The song happy birthday has got to be the most famous song of all time. It is sung to any person on their birthday, and the song has been recreated in every possible language. Whilst the origin isn't entirely known, the melody of the music dates back to 1893, in which the original song was called 'good morning to all.

The song was composed by American sisters Patty Hill and Mildred. The song was remade again in 1912 with the new lyrics: "happy birthday to you." Below are the notes to play the music on the kalimba, and it is in line with the songs original lyrics. Choose if you would like to play the lettered notes or the numbers.

Download Lagu Joy Happy Birthday To You


Aside from liaisons, you will also find yourself exposed to a lot of French possessives like nos vux (our wishes), ton anniversaire (your birthday), tes amis (your friends) and ton bonheur (your happiness).

It's someone's birthday today hurrah-hurrah,

 It's easy to see that it's him/her.

 All of us think it's really nice,

 And that's why we happily sing:

 Let him/her live long hurrah-hurrah, 

 Let him/her live long hurrah.

Traditionally the Chinese normally celebrate only "important" or big birthdays. These are the 30 days old, 1st (called the second), 10th, 60th and every 10 years thereafter. The first is important because a person has survived the first year of life. The 60th birthday is considered the most important as it marks the completion of a phase of life and the successful navigation through the full circle of the zodiac - 5 times (5 X12 = 60)

Young people in China are starting to celebrate more themes like 5, 12, 18 and 21 and seem to view it in the western way - as a celebration of being special. Many are now even celebrating the "small" birthdays on a yearly basis, although typically these celebrations are smaller and involve only the immediate family and close friends.

Red is the happy color for Chinese and gifts of money in a red envelope is always a welcome idea. Other popular gifts for older people include health tonics, wines, crafts, paintings, cakes, clothing and flowers.

Historically, long-life noodles red dyed eggs are served on birthdays- the noodles are very long and very obviously represent the birthday wish of long life. Peaches are also a symbol for long life and many foods (such as dumplings) can be made in the shape of a peach on your birthday. However, the younger generation seems inlined to party more with a birthday cake.

Traditionally, it is more common to celebrate the birthdays of older people like grandparents than those of the younger children. Rather than a celebration of the person being viewed as special for the day, it is a sign of respect to celebrate an older person's birthday and thank them for what they have done. After you get married you send gifts to your parents. Is that different from the western tradition or what?

A clock is not given as gift since the Mandarin word for clock (zhong1) sounds like "song4zhong1" which means "to arrange for the burial of a deceased parent or older relative." And believe me, nobody wants that for their birthday present!

When is you birthday in China and how old are you? First age: the Chinese count the number of lunar years that you live in. Consequently, you are 1 when you are born since you have lived in 1 year. You add another year on the next lunar New Year -which, unless you were born on the lunar new year, is always less than 1 (solar) year away. Now when is your birthday? Well, you get a year older on New Year's Day, so that is a birthday right? Or you can celebrate according to the day and month in a Western style. Or you can count how many day's after the lunar New Year you were born and add that to the date for the lunar New Year in the current year and celebrate that date. People that really enjoy our birthday song can celebrate all of these.

Eits, kata siapa nggak ada lagu lain? Banyakk. Coba sini kasih tau gue, yang ulang tahun siapa? Ulang tahun yang keberapa? Jadi nanti kalo lo mau posting insta story ya lagunya nggak itu-itu aja. Ini gue kasih tau ya beberapa lagu yang bisa lo pake.

Lo struggle sama hari-hari lo? Ini lagu yang cocok buat lo nyanyiin di hari ulang tahun. Lagu ini tuh tentang perjuangan lo menuju kebebasan di masa remaja, tapi lo sadar kalo lo akan punya lebih banyak tanggung jawab ke depannya. Ya maklum ya say, namanya juga hidup. Pada kecil pengennya jadi dewasa, pas udah dewasa malah nangis-nangis.

Kalo lo baru sweet 17, coba deh nyanyiin lagu ini. Starlight ini emang lagu cinta. Tentang perempuan umur 17 tahun yang diajak pasangannya ngeliat malam penuh bintang. Intinya, lagu Starlight cocok buat lo yang lagi nikmatin masa remaja dan punya banyak banget impian, apalagi bareng pacar.

Kalo yang satu ini, mungkin lo gak terlalu sering dengerin. Salah satu lagu underrated yang harus lo dengar. Lagu ini bisa lo putar di ulang tahun lo karena menggambarkan keseruan masa muda yang penuh cinta, misteri, dan rahasia.

