Educator Portal is a dynamic, web-based tool for managing student data, accessibility needs, test assignments, and score reporting. Our system is designed to support the management of K-12, vocational, higher education, and professional level assessments.

Combine Mini-Tests to build larger tests that support formative assessment or copy a shared test that has already been compiled by colleagues from across the district. Once banked, tests can be assigned to a reusable grouping of select students, an entire grade and subject, or a specific roster.

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Educator Portal gives you the tools to view, manipulate, and extract the data you need. Test information such as enrollment data, test status, student scores. and much more is securely retrieved based on a user's access level. The applicable utility and detailed quality of each extract was developed with crucial input from educators across the country. Numerous extracts can even be modified and re-uploaded, allowing users to create and manage data for their entire organization.

Student Portal offers clean, secure, intuitive, and student-focused testing interface that supports engaging media and graphics, customized accessibility features, and selectable testing tools. Our testing platform delivers nearly 5,000,000 test sessions each year to students across all 50 US states, its territories, and Canada. During peak test times, up to 30,000 students test concurrently. Kite Student Portal is load tested to support over 200,000. Kite assessments can be completed on a desktop, laptop, iPad, or Chromebook.

Use the navigation bar in Student Portal to quickly jump to any question. Flagging a question for further review changes colors in the nav, making it easy to see which items need to be revisited. An adjustable layout allows users to customize their view to improve the quality of their interactive experience with three different display options: passage only, questions only, or passage and questions. In a split screen layout, students see the stimulus and questions together on the same screen. Use the slider bar to adjust the size ratio between the different views to choose the layout that is right for you.

Explore new ways of engaging students with Kite's interactive simulation designs. Virtual labs allow students to conduct experiments to find solutions. Operate simple machines, submit code, conduct science experiments, and more. 

Embed your own simulations, choose an existing simulation from our continuously growing catalog, or work with our team of developers to see your ideas come to life.

Built with accessibility in mind, Kite Student Portal adapts to each individual's needs. A large array of tools such as magnification, color overlay, calculators, highlighters, and reference materials are available to students directly within the platform. Other tools such as auditory calming, sign language options, and read aloud using a text-to-speech tool can be enabled through a student's PNP profile in Kite Educator Portal.

The Kite team at ATS recognized the importance for school districts to effectively communicate student progress with parents and guardians. In order to help districts meet this demand, we worked directly with educators and school district staff to develop Kite Parent Portal, an online platform for parents to view their child's current and historical Kite assessment reports anytime and anywhere.

Distance Learning Software: Listed in the document are websites that students and teachers will need to access for Distance Learning activities. Sites that require a login to complete activities will have their own guide with their respective course below.

PLTW Distance Learning Network Allow List

Kite Educator Portal is the administrative application where district staff and educators manage student data, assign optional instructionally embedded assessments, access resources needed for each assigned testlet, and retrieve reports.

Kite Student Portal is the platform that allows students to log in and complete assigned testlets.Practice activities and released testlets are also available to students and test administrators through Kite Student Portal (see Chapter 3 of this manual for more information).Kite Student Portal prevents students from accessing unauthorized content or software while taking assessments.Kite Student Portal is supported on devices running Windows or macOS (OSX), on Chromebooks, and on iPads.

Kite Student Portal provides students with a simple, web-based interface with student-friendly and intuitive graphics.The student interface used to administer the DLM assessments was designed specifically for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities.It maximizes space available to display content, decreases space devoted to tool-activation buttons (i.e., read aloud), and minimizes the cognitive load related to test navigation and response entry.An example of a screen used in an ELA testlet is shown in Figure 4.1.The blue BACK and green NEXT buttons are used to navigate between screens.The octagonal EXIT DOES NOT SAVE button allows the user to exit the testlet without recording any responses.The READ button plays an audio file of synthetic speech for the content on screen.Synthetic read aloud is the only accessibility feature with a tool directly enabled through each screen in the testlet.Further information regarding accessibility is provided in section 4.1.3 of this chapter.

During DLM assessment administration, schools with unreliable network connections have the option to use the Local Caching Server (LCS).The LCS is a specially configured machine that resides on the local network and communicates between the testing machines at the testing location and the main testing servers for the DLM System.The LCS stores testing data from Kite Student Portal in an internal database; if the upstream network connection becomes unreliable or variable during testing, students can still continue testing, and their responses are transmitted to the Kite servers as bandwidth allows.The LCS submits and receives data to and from the DLM servers while the students are taking tests.The LCS must be connected to the internet between testlets to deliver the next testlet correctly.

The DLM System includes testlets designed to be delivered via computer directly to the student and testlets designed for the test administrator to administer outside the system and record responses in the system.The majority of testlets were developed for the computer-delivered mode because evidence suggested the majority of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities are able to interact directly with the computer or are able to access the content of the assessment on the computer with navigation assistance from a test administrator (Nash et al., 2016).Educator-administered testlets include all testlets at the Initial Precursor linkage level, some higher linkage level mathematics testlets requiring manipulatives, some alternate forms for students who are blind or who have visual impairments, and all writing testlets.A brief overview of the two types of testlets is included in the following sections.See Chapter 3 of this manual for a complete description of DLM testlets.

Most DLM alternate assessments are delivered directly to students by computer through the Kite Suite.Computer-delivered assessments were designed so students can interact independently with the computer, using special assistive technology devices such as alternate keyboards, touch screens, or switches as necessary.

Some testlets were designed to be administered directly by the test administrator outside the Kite Suite.The Kite Suite delivers the testlet, but the test administrator is responsible for setting up the assessment, delivering it to the student, and recording student responses in Kite.

Online supports include magnification, invert color choice, color contrast, and overlay color.Educators can test these options in advance to make sure they are compatible and provide the best access for students.Test administrators can adjust the PNP-driven accessibility during the assessment, and the selected options are then available the next time the student logs in to Kite Student Portal.

To help make decisions about additional supports for computer-delivered testlets, test administrators receive training to follow two general principles.First, students are expected to respond to the content of the assessment independently.No matter which additional supports IEP teams and test administrators selected, all should be chosen with the primary goal of student independence at the forefront.Even if more supports are needed to provide physical access to the computer-based system, students should be able to interact with the assessment content and use their normal response modes to indicate a selection for each item.Second, test administrators are to ensure that students are familiar with the chosen supports.Ideally, any supports used during assessment are also used consistently during routine instruction.Students who have never received a support prior to the testing day are unlikely to know how to make the best use of the support.

As briefly described in Chapter 1, the DLM assessment system has two available models.This manual describes the Year-End assessment model.Consistent with the DLM Theory of Action described in Chapter 1, the DLM assessment administration features reflect multidimensional, non-linear, and diverse ways that students learn and demonstrate their learning.Test administration procedures therefore use multiple sources of information to assign testlets, including student characteristics, prior performance, and educator judgment.

In the Year-End model, the DLM System is designed to assess student learning at the end of the year. All testlets are administered in the spring assessment window; however, optional instructionally embedded testlets are available throughout the fall and winter. The instructionally embedded assessments, if administered, do not contribute to summative scoring. This assessment model yields summative results based only on testlets completed during the spring assessment window. ff782bc1db

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