in lib manager for SPI, and find all kinds of libs

with SPI in the name but not named just SPI ? So then I search just Arduino filter,

find jillions of libraries that dont seem to have any connection to SPI.

This is because the SPI library is a "platform bundled library". This means it comes pre-installed with each Arduino boards platform. So under the hood you use Boards Manager rather than Library Manager to install the SPI library.

The SPI library API is standardized, but the implementation code is very architecture-specific. For this reason, there is no universal SPI library you could install standalone. Instead, what happens is each boards platform author creates their own version of the SPI library and bundles it with the boards platform. The Arduino IDE automatically uses the SPI library from the platform of the currently selected board.

This would install the SPI library globally, where it would be available to any board you compiled for. But as I said there is no universal SPI library, so you might end up using it for a board it is not compatible with, which would cause some very confusing issues. For this reason, you should never install any platform bundled library globally via "Add .ZIP Library" or manually unless you have a very specific reason for doing so (e.g., you are doing development work on the library).

Keep in mind that you may have multiple versions of the SPI library on your computer and the one you find is not necessarily the one your board is using. Studying or modifying the wrong library can result in some very confusing times!

Is this combination unusual?

What does it mean, that the library ILI9488 is only usable by Arduino-framework?

I thought it is just C-code with an implementation of the TFT-protocoll based on some I/O-pins. What is specific to the Arduino-framework?

Do I need to modify the source-code to use it for my purpose?

Those are the architecture-specific libraries bundled with the hardware package. There are other libraries bundled with the Arduino IDE in a different folder (the libraries subfolder of the Arduino IDE). You can use the same process, only with a different library's (e.g. Ethernet) examples to find those.

Because this works around a platformio dependency scanning bug. When you are using a library that depends on the Adafruit BusIO library, the pio dependency scanner is confused by a C preprocessor guard that guards an #include there:

I did and the problem still exists, I have loaded spi.h into src - problem still exists, then I loaded the file into project lib - problem still exists, then I loaded the file into U8g2 library folder then shows missing wire.h, and so on

I have written my own library that has a dependency on mcp2515 library. MCP2515 depends on SPI.h. The issue came suddenly without changes. Can be temporarily solved by including in the main.cpp of the project SPI.h or by adding SPI.h dependency into library.json or by deep+ in platformio.ini

Hello Guys, I keep getting this error every-time i verify my code when using arduino, I am not sure what its asking, since i do not need the spi.h if im using an uno R3, Any help would be appreciated, thanks


If your code will require you to execute SPI commands within a specific interrupt service routine, you can register that ISR with the SPI library using this command. The interruptNumber value is the same value you use for the interrupt number in the attachInterrupt command.

I am also wondering whether I need a special driver for SPI to work on ESP32 and if so, how can I check if I already have that and how do I install it. When I look in the library manager, I see no special SPI driver.

When i configured my project on L073rz board with same configs in F0 series i am getting errors for some api's available in stm32l0xx _ll_ spi.h in F0 series code(e.g"LL_SPI_SetDataWidth())".When i checked the files in HAL_driver directory,i found that there is no file named "stm32l0xx _ll_ spi.h" which has those function definitions.Can someone please tell me what is wrong?

The spi.h file is generated when Project Manager > Code Generator > Generate peripheral initialization as a pair of... field is checked. When it is generated, the include of this file will be called in main.c.

Then the include path generated for your project points to the library on the "Cube repository" which contains all files. Then you can just add the #nclude's for needed files, they aways are available even if not inside your project dir.

I am using the TLC59711 LED driver to drive four RGD LEDs with an Arduino Uno, and I am experiencing LEDs flashing off momentarily, and somewhat randomly, while receiving new grayscale levels over the built-in SPI protocol of Arduino (2 MHz). I purchased this kit from, used their library for the TLC597111, and followed the tutorial found here: -tlc59711-pwm-led-driver-breakout/overview

I think I've finally fixed this for me. It boiled down to a clock problem. Teensy was sending serial data too fast, and the Adafruit library has the lines below which are supposed to set the clock speed and other serial options but weren't actually doing anything.

The library for the TLC59711 references old SPI code. I think the clock settings, the MSB settings, and the phase settings were basically being ignored. I updated my TLC library to take into account the new transactional SPI code as show on this page: [url][/url].

In addition, Adafruit's library has a bug, see my second post to their forum ( My hunch is this bug was not what caused your problem. But I referred to your scope screenshot above explaining the bug (see, so I thought you may be interested.

The SPI library only supports the Arduino as a master device. Because of this, pin 10 needs to be configured as an OUTPUT, to avoid conflicts in the operation of the library. We do this by adding pinMode(10, OUTPUT); inside the setup() section.

Just for the record, the pin definitions in my previous post, which are not the same as those posted by @macedo123, were taken from the Heltec 0.0.7 library WiFi_LoRa_32_V3/pins_arduino.h file. These pin definitions, however, are not consistent with the WiFi LoRa 32 V3 schematic diagram provided by Heltec, which shows the pin definitions precisely as @macedo123 has indicated.

Even when I copy an intrinsic file, I willusually re-write the file to 'my standards' so I can understand whatis going on, and then trust the code. I just (about 15 minutes ago),saw that a vendor supplied library utility I was going to use thatdid this:

The library is very useful, and I use their functions until thecode works as close as I need it to, then I go back and 'optimize'the library functions into the modules that use them. Then I'll haveexactly what is needed and not depend upon an outside source'swork.

This way, when the software is finished, I won't need the vendor'slibrary set, and will function using more direct 'standardized'Cortex M-3 mapped SFRs accessing, instead of the generic methods thevender uses... which may have side-effects; I worry about that.

My biggest concern has to do with library updates from both Keiland STMicro. But once I get my code-monkey work running, it should befree from any updates in their source code. The concern is how theKeil compiler itself may then deal with the updated libraries and ifthe core compiler updates are still compatible with my rendition ofthe re-worked library source.

Why do you have Adafruit_TinyUSB_Arduino-master in your library folder?

This library is included in the BSP and you are getting a conflict, because the library is now doubled (and most likely different version).

Remove the Adafruit_TinyUSB_Arduino-master from your library folder.

The RAK4631 has a SX1262 LoRa transceiver.

The RadioHead library does not support this transceiver and might not be compatible with the nRF52 in addition. If you need a compatible LoRa P2P library, use the SX126x-Arduino library. It supports the RAK4631 directly.

Is there a different implementation of the Arduino SPI library that can be used for the ATTinyX5 series? I assume, partly because I believe the ATTiny SPI is provided via USI... I got the environment setup using the instructions here but when I try to compile anything with SPI.h included it just throws all sorts of errors:

I had the same problem with a simple program to measure weights through HX711 library. I suggest, in case my solution do not suit you, to enable "detailed output" option checked out" from file/preferences. So you copy to the clipboard the whole instructions for your script.

The Multi Protocol Synchronous Serial Engine (MPSSE) is generic hardware found in several FTDI chips that allows these chips to communicate with a synchronous serial device such an I2C device, an SPI device or a JTAG device. The MPSSE is currently available on the FT2232D, FT2232H, FT4232H and FT232H chips, which communicate with a PC (or an application processor) over the USB interface. Applications on a PC or on an embedded system communicate with the MPSSE in these chips using the D2XX USB drivers. The LibMPSSE-SPI library has been created to to aid the implementation of SPI designs using FTDI devices which incorporate the FTDI MPSSE (FT4232H, FT2232H, FT2232D and FT232H) by taking care of all the required MPSSE commands. e24fc04721

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