Anne Marie ngerilis lagu birthday buat para birthday person di luar sana. Lagunya lumayan cerita, tapi liriknya lumayan dalam. Kalo lo orang yang fokus sama self-acceptance di umur yang sekarang, lo harus putar lagu ini di hari ulang tahun lo.

Kalo Selena Gomez, dia bikin lagu ulang tahun sebagai lagu yang harus lo putar di birthday party lo. Lagu ini bercerita tentang self-entitlement dan girl power. Intinya, lo harus jadi karakter utama di cerita lo sendiri, dan jangan lupa buat sleep all day party all night.

Itu dia 10 lagu ulang tahun yang bisa lo nyanyiin ke keluarga, teman, pacar, sahabat, atau bahkan diri sendiri. Tenang say, kalo gak ada orang yang ngerayain ulang tahun lo, gue siap nyanyiin lagu selamat ulang tahun. Yaa, walaupun agak sumbang suara aing.

Out of the huge library of songs that are simple enough for beginners to learn on guitar, the classic "Happy Birthday" tune may be one of the most useful as it's welcome at nearly any birthday party! "Happy Birthday" uses solely open major chords and a simple melody. With a 3/4 beat and a melody that incorporates pickup notes, it may not be effortless to learn for every novice. However, since the song is so short and well-known, it's usually simple to pick up with just a few sessions of practice.

Sobat Valid pasti tak asing dengan bait lagu itu, bukan? Ya, tak lengkap rasanya merayakan ulang tahun tanpa menyanyikan lagu tersebut. Biasanya, dalam pesta ulang tahun, kita menyanyikannya sesaat sebelum acara potong kue.

Lagu ini pun menjadi populer dan banyak dinyanyikan. Kemudian, adik sang pencipta yang juga seorang musikolog di Amerika Serikat, Patty Hill, tertarik menggunakan melodinya untuk menciptakan lagu ulang tahun yang bisa dinyanyikan anak-anak.

Lagu pendek dan sederhana ini pun pernah masuk dalam Guinness Book of World Records sebagai lagu yang paling sering dinyanyikan di seluruh dunia. Hebatnya lagi, lagu yang telah mendunia ini kini setidaknya telah dinyanyikan dalam 143 judul film dan telah diterjemahkan ke dalam 18 bahasa.

Mulanya, lagu ini tak bertuan karena Hill bersaudara memang tidak mendaftarkan hak ciptanya. Kemudian, pada 1935 perusahaan rekaman Clayton F., Summy Co., mematenkan hak cipta atas lagu ini. Hak cipta tersebut kemudian beralih ke Warner Music pada 1988.

Setelah melalui proses panjang, akhirnya pada September 2015, Ketua Hakim Amerika Serikat, George King, memutuskan bahwa Warner/Chappell tidak punya klaim hak cipta sah atas lirik lagu "Happy Birthday to You". Lagu ini pun pada akhirnya kembali menjadi milik umum.

In addition to the translated versions of the Happy Birthday song, many countries also have their own traditional birthday song. In Spain, another common song to celebrate birthdays is called Feliz en tu da (Happy on your day):

Lagu Happy Birthday yang kita selalu nyanyi sampai sekarang ini, adalah satu lagu yang evergreen dan telah diterjemahkan ke dalam lebih daripada 20 bahasa. Menurut Guinness World Records, lagu ini merupakan lagu yang paling popular dalam bahasa Inggeris.

Selepas itu, bila salah seorang daripada muridnya tiba hari lahir, Patty Smith Hill yakni adik kepada Mildred usulkan idea untuk menukar lirik lagi tadi tetapi dengan melodi yang sama kepada Happy Birthday to You. Lantas, barulah lagu ini menjadi popular.

Bila populariti lagu ini sudah berkembang, Mildred dan adiknya Patty pernah menuntut penggunaan lagu ini yang tidak berlesen, bahkan terhadap komposer dan penulis drama Irving Berlin dan Moss Hart, yang pernah menggunakan lagu itu di dalam muzikal Broadway, The Band Wagon.

Lama selepas itu, pada tahun 1988, Warner Music menjadi pemilik kepada lagu tersebut dan dikhabarkan mendapat royalti tahunan sebanyak 2 juta USD. Atas dasar penghormatan terhadap pemilik asal lagu ini, melalui Hill Foundation mereka menyumbangkan wang kepada anak saudara mereka, Archibald, kerana Patty telah meninggal dunia pada tahun 1946.

Suasana haru penuh suka cita terlihat jelas di rona wajah para penjemput. JR yang didampingi Ny. Susi Rettob ketika tiba di pelataran terminal langsung disambut dengan lagu Happy Birthday To You. 2351a5e196

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