EPIIIBITESA thread to post lines from the movies that make you wanna say "Watsup with that?" (can be OT as well)

Ex) In Ep.I...Coruscant shuttle sequence, Jar Jar says to Ani "The Queen's being really nice"...or something...and then he says..."Pretty hot!"

Watsup with that? Shame on you JJB!

One more from the same movie... "You over-did it!?!" Obi, Qui-Gon and JJB are in the gungan sub, and they get the power back up only to see a big sea monster in front of them...JJB freaks out and Obi-Wan says "You over-did it."

Kinda wierd. Watsup with that?

Go...Vraya"um...no" is what vraya said when he said when he saw this stupid thread.

what's up with that? EPIIIBITES???Vrayaexactly SesseDunno. Good topic I quess..?VrayaIt would have been but I screwed it up. Sorry.Captain REXSo basically this is a thread for lines from the movies where you say 'WTf? Why was that said?'

Interesting topic, I should say.EPIIIBITESYeah, like..."This party's over."

WT?PVSOriginally posted by EPIIIBITES 

One more from the same movie... "You over-did it!?!" Obi, Qui-Gon and JJB are in the gungan sub, and they get the power back up only to see a big sea monster in front of them...JJB freaks out and Obi-Wan says "You over-did it."

Kinda wierd. Watsup with that?


quigon used the force to calm jarjar, he overdid it, jarjar passed out.

its pretty simple really. watch quigon's hand on jarjar, similar to the vulcan neck pinch.EPIIIBITESCool!! Thanks.

What about Viceroy's "Destroy what's left of them". 

Kinda weird to say after a gassing. 

Watsup?PVSOriginally posted by EPIIIBITES 

Cool!! Thanks.

What about Viceroy's "Destroy what's left of them". 

Kinda weird to say after a gassing. 


i guess they wanted to disintegrate them, to leave no evidence.

thats just a guess thoughEPIIIBITESThe "what's left" part is weird...I understand the "destroy" part.BorisDarth Vader - "Yippie!!!!".

WTF?EPIIIBITESHe's just a kid. Leave him alone!!

Just thought of this one...When Obi-Wan says "In the name of..." after Ani is firing on his fighter in the Ep. III space battle....in the name of what?

It's almost like when Han said "Then I'll see you in hell" in ESB. Does that make sense?Captain REXWell, you have to think of it this way. In the Star Wars Universe, Basic is NOT the same as English. But for the sake of the viewers, Lucas has Basic be translated into English. Like Lord of the Rings; they're not speaking English, they're speaking some Middle Earth language.

So, Han could be saying the equivalent of 'Then I'll see you in hell!" in Basic. Same with "In the name of..." in Ep3 or "I'll save you a place in hell!" from Bounty Hunter.EPIIIBITESBut then there still is a concept of hell in that universe, regardless if the word for it isn't "hell"? Think it's strange that there would be.

And then there is something that you could say "In the name of..." for. Wonder what it is...

...if I'm getting you right.VrayaI guess so. overlordAll souls either go to mustaphar or naboo.

Every good person reincarnates into a gungan into the beautiful otoh gunga.Captain REXIn that case, I'm going to go kill someone so that I turn into a lava flea. 

You got the gist of it, EPIIIBITES. Tangible GodNot really a WTF line, but... when Anakin's friend in TPM said to Padme "Finish the race of COURSE."

I just wanna slap that young punk into the dirt.EPIIIBITES"Now that's what I call podracing"...does that even make any sense? Is that possibly the stupidest line in all of Star Wars?

- A medic-bot saying that someone's "lost her will to live" kinda made me say WT?Legion_of_Maulwell I don't know if this is related or not, but in lord of the rings, gandalf says "jesus" when he can't open the gate to the mines of moria.overlordNow, you've gone too far.. Reported!!EPIIIBITES?

Jar Jar - "Looky, looky Senator" when Obi and Ani arrived at her quarters..and then later, "She's a smilin' to be seeing you" or something like that to Ani...is he trying to play matchmaker all the time or something??

Pretty Hot!chinabingJar-Jar lines are helped immeasurably with close-captioning.

Mr. Binks says "Obi? Obi! Meesa so smilin' to seein' yousa." Then after Obi's reply, Jar Jar says "Lookee Lookee Senator, deesa Jedi arriven'. (apostrophes mine).

He's not playing matchmaker, he's talking about Anakin & Obi-Wan, probably after 10 years too. 

Later Binks says "She's a happy, happier than I've seen her in a longo time." 

"Now this is podracing." - awesome line, and it does not belong in a 'watsup' category.EPIIIBITESDon't mean to harp on Jar Jar, but what's with that whole...

"Count me out of this one" or whatever..."better dead here, than in the core...Wait a spek...whatsa meesa saying?" 

What's that all about?

I'm kinda glad that makes me go "Watsup", 'cause if I knew what he was saying, it'd probably mean I'm a harsh Star Wars geek.

Watsup?Tangible GodOriginally posted by Legion_of_Maul 

well I don't know if this is related or not, but in lord of the rings, gandalf says "jesus" when he can't open the gate to the mines of moria. God, no he didn't! He says "Oh it's useless." Turn on the subtitles.Blue_HefnerOriginally posted by EPIIIBITES 

Don't mean to harp on Jar Jar, but what's with that whole...

"Count me out of this one" or whatever..."better dead here, than in the core...Wait a spek...whatsa meesa saying?" 

What's that all about?

I'm kinda glad that makes me go "Watsup", 'cause if I knew what he was saying, it'd probably mean I'm a harsh Star Wars geek.


They were going to travel through the core of Naboo where there are a lot of big fish.Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links.

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