Sub still goes to 60, i was just wondering if MoP remix was a exception, with it being a time limited event. Sub will increase to 70 when WWI goes live, so one could make the asumption that players without DF could play to 70 during the event, and just have their character locked untill they either buy DF or WWI goes live. But i dont know, and cant find any specifics about it, thats why im asking.

No expansion purchase is needed, but a World of Warcraft Subscription or Game Time is required to begin this fast-paced adventure through Pandaria. This means that Classic players can also participate in a plethora of pandamonium by simply installing the modern (live) World of Warcraft client.

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Also the difference with this and Plunderstorm is you get to play in the WoW game and keep the character. Plunderstorm really was another game mode and could be made into an entirely separate franchise.

This only started happening when past unobtainable and really hard to get mounts became triviliased. Today nobody cares because they know they can just open a thread and cry and blizzard will toss over a hanky and the mount with a gentle pat on the head.

This behavior from blizzard made me stop even trying anymore as now I know sooner or later it will get served to me on silver dish with a smile. I just need the community to cry about it on my behalf.

And how does this impact you in any way ?

All we want is a way to play retail slower / and be harder .

You want to rush , do Mythic + and sit in your mount in valdrken , go for it . How does other people getting a way to enjoy the game affect you ?

All they need to do for this event is add a second cloak with reduced experience .

When requesting a song on my Pandora Premium account via Android Auto (e.g. "Play Thriller") for many songs Pandora will not play the studio version of the song. Using the "Thriller" example, the track played is a marching band cover of the song - not at all what I wanted. The studio version exists in the library as it will play as part of another playlist or station. How can I specify that I want the studio album version, not a live version, remix, or cover? This happens on a large percentage of songs I request and is quite annoying in the car when it isn't possible to get the song I want. This may occur via other VPA devices, I haven't tried it.

I searched and came here with the same issue. Every time I ask Google to play a song via Android Auto, Pandora plays some weird remix or live version and almost never plays the original version of the song I asked for. At first it was annoying, now it's infuriating.

I have this problem across all voice assistant platforms: Sonos, Google, Alexa, Android Auto. Example songs "Play Willie Nelson On The Road Again" plays Waylon Jennings & Willie Nelson live version, "Play Passenger by Iggy Pop" plays a live version, basically any Elton John, and any Reggae will always trigger a live version. This is just in the last 45 minutes. You can't reproduce this issue?

This happens at the drop of a hat. I quite legitimately do not believe your team was unable to reproduce this error - your system has a message for this explaining that "sometimes some songs aren't available on this platform."

Let me assure you, there are minimal people who want live versions of songs they are thinking of, and having it as an option sounds like absolute nonsense. Chicago's 25 or 6 to 4 for example, will quite always come up with live version, and never naturally comes up if you just look up Chicago - I can give you a list of 10 to 15 other artists that this same thing happens with if that type of data would help, but I do not believe for a second that any rigorous testing was done if you say it couldn't be replicated.

I have this same issue. If I wanted to listen to a live version of a song. I will go see the band in concert. This needs to be fixed. I highly doubt that this issue was unable to be reproduced. It happens so frequently it's so frustrating. To the point I'm looking at other services.

Another unhappy customer. Android Auto is constantly playing live versions, a b side version, or even a cover of a song that I've requested by voice through android auto to play on pandora. I have to take my eyes off the road, manually go back in and click on the search where it immediately shows the studio version of the song I requested and select it to get my request to play. Not only is this annoying, but it's a safety hazard.

Join Lina Mahrouch, a software engineer, discussing her journey from professional gaming to web development and her expertise in using Remix for full-stack applications, highlighting its benefits and the importance of networking at conferences like the upcoming Epic WebConf.

