The Indoraptor is very similar in appearance to the Indominus rex, but his body length is about half of that of his predecessor. He sports talons that are similar to those of a Velociraptor, and his color is primarily black with a golden-yellow streak running from the base of the neck to his tail, which bears strong resemblance to Blue's metallic blue streak. Like the Indominus rex, the Indoraptor possesses hands with four fingers, an opposable thumb and three main digits. The shape of his head bears a resemblance to that of a Tyrannosaurus rex, and he has a sprinkled red mark around his eye orbit. The skin around the Indoraptor's mouth is flaky and peeling away in some areas and is also sickly-looking, with ragged teeth similar to those of the Indominus rex. His head also bears two crests above his eyes, similar to that of an Allosaurus, although a little smaller. He is typically shown walking in a quadrupedal stance, though he can stand, walk, and run bipedally on occasion, which gives him an intimidating look that towers over his prey.

The Indoraptor, like its predecessor, the Indominus rex, exhibited cunning and sadistic behavioral traits. It derived pleasure not only from hunting for sustenance but also from engaging in playful torment of its prey before delivering the final lethal blow. However, a significant distinction can be drawn between the two creatures in terms of their underlying motivations. While the Indominus rex may have acted out of neglected circumstances and formed limited positive relationships, the Indoraptor endured explicit mistreatment throughout its life, aimed at intensifying its predatory instincts. This suggests that the Indoraptor's inclination to kill may have been a result of deliberate conditioning rather than mere sporting behavior.

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In season three episodes, "Whatever it Takes" and "Stay on Mission" Dr. Wu returns to the island to retrieve his laptop filled with the information to create the Indoraptor, along with a sample from the Indominus rex to start the process.

While having a conversation with Brooklynn, she mentions how his creations are monsters because they are dangerous and his lack of empathy for their victims. This could have been the motivation to use Blue's genome to perfect the Indoraptor.

The Indoraptor was created in a hidden laboratory in the Lockwood Manor by Dr. Henry Wu. He was a prototype as Wu was waiting to obtain Blue's blood to finalize the genome of the creature, and breed a more streamlined version of him. He was created as a weapon and was shown to attack on command through visual and audio frequency, which drove him into a frenzied state. This usage would be seen again in Jurassic World: Dominion, with the four Atrociraptors.

However, due to being a prototype, he lacked any of the positive characteristics Wu wanted to create in him: He lacked an ability to follow orders other than his conditioning to visual and audio cues, and lacked any of the positive personality traits seen in Blue, such as her ability to show empathy and bond with a trainer or handler. As such, Blue was a required part of the finalized Indoraptor design, as she was needed to act not only as the DNA source, but also as the mother figure for the next generation of The Indoraptor's to imprint on and learn positive behavior from.

When Maisie Lockwood snuck into the laboratory sub-level where Dr. Wu and Eli Mills were conversing over the Indoraptor's faults, Maisie hid in a darkened hallway near the Indoraptor's cage, unknowingly getting too close with her back to the hybrid's enclosure. She did not see the Indoraptor reach out to try and grab her, and was only alerted when one of his claws brushed her ponytail, causing her to run away screaming in panic, leading to her being caught and confined to her room by Mills.

The Indoraptor was the last dinosaur presented during the Lockwood Manor Auction. He was introduced to a crowd of wealthy people who came from all over the world to buy the dinosaurs who were evacuated from Isla Nublar, and was described by Gunnar Eversoll as being a creature of the future made from pieces of the past, and a perfect blend of the two most dangerous creatures to have ever walked the Earth. Eversoll explained that the Indoraptor was created by Henry Wu and had an intelligence quotient comparable to that of a Velociraptor and that its characteristics included having a heightened sense of smell and was trained to respond to a pulse-coded laser targeting system that would enable it to track and kill prey in complex environments. This targeting system was demonstrated on one of the bidders, causing the Indoraptor to fruitlessly attempt to attack the bidder from his cage. The audience started bidding tremendous amounts of money on the hybrid dinosaur, and despite Eversoll stating that the Indoraptor was only in his prototype stage and was not yet for sale, he eventually changed his mind when one the bidders in the audience bidded 24 million dollars. As a result, Eversoll accepted bids at the behest of Mills, with Russian mobster Anton Orlov winning the bid. Wu rushed over to Eversoll and Milis and protested about them selling the Indoraptor as he was only a prototype, but Millis ensured to Wu that selling the dinosaur was okay as they eventually create more Indoraptors. Owen Grady then showed up with a Stygimoloch and together they caused havoc and managed to chase away the bidders to stop the auction, while Owen and the Indoraptor shared a close glance at each another.

