Nevertheless, Information you shared is really helpful for someone like me - who was hoping give purpose to old enough Power Mac. If my attempt to get this machine run on macOS X leopard fails, I will just archive (in my attic) this heavy aluminum box, or recycle it.

This procedure will place a fully-functional and default MacPorts installation on your host system, ready for usage. If needed your shell configuration files will be adapted by the installer to include the necessary settings to run MacPorts and the programs it installs, but you may need to open a new shell for these changes to take effect.

Download Leopard Installer

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This problem happens because the Snow Leopard installer detects a small discrepancy in the partition table of the drive, and assumes booting off the drive may not be successful. The fixes involve rewriting the table without formatting the drive, but if that does not work then formatting should definitely work (provided you have a backup).

If you have a full system backup via Time Machine or a drive clone, you can format your boot drive and do a clean install of OS X. To do this, first be sure your backups are complete and accessible, and then boot off the Snow Leopard DVD (click the "Utilities" button instead of "Continue" in the Leopard installer, or reboot and hold the "C" key to boot off the CD/DVD drive). When the installer loads, select your language and then launch "Disk Utility" from the "Utilities" menu and perform the following steps:

This is a comprehensive list of every option included in myHack. The texts are obtained from the installer and I've marked green the ones that I've kept, red the ones discarded and blue the ones that I've obtained from another source.

Overwrites above with GraphicsEnabler = Y option. This will enable graphics acceleration on most Nvidia Graphics Cards & a few ATI Graphics Cards. NOTE: If this does not work at first try entering -pci1 in the chameleon boot prompt. Read installer documentation for more information.

I have some problems when booting installer. I have usb drive with 2 partitions, first with restored installer + installation of package from your guide, second is empty - for installation. I think i got no KP when booting, but after some time of loading i got this:

sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this, but i have installed snow leopard on my clevo laptop using empire EFI v1.85, the problem is i can boot into osx with empire which gives my mouse and keyboard access, then i use the myhack 1.0 rc5.1 so i can boot without the cd in the drive the desktop loads but my keyboard and mouse don't work

@ uklouis1986, yeah it's a little bit of a highjack, but download the voodoops2controller installer. I can't link it, but google "voodoops2controller.kext" and go to the second link. On that page it will list an installer, download that, install and enjoy.

This is the final version of Mac OS X which can support the PowerPC structure as snow leopard function only on Intel-based Macs. The latest released is 10.5.8 (Build 9L31a) on August 13, 2009. Its kernel type is hybrid (XNU). This version is preceded by Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger and succeeded by Mac OS X snow leopard. It is the first operating system that has open-source BSD to be certified as fully UNIX cooperative.

Archive and install take the middle ground method. This installer moves all your data in one folder and then create a clean installation of OS X 10.5 Leopard. This method allows the user to get all their existing data including the user account. Installation of Leopard OS in the Mac, you have to boot from the Leopard install DVD.

Snow leopard comes with no option other than upgrade, but with few extra steps, we can perform erase and install. The ISO file is available at the Apple official website and also on apple store. For installation, there are some system requirements like

When I try to use the latest installer on my intel Macbook Pro with Leopard--it asks to find the file which is in the folder with my trumpet download .cab files. I click choose and noting happend. the directory manager see all my licenses so what is going on?

The solution is to install (using the Snow Leopard installer disc) QuickTime 7 (even if you already had it installed. This will put the old one in your Utilities folder, and they can both be there. It automatically acknowledges a Pro serial number if you have one.

For the above mentioned setup, a modification is required to the Snow Leopard installer so that it will accept an MBR (master boot record) type destination disk, instead of only a GPT (GUID partition table) type destination disk. The need for MBR stems from Windows, which is currently unable to boot from a GPT disk on a non-EFI system (although, Windows 7 does recognize GPT disks).

Most Windows tools are unable to work with a DMG file, and from my experience, those that can, have difficulty with the OS X installer. Furthermore, since we will need to modify the installer, a more complex route would be needed if a piece of software can only burn the image to disk (and not modify it).


