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Turning to Walker's zone, MacArthur alerted the 187th Airborne RCT which hadgone into GHQ Reserve around Kimp'o Airfield, for an airdrop across the two mainarterial routes north of P'yongyang near the towns of Sukch'on and Sunch'on. Hedirected the 187th to be ready to drop on 21 October to stop enemy withdrawalsto the north, to cut off enemy reinforcements, and to disrupt enemycommunications. He hoped, also, to capture important North Korean officials andto rescue U.N. POW's before the enemy could move them northward. MacArthurapparently still believed that the X Corps would be operating ashore within afew days. For he directed that when the corps had landed and driven west toestablish contact with the 187th north of P'yongyang, General Almond was toassume operational control of the airborne unit. The commanding general, FarEast Air Forces, became responsible for lifting the 187th and for furnishing

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Several logistic actions taken within the Far East Command indicate that theDepartment of the Army officials were not alone in foreseeing an early end tothe fighting. On 22 October, General Walker requested authority from GeneralMacArthur to divert to Japan all bulk-loaded ammunition ships arriving in Koreaafter 20 October. Ammunition already in Korea, Walker believed, could take careof the North Koreans and still leave a balance for post-hostilitiesrequirements. MacArthur granted this request and ordered Japan LogisticalCommand to take the necessary actions. In the same vein General Weible,commander of Japan Logistical Command, asked MacArthur to authorize the returnto the United States of six ships loaded with 105-mm. and 155-mm. artilleryammunition and aerial bombs. Both General MacArthur and General Stratemeyeragreed that this ammunition was in excess of the needs of the Korean theater inview of the existing tactical situation. MacArthur, on the other hand, felt itwould be highly desirable to have a reserve stock of ammunition placed at Hawaiifor use in the event of another emergency and asked the Department of the Armyat least to consider diverting these ammunition ships to Hawaii before orderingthem back to the United

Well, not among the undervotes. Now, we still believe that if you look at overvotes, that we are going to see a disproportionate number of overvotes among precincts that are largely minority African American precincts. But among the undervotes, it seems to me that the message there is not one of ethnic disenfranchisement or age disenfranchisement or any of those kinds of things. It's really a function of the machines not allowing voters who tried to vote to make the correct mark on their ballots. e24fc04721

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