How flat and empty the most beautiful words can sound. How dull and dreary life must be for those who need words, who need to touch, see, or hear one another in order to be close. Who need to prove their love, or even just to confirm it in order to be sure of it. (p.29)

to love someone with no bounds. the invisible pane of time and distance. to be confined in sincerity and selflessness when the heart is just like any other organ that deteriorates. with pain and fear.

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If you look back at the classic Disney animation, Beauty and the Beast, you will remember a rose that the beast kept on display. This rose represented his hope for love. Unlike Jin, the beast found hope. Jin lost it all.

In the last album, Serendipity showed exactly how the album would be. It dealt with love with an upbeat feel and amazing EDM music. This is a direct contrast to this. It is much darker and discusses fake love.

Love Yourself  Her was a mini album with eight songs (nine on the physical copy) and four versions, L, O, V and E. that dealt with the pain of falling in love. Love Yourself  Tear will contain 15 songs and is a full length album, with (like Love Yourself  Her) four versions, Y, O, U and R.

Despite Mike's best efforts to calm Latrese down and reassure her that he still loves her, her jealousy and paranoia continue to spiral out of control. She starts to imagine that Mike is cheating on her with one of his coworkers, and becomes fixated on this idea.

"Led Astray By Love" is a cautionary tale about the dangers of obsessively clinging to someone, and the potentially deadly consequences of letting jealousy and paranoia take over your life. It's a sobering reminder that sometimes love can lead us down a dark and dangerous path if we're not careful.

I Tea Ceremony: A day filled with family, love and travel... Richard and Bella had their wedding on April 18, 2018 which started with a traditional tea ceremony at their home in Pomona. Bella is originally from Indonesia, where her family still resides and made the 20 plus hour flight from Jakarta to celebrate the special day, which we are so glad they did. The culture and energy everyone had was amazing, and the food blew us away. Indonesian food is one of the most vibrant and colorful cuisines in the world, full of intense flavor featuring spicy curried meat and vegetables such like gulai along with a plate full of rice was beyond our expectations. Eating with her family before the day kicked off, and hearing about the city they lived was an awesome start to the day.

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A lion falls in love with a peasant's daughter and asks the father's permission to marry her. Unwilling to refuse outright, the man sets the condition that the animal should first have its claws clipped and its teeth filed. When the lion complies, the man clubs it to death, or in milder accounts simply drives it away, since it now can no longer defend itself.

By the time the fable reappeared in Europe after the Renaissance it was being reinterpreted as a caution against being led astray by passion. The Neo-Latin poem Leo procus of Hieronymus Osius ends with the reflection "By love the cleverest, sometimes, / are led astray, the strongest tamed".[3] A century later, Francis Barlow's illustration of what he titles Leo Amatorius is summed up in the couplet "Love asailes with powerfull charmes, / and both our Prudence and our strength disarmes".[4] La Fontaine titled his poem Le lion amoureux and ended with the sentiment "O love, O love, mastered by you, / prudence we well may bid adieu" (IV.1).[5]

One of the factors influencing this interpretation was the development of the Renaissance emblem associated with the Latin sentiment Amor vincit omnia (Love conquers all). In a medal struck in 1444, Pisanello pictures a lion fawning on winged Cupid.[6] This was reprised in the Emblemata amatoria (1607/8) of Danil Heinsius as a Cupid astride a rampant lion,[7] accompanied in one edition by a poem in French in which Love boasts that "the lion is conquered by my taming arrow".[8] The interpretation is that even the fiercest nature can be tamed by love, but the reference to a lion inevitably brings to mind the well known instance of his fatal subjection to love in the fable. In illustrations during the following centuries, the lion fawns on his lady love in the same attitude as in Pisanello's medal, as for instance on the plate from the La Fontaine series of Keller & Guerin at the Luneville potteries.[9]

It was not until the 19th century that artists confronted the questionable morality of the human actors in the fable and treated the woman as more than a passive bystander. The change in attitude is evident in Camille Roqueplan's painting of 1836 which makes the lion's love-object the one who clips its claws (see left), a detail absent from the text. Its iconography is reminiscent of the story of Delilah's betrayal of Samson and especially those paintings in which Samson's head rests on her lap while she crops his hair and attackers lurk in the background.[12] Another treatment of the theme is the 1851 statue by Guillaume Geefs in the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, although in this case the lady is sitting on the lion's back as she works with her scissors.[13]

In literature the title was used for depiction of the emotional relationships of social lions. The novella by Frdric Souli (1839)[30] is a comedy of manners that depicts the unequal love of a well-born dandy and its tragic outcome.[31] Eugne Scribe's contemporary light-hearted comedy of 1840[32] is set in England, where a lord falls in love with his servant and, after attempting seduction and force, agrees to marry her.[33] The verse drama by Franois Ponsard, first staged in 1866,[34] was set in 1796, in the period following the Reign of Terror in France. A hero of the armies of the Revolution falls in love with a Royalist aristocrat whose father is plotting against the Republic and there is a struggle between duty and love on both sides. Its subtle dynamics encompass far more than 'trimming the hero's claws and filing his teeth', as a contemporary reviewer noted.[35] Later examples of the title's use in English include the play by Shelagh Delaney (1960), about the marriage between a frustrated man and an aggressive woman, and a romance by Elizabeth Lapthorne (2004).[36]

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There is a proverb in Indonesian that said "To be reluctant to make in queries will make one go astray." That means if you are afraid to ask, you sure will end up being lost and not know what to doSo, if in doubt, try asking. That is how I always deal with the things I have no idea of doing, try asking for help always. In this case try asking for professional help, there is no mistake on asking the ones who has experiences

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And so, with great courage, we might take a step towards living our version of a more authentic life. Initially, your loved ones might feel betrayed, but with persistent, loving explanations, the people who really love you will understand and want you to seek happiness. Your choosing to do so is a very powerful statement that they can too. As you walk, no matter how slowly, toward each small goal and higher vision of yourself, you give others courage and reason to do the same. This courage is profoundly contagious. And it all starts with a small decision to go within and listen to what you really want out of life.

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