You will need to use iBoot to boot your machine (the most common way is to burn it onto a CD/DVD and boot from that, although, it is possible to create a bootable USB installer)

Insert the USB drive (before or after iBoot loads, it can be machine dependent)

Refresh iBoot (F5) to see the installer (essentially the same as you did for the above procedure)

Boot the installer (select and enter)

You may need to set specific boot options depending on your machine (for instance, I need to set busratio for my computer to boot the installer); look at the chameleon bootloader options.

After that, simply follow the installer instructions, and you should be good to go (there are some post install setup steps which you will need to be able to boot without iBoot)

Good luck with the setup.

Typically, OSX will only run on chips Apple has used in its products (which means that running it on a Intel Pentium, or AMD chip requires special modifications to the installer). Good luck with the setup.

Later in this article, I'll show you how I eventually got Snow Leopard to run. Once it was installed, I had the bright idea of moving Snow Leopard's Rosetta installer from Snow Leopard to a running Lion install, and trying to run it. No dice. Even if you move the Rosetta installer to Lion, it won't actually work. Heh, nice try, eh?

Finally, make sure your old Mac has a DVD drive. If it doesn't, go find an external USB drive and use that. I'm guessing you could run the Leopard installer from an image or a USB key, but that's also something I didn't try.

The Snow Leopard installer will ask you where you want to install Snow Leopard. Here's where you want to be careful, and select your previously renamed "Snow Leopard" destination drive (remember, this is really the drive on the new Lion machine). Click next and let the install proceed. It took about forty minutes on my 2008-vintage iMac.

As I mentioned above, the Mavericks installer will let you install onto a bare drive as long as the installer itself is run under Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion, or Mavericks. This means that as long as you have a good backup; a 6GB-or-larger thumb drive or external drive; and either an already-downloaded copy of the Mavericks installer or access to a Mac running Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion, or Mavericks, you can perform a bit of installer razzle-dazzle.

Are you adding the clientsettings.cfg file for any customizations? I ran into this exact same issue. I first created the clientsettings.cfg using Text Edit on my MacBook Pro. After a few attempts at creating the installer, I decided to start from scratch again. I downloaded everything, and followed all the steps one more time. ( -nonwindows.html#mac and -bin/ The only different thing I tried was creating the clientsettings.cfg file using Notepad. After that, it worked.

That's what I saw when I tried to launch Disk Inventory X on Snow Leopard, an application that, yes, I had long since forgotten was PowerPC-only. After I clicked the "Install" button, I actually expected to be prompted to insert the installer DVD. Instead, Snow Leopard reached out over the network, pulled down Rosetta from an Apple server, and installed it.

No reboot was required, and Disk Inventory X launched successfully after the Rosetta installation completed. Mac OS X has not historically made much use of the install-on-demand approach to system software components, but the facility used to install Rosetta appears quite robust. Upon clicking "Install," an XML property list containing a vast catalog of available Mac OS X packages was downloaded. Snow Leopard uses the same facility to download and install printer drivers on demand, saving another trip to the installer DVD. I hope this technique gains even wider use in the future.

Apple can't be expected to detect and disable all potentially incompatible software, of course. I suspect only the most popular or highest profile risky software is detected. If you're a developer, this installer feature may be a good way to find out if you're on Apple's sh*t list.

I mention these two details of the installation process mostly because they highlight the kinds of things that are possible when developers at Apple are given time to polish their respective components of the OS. You might think that the installer team would be hard-pressed to come up with enough to do during a nearly two-year development cycle. That's clearly not the case, and customers will reap the benefits.

I've got a bit of an issue, I've been given five mac books with snow leopard installed with two accounts. An admin account which no one has the login details for (setup by a previous employee) and a standard user account. The standard user account doesn't have permissions to do anything and I mean anything, you cannot view PDF files or listen to MP3 it requires admin privileges. So pretty much these laptops are useless at the moment, I was going to download snow leopard and just do a fresh install however I thought I'd ask here first. Is there some way to reset the admin credentials if I boot into recovery, or something similar to Windows Hirens for OSX. 2351a5e196

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