Courtney confessed to Dave Grohl that she had a crush on Kurt, and when Dave told her Kurt was suddenly single, Courtney sent Kurt a heart-shaped box filled with a tiny porcelain doll, three dried roses, a miniature teacup, and shellac-covered seashells.

This song The Moon Represent My Heart was a great love song, even thou my mp3 is just mandarin, but when i read the english translation, I know many relationship will be better, if they only understand the song. Even thou they do not understand the language. But if they listen to their hearts while plaing this song, its very nice.

Download Lagu Words Of My Heart


Thanks for the in depth explanation as to the meaning. They say learning a language is more than just learning words, but learning a culture and the way its people think. The Chinese like many ancient societies used a lunar calendar (especially for agriculture). But I can appreciate the romantic point of view also. ?

I love this song ( The moon represents my heart ) very much and really want to learn to play it on the piano.

But coudnt find the sheet anywhere.

Could you tell me please where do you or your sister get the music scores?

I have always liked this song even though I did not know what the lyrics meant. The melody and lyrics truly speaks for my heart. The song reminds me of what love really is and how much I love my boyfriend.

although all songs in asia are usually about love or dreams (what makes them appeal differently) i believe this song is about sincere feelings about ones love. this song is sung with a delicate slow moving beat that makes your heart beat when some one sings it to you thats why i love this song although im a strange person who cant feel love and never will i can understand songs better than i can understand english o.O even though there not in my native language ^^ and a response to the comment above the chinese people dont need to be proud about this song because they already are ^^

this beautiful song is the song that I often sing to my lovely Chinese wife. So to me the words and meaning are of great feeling for us. So sad that Theresa died so young, such a lovely Singer and great girl. Graham.

"There's just some things that leave a man no choice

Like a compass needle needin' it's true north

Even if I knew, the day we met, you'd be the reason this heart breaks

Oh, I'd love you anyway"

With the understanding that their relationship might one day fizzle out and ultimately lead to his heartbreak, 'Love You Anyway' hinges on the fact that Combs will choose to love her, no matter what the circumstances may be.

"I know just tryin' to write a song

I run the risk that I could get your perfect wrong

And well I guess, what I'm tryna' say

Is there ain't words been made could shoulder so much weight"

[Chorus] There's just some things that leave a man no choice

Like a compass needle needin' it's true north

Even if I knew, the day we met, you'd be the reason this heart breaks

Oh, I'd love you anyway

[Verse 2] I know just tryin' to write a song

I run the risk that I could get your perfect wrong

And well I guess, what I'm tryna' say

Is there ain't words been made could shoulder so much weight

[Chorus] There's just some things that leave a man no choice

Like a compass needle needin' it's true north

Even if I knew, the day we met, you'd be the reason this heart breaks

Oh, I'd love you anyway

[Chorus] There's just some things that leave a man no choice

Like a compass needle needin' it's true north

Even if I knew, the day we met you'd be the reason this heart breaks

Oh, I'd love you anyway

Also, "Heart-shaped Box"? "MEAT-eating orchid"? one word... VAGINA... Go google some orchid pictures and you will find that some species of orchid very closely resemble the female reproductive gland. If you have ever heard of the vagina referred to as a "flower", it is because of the orchid's resemblence to it. As for heart-shaped box, a vagina spread open in a particular way can resemble the shape of a heart. Hence the line "locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks".

@TuskegeeBlood The book 'Come as you Are: The story of Nirvana' is the source of Cobain s "children was cancer" reference. He says that a documentary on this subject INSPIRED the song; in other words it was the first image which was built on to form this work. It is easy to imagine a child in a perspex cot, with a ventillator or other medical equipment attached, sort of trapped in a romantic idea of 'love,' represented by the "heart-shaped box", which is essentially cynical and manipulative, of course.

@TuskegeeBlood you are not far wrong.. a "Magnetar" is a neutron star with a strong magnetic field and i believe this is what is meant to describe being pulled or drawn in. however neutron stars don't do this. I also believe kurt should have meant a blackhole but that would have been too near the nose for also meaning a vagina. Couple the subtle but literal meaning of a "star" and being drawn in like quicksand with no escape, being used to describe a relationship with someone wanting to be famous and live the highlife and the entrapment of sex to gain status and how that can pull people in and locked inside a heartshaped box as a keepsake.

@TuskegeeBlood - I feel you are spot on about the second verse, starting thinking about first as I read a theory this was about drugs and Cobain kept his drugs in an actual heart shape box.

First Line- it is the heroin who is weak, being eyed by the user trying to quit.

2nd line- stating time period from a first person perspective that the heroin has physically been in the literal box.

3rd line- its the heroin that get injected

4th- the heroin is manipulating the user in that it will help them, cure their pain -eat their cancer when they turn black

This song is about a woman using sex and he is powerless to say no. After sex, it's never happily ever after. It's something else to argue about, and instead of leaving, he's "in debt" to all the things she wants him to do or be, in order to continue the feeling he gets from her. She's telling him what he has to do to get in her good graces again. The "magnet" puts him in perpetual debt where he has to heed her "advice" (or whims). He dies a little everytime he goes through this, he cuts himself romancing her, then has intercourse and is "left black", dead. Throw down the umbilical noose you just killed him with, now let him climb back into the "relationship". The tar pit trap, he stays in this relationship and sets himself up to die again. The entire relationship is a heart-shaped box that he can't get out of. Forever in debt.

I'm scared of women but that's because I don't understand them. I disagree wholeheartedly that this song is about a woman "sucking the blood" out of a man. Fucking listen to yourself dude. I know I know, you've been burned by a few females, maybe so many times that you're now a woman hater, but you can't tell me a relationship is a one-way street. Did you literally give these women THAT MUCH CONTROL OVER YOU AND YOUR EMOTIONS? I've been in relationships and broken up with a few girls for various reasons, and I didn't feel like either of us, me or the girl, was SUCKING THE LIFE out of the other one. Shit just wasn't clicking, sexual attraction weakened, we go to schools that are hundreds of miles apart from one another. Give women a fucking break dude. They deserve it, trust me, I've talked to plenty of them about dudes like you. Fuck you and have a nice day

"I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks"Love is represented as the heart-shaped box, but what's disturbing is that its not truly a heart. Its only a box which looks like a heart but whose true purpose isn't to feel (emotions) but to imprison. So perhaps there's truly no in the relationship he's singing about and he's beginning to realize that.

The magnet tar pit trap is showing how inevitable it would be for him to fall for this fake love, the heart shaped box. The magnet is drawing him into the tar pit, the tar keeps him from escaping, and the pit is used to show how dark it is where he's been trapped.

The priceless advice is sort of using sarcasm, or veiled anger. This guy is angry at all the horrors he's had to face because of his metaphorical imprisonment by the heart shaped box. He's angry at the pressure that was put on him to do things that should never have been done, to harm himself. He's also angry that he accepted that sort of advice. His new complaint is that he is forever in debt to this priceless advice, in other words, he's fucking pissed that he's been damaged, further corrupted, whatever it was that this shitty "advice" pressured him to do that left him with bad memories. 006ab0faaa

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