After the failed auction, only Ken Wheatley was left who witnessed the Indoraptor and attempted to sedate the dinosaur by shooting him twice with tranquilizer darts, causing him to fall over, seemingly incapacitated. Wheatley then entered his cage with the plan of taking one of his teeth for his collection. Unbeknownst to him, the Indoraptor was actually pretending to be tranquilized, and remained motionless for a brief time as Wheatley tried to remove one of the Indoraptor's teeth with a pincer. He then proceeded to bite Wheatley's arm and lifted him up the air, and then bit his arm off and ate it. He slowly approached the terrified Wheatley and let out a loud roar before mauling him to death. Gunnar Eversoll, who was still hiding from the Stygimoloch's that attacked him and the bidders from the auction, witnessed the Indoraptor killing Wheatley and quietly ran to a nearby elevator to hide from the super hybrid dinosaur. He saw three attendees from the auction who were also hiding from the Indoraptor and pushed aside one of them to close the elevator's doors. The woman who was pushed aside by Eversoll screamed in horror upon seeing the Indoraptor, which attracted the rogue dinosaur's attention. He escaped his cage and rushed towards Eversoll and the other people in the elevator in hopes of killing them, but the elevators doors closed before he could enter, causing Eversoll to sigh out of relief. However, the Indoraptor unintentionally smacked his tail on the elevator's control panel, causing the elevator's doors to open again. The Indoraptor entered the elevator and roared at Eversoll before killing him and the other attendees off-screen.

Moments later, the Indoraptor suddenly attacked and killed two of Mills' guards, much to the horror of Mills, Claire Dearing, Owen Grady, and Maisie Lockwood. As Mills leaves in one direction, Owen, Claire and Maisie escaped and tried to take refuge on the main floor of the Lockwood Manor and noticed a human corpse near the skeleton of a Agujaceratops dinosaur. Suddenly, the corpse was dragged away by a creature on the other side of the ceratopsian dinosaur's skeleton, leading them to realize that the Indoraptor was nearby. The Indoraptor climbed on top of the dinosaur skeleton's skull and didn't notice Owen, Claire, and Maisie hiding underneath him until a nearby walkie-talkie went off. He jumped off the fossilized skeleton and pursued the three humans, and tried to reach them up a spiraling staircase before the three escape into a power supply room, where Owen turned off the entire mansion's power supply. The Indoraptor pursued Maisie as she ran towards her bedroom. He then climbed into her room through the window and was about to snatch her from her bed when Owen shows up, armed with a gun he'd taken from a dead mercenary. He fired three rounds at the dinosaur but it doesn't do much, bar stunning him for a brief time. As he approached Owen, ready to attack, Blue arrived and assaulted him, keeping him occupied while Owen and Maisie escaped through the window.

The Indoraptor pushed Blue out the window, with the two being separated from their fight, before cornering Owen and Maisie on the roof. Claire arrived behind it and pointed the laser gun at Owen, prompting him to attack, in an attempt to get him to fall through weakened glass. He nearly fell through the glass roof, but managed to haul himself back up and recovered.

The Indoraptor then moves to lunge towards Owen when Blue arrives once more and resumed her attack, with both tumbling through the glass in a deadlock grapple. Once they landed, the Indoraptor gets impaled by the brow horns of a Agujaceratops skull[7] and perished within seconds. Blue sprints away, triumphant, with the body of the hybrid being left behind on the ceratopsian skull. 152ee80cbc

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