Lina Mahrouch, a software engineer, recounts her transition from professional gaming to web development and her subsequent mastery of Remix for full-stack applications. The podcast highlights Remix's strengths in data handling, caching, and SEO, while also pointing out common pitfalls in its use. Kent and Lina stress the importance of networking in career advancement, particularly through conferences like the upcoming Epic WebConf. Discussions also touch on the exciting potential of AI in web development and the enduring value of personal interactions in the tech industry.

Kent: Hello everybody. I am super, super excited to, actually this is my first time meeting Lena virtually and I'm super excited to meet Lena in person on April 11th for Epic WebConf. And Lena, I'd love it if you could introduce yourself to the folks watching so that they get to know you a little bit before the conference.

Lina: Yeah sure, hello my name is Nina and I'm a software engineer currently working at Bell and Sinesia. So when I'm not working I usually play video games, work on side projects that I post on Twitter, or I also enjoy playing tennis and soccer with my friends. By the way, I used to be a professional ballon player, but I just decided to take a break this year since I have a lot of things going on. Like building really exciting projects using remakes and at other conferences.

Kent: Uh, cool. Well, that's fun. Yeah, I only recently got back into video games. I was really big as a teenager and then started playing a little bit more when Tears of the Kingdom was coming out and I said, I kind of would like to get back into Legend of Zelda stuff. And so I replayed Ocarina of Time on the Switch and that was a throwback. And then played Breath of the Wild and then Tears of the Kingdom. So I am definitely a Legend of Zelda and that's as far as my video games go these days. But yeah, that's cool. That's fun that you actually, as I have been perusing your social media and stuff to get to know you a little bit before this call, it's very much a part of your personality and who you are and what you enjoy doing. So that's a lot of fun.

Lina: Well, I'm using Remix for building full stack applications. I used to work in a fintech environment, like in a fintech company. Like it was a banking company, as a bank. So I was using Remix for making full stack application, building really interesting products for intelligence purposes.

Lina: Yeah, so I'm gonna be like doing a little story about how I found out like about remix. So I thought about remix two years ago I was scrolling down youtube and I found out Fireship the youtuber talking about remix So I found out that it was really interesting. So I wanted to learn more about it and I had Um, I had to go and read the documentation. I was really flabbergasted by the amount of information I had to learn from the documentation I wanted to know more about it, but I find a lot of resources of tutorials. So I found Egghead Training I guess. It's Egghead, right? Yes,

Lina: and I had to subscribe and just learn about remix and that's where I found a lot of interesting things about it and how to build full stack application, how it's following web standards, and it's really incredible like the things I've been building from like one year and a half though. So

Lina: that's why I've decided to while I was making projects and side projects and posted them on ex-Twitter. I found a lot of misunderstanding about things that we use in remakes. So that's why I have decided to do this talk. So it's going to be about... It's going to be a beginner to intermediate to expert level.

Lina: So it's going to be about how to utilize wrapped loaders, actions, auto-revalidation, data loading, caching, SEO optimization, etc. So I'm just going to be giving tips and sharing some real life projects that I've made and that's all.

Kent: Awesome. Well, good. I'm looking forward to seeing your talk and the examples that you share and stuff. I think Remix has definitely reached that point where the team can't manage making sure everybody understands how things were intended to be used and people are abusing things. And basically, Remix is hitting the real world. And so. it's very helpful to have people come in and say, here's some common mistakes that people are making and things that you can do to improve your Remix apps. Very cool. So while we're at the conference, we actually spend a lot of time not in the talks. So we have extended breaks so that people will be able to talk with the speakers and with each other and things. And so I'm sure there are people who are going to want to come and meet you. and chat with you. So what are some of the things that you would love to chat with people about?

Lina: Well, first of all, you just talked about the conference. I want to say something that I really believe in is that I want to share how valuable Meetups and conferences can be because my first job I got there from attending two conferences. The first one was Google Developer Conference. And I landed my first job because I was a speaker there, even though it didn't went great. But I got a lot of job offers after it. So it's really important if you like trying to network with other people, meet others. other talented speakers so that's really great and I'm really looking forward to be there. 152ee80cbc

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