So I got comissioned to wright the score for an epic japanese type movie..........but I have no idea how oriental music is supposed to sound. I understand pentatonic scales which are used a lot. I guess I really just need to know what instraments are typically used and any other advice you can think of and I'll go with that. Thanks in advance.

I've actually been researching this a lot for a composition I'm writing in my jazz piano class. My assignment is to write a jazz piece using techniques and scales of a different culture's folk music. Anyway, there are two main pentatonic scales used in oriental music, The In and Yo scales. The Yo scale is the common "all black key" variety, while the In scale uses semitones on the 1st and 4th intervals. (D-e flat-g-a-b flat). As a side note, you can get a pretty cool koto effect on the piano if you glissando down the scale really quickly. If you're looking to be traditional, their music usually stays away from large interval jumps, and tries to maintain an ethereal placidity to it.

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* I don't know how to really express this next part, but the "recognizability" factor of the melody is not the main factor. Generally, it's not something that you'd "hum" or something like that - not like 1812 Overture or 5th Symphony. Keep in mind that traditions that surround a lot of Japanese culture deal with harmony (with the surroundings) and lots of time the melody is just made to have a sense of calmness and "ambience" to the air around. (Not ambience in the way 21st century thinks of it - like Dance-Techno ambience - reverbs on the snare, stuff like that.) Think like elevator music. But cool melodies. Cool instruments. And no elevator. Maybe "atmosphere" is a better term.

Oh, and angelic: Your post was very informative, but you descibed everything in a very elementary way :) haha, like the fifth paragraph.....wouldnt it just be easier to say "stay away from polyphony"? I AM a music major, haha. I'm just messing with you man, thanks again.

If I may be so bold as to reply, I've been working on quite a bit of oriental soundtrack scores of recent, though they have been focusing more on the middle-east than far east, however there have been a few tracks i've done situated around the 'traditional japanese' sound. For those pieces I mainly used, which have been mentioned before above:

I personally dislike the idea of imitating "ethnic" music, but I guess it can't be helped in the film music industry. Such music really has little integrity in my eyes, instead filled with flashy and shameless exoticism. But saying more will probably end up making a hypocrite out of me, so I'll shut up now ;).

cool, i love asian music(being chinese myself). i've only begun to compose so i dunno much. but i think use a lot of asian instruments. all the ones listed above are really good. however, i have somthing against using the erhu. yes, even though it creates an undeniable asian sound, you shouldn't use it in a japanese film because everyone knows erhu is chinese not japanese. Taiko drums for battle scenes are good. Pentitonic scale is a good idea. however, someone mentioned it might sound too much like folk. the difference is the use of the rythm, esp. 16th notes. John Williams score to Memoirs of a Geisha was a successful score, give it a listen for ideas. oh and don't forget to listen to scores from a local composer. Try Joe Hisaishi's score to Spirited Away.;)

I would like to resurrect this thread if I may. I would like to get more advice on composing oriental music, especially Chinese music. Scales, common chord progressions, genres, resources, anything you might be able to point me in the right direction on.

My thread LIVES!!!! lol, hey Mag, welcome to the forums! I'm kinda in a hurry right now, but I'll say this: keep it simple. Oriental music isnt very deep. Try writing a flute solo in any pentatonic key (google it if youre not sure) with a lot of grace notes and hemiolas. Then put a very chordal harp (koto would be more authentic, but for midi playback purposes a harp will suffice) with lots of arpeggiation. For more action-esque music use some tyko drums, possibly with a shrill flute over the top in parts. Its worked for me so far! Good luck!

Thanks for the response, pianoman216. I think I have a wiki page saved in my favorites that details the pentatonic and its modes. Of course, I am already familiar with the pentatonic but I have not yet really composed any "oriental" music (nothing over about 30 seconds anyway).

You are already aware of the harmonic characteristics, but when you listen to your reference music take special note to the cadences that pop up.. I find that there are normally two or three types of cadences that are more commonly used per style of music.

I actually watched that movie before starting in on the film I wrote for. Its kind of americanized japanese music, but it does give you some good ideas. Just make sure, when watching ANY movie for the purpose of studying its music, to actually STUDY its music. Its very easy to get distracted (especially by a movie as good as the last samauri) and slip into actual watching the movie. Grab a piece of paper and a pen and take notes. This will tend to keep your mind focused on what you should be doing.

Get a book on japanese music, study their culture and music tradition, instruments, harmony, and maybe then you'll get a glimpse at how japanese music *really* sounds like. And it might not seem interesting to you to do all this, and you just want to write a very superficial japanese score, but think that this is a japanese film, meant to be seen by japanese people, who have grown up in this culture that you didn't bother understanding, and I think they might be offended.

I think music of other cultures than our own (especially diametrically different cultures such as eastern or african) are very difficult to comprehend unless we experience them, and most people sadly ignore this. It's quite pointless selecting a few elements of their music and placing it out of context and in ignorance of its initial value and meaning.

How would you feel if someone from Japan said "Hm.. I'll write a piece in the Western Classical style. Ok, they use triads. I'll use only one triad, and I'll have a violin and a piano. Great." and then he calls that piece a representative piece of western classical music? This is most probably not going to happen, but you get my point :P

Wow! I never expected this thread to be ressurected! I started it like 3-4 years ago. In any case, though, thanks for the reply! I have noticed that a lot of japanese music has a very ambient feel. Thanks for the comments and suggestions! :)

The word oriental means unique to eastern countries in terms of meaning. Different tunes are heard from all over the world. Each region has its own characteristics of dance and music. Of course, besides this, oriental instruments are needed to make these melodies a beautiful rhythm. Thanks to these instruments, it contributes to the fact that the region or the region is completely unique in music.

There are many types of music and even dances in the world. In Turkey too often possible to hear the word belly. Therefore, which instruments should be used when playing oriental music is an important issue. If the music of each region tries to be played anonymously, the music will lose harmony and leave its essence.

In general terms, the word meaning oriental to the eastern countries and regions is called oriental. This name, which is mostly known as traditional middle east dance music, is still popular today. The word oriental music in original features is the symbol of fertility and strength in ancient times. It has transfer from generation to generation.

There is also a special dance type for music. This is called belly dance. Rhythms compatible with the melodies are kept. People who dance with this music genre known as the symbol of fertility have the understanding that they will live in abundance for life. Nowadays, the purpose of entertainment is stripped from these thoughts. But in the past people used to describe it as a form of pleading with God. Oriental musical instruments derives its origin from Arabs. Thanks to this type of music, dating back thousands of years, Arabs still reflect their own culture. the genre has existed in Turkey is very colorful and includes encouraging people to dance rhythms. Many of those who listen to oriental music to the rhythm and dance. What accomplishes this is the oriental instruments.

In creating this kind of music, which is unique to the east, certain tools should be used. Otherwise, cultural conflicts may occur. Therefore, when singing melodies, an instrument specific to that region should be used. Arab culture with the oriental musical instruments ranging Turkey continues to make a difference. The instruments used when creating oriental music tunes are:

The above types of instruments can be used as oriental musical instruments. In general, combinations within a music are created as 3 instruments. Solo or more than five instruments are not used together to achieve harmony.

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