This method executes the code under test.You use an assert method, provided by JUnit or another assert framework, to check an expected result versus the actual result.These method calls are typically called asserts or assert statements.

You should provide meaningful messages in assert statements.That makes it easier for the user to identify and fix the problem.This is especially true if someone looks at the problem, who did not write the code under test or the test code.

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One possible convention is to use the "should" in the test method name.For example, "ordersShouldBeCreated" or "menuShouldGetActive".This gives a hint what should happen if the test method is executed.

JUnit uses annotations to mark methods as test methods and to configure them.The following table gives an overview of the most important annotations in JUnit for the 4.x and 5.x versions.All these annotations can be used on methods.

JUnit provides static methods to test for certain conditions via the Assert class.These assert statements typically start with assert.They allow you to specify the error message, the expected and the actual result.An assertion method compares the actual value returned by a test to the expected value.It throws an AssertionException if the comparison fails.

If you have several test classes, you can combine them into a test suite.Running a test suite executes all test classes in that suite in the specified order.A test suite can also contain other test suites.

The following example code demonstrates the usage of a test suite.It contains two test classes (MyClassTest and MySecondClassTest).If you want to add another test class, you can add it to the @Suite.SuiteClasses statement.

The @Ignore annotation allow to statically ignore a test.Alternatively you can use Assume.assumeFalse or Assume.assumeTrue to define a condition for the test.Assume.assumeFalse marks the test as invalid, if its condition evaluates to true.Assume.assumeTrue evaluates the test as invalid if its condition evaluates to false.For example, the following disables a test on Linux:

Such a test class must contain a static method annotated with the @Parameters annotation.That method generates and returns a collection of arrays.Each item in this collection is used as parameter for the test method.

Alternatively to using the @Parameter annotation you can use a constructor in which you store the values for each test.The number of elements in each arrayprovided bythemethod annotated with@Parametersmustcorrespond to the number of parameters in theconstructor of theclass.The class is created for each parameter andthe testvalues arepassedvia the constructor to the class.

Via JUnit rules you can add behavior to each tests in a test class.You can annotate fields of type TestRule with the @Rule annotation.You can create objects which can be used and configured in your test methods.This adds more flexibility to your tests.You could, for example, specify which exception message you expect during the execution of your test code.

To write your custom rule, you need to implement the TestRule interface.This interface defines the apply(Statement, Description) method which must return an instance of Statement.Statement represent the tests within the JUnit runtime and Statement#evaluate() run these.Description describes the individual test.It allows to read information about the test via reflection.

JUnit assert statements are typically defined as public static to allow the developer to write short test statements.The following snippet demonstrates an assert statement with and without static imports.

Create a new project called com.vogella.junit.first.Create a new source folder test.For this right-click on your project, select Properties and choose Java  Build Path.Select the Source tab.

This task runs tests from the JUnit testing framework. The latest version of the framework can befound at This task has been testedwith JUnit 3.0 up to JUnit 3.8.2; it won't work with versions prior to JUnit 3.0. It also works withJUnit 4.x, including "pure" JUnit 4 tests using only annotations andno JUnit4TestAdapter.

By using the errorproperty and failureproperty attributes, it is possibleto perform setup work (such as starting an external server), execute the test, clean up, and stillfail the build in the event of a failure.

The filtertrace attribute condenses error and failure stack traces before reportingthem. It works with both the plain and XML formatters. It filters out any lines that begin withthe following string patterns:

Use nested elements to specify system properties required by theclass. These properties will be made available to JVM during the execution of the test (either Ant'sJVM or the forked JVM, if fork=true). The attributes for this element are thesame as for environment variables.

The results of the tests can be printed in different formats. Output will always be sent to afile, unless you set the usefile attribute to false. The name of the file isdetermined by the name of the test and can be set by the outfile attributeof .

The fourth formatter named failure (since Ant 1.8.0) collects allfailing testXXX() methods and creates anew TestCase which delegates only these failing methods. The name and thelocation can be specified via Java system property or Antproperty ant.junit.failureCollector. The value has to point to the directory and thename of the resulting class (without suffix). It defaultsto java-tmp-dir/FailedTests.

If a forked test runs into a timeout, Ant will terminate the JVM process it has created, whichprobably means the test's tearDown() method will never be called. Thesame is true if the forked JVM crashes for some other reason.

Since Ant 1.8.0, a special formatter is distributed with Ant that tries to load thetestcase that was in the forked JVM and invoke that class' tearDown()method. This formatter has the following limitations:

Since Ant 1.8.2 the enableTestListenerEvents attribute of the task controlswhether fine grained logging messages will be sent to the task's verbose log. In addition to thisattribute Ant will consult the property ant.junit.enabletestlistenerevents and thevalue of the property overrides the setting of the attribute.

Run the test defined in my.test.TestCase in a separate JVM. At the end of the test,a one-line summary will be printed. A detailed report of the test can be foundin TEST-my.test.TestCase.txt. The build process will be stopped if the test fails.

Run my.test.TestCase in the same JVM, ignoring the given CLASSPATH;only a warning is printed if this test fails. In addition to the plain text test results, for thistest a XML result will be output to result.xml. Then, for each matching file in thedirectory defined for ${src.tests}, a test is run in a separate JVM. If a test fails,the build process is aborted. Results are collected in filesnamed TEST-name.txt and writtento ${reports.tests}.

On the first run, all tests are collected via the element. Its plain formatter shows the output on the console. The failureformatter creates a Java source file in ${build.dir}/failingTests/FailedTests.javawhich extends junit.framework.TestCase and returns froma suite() method a test suite for the failing tests.

On a second runthe collector class exists and instead of the thesingle will run. So only the failing test cases are re-run. The twonested formatters are for displaying (for the user) and for updating the collector class.

Run my.test.TestCase as a white-box test in the forked JVM given bythe property. The JUnit library is a part of an unnamed module while thetested project and required modules are on the module path. The tests do not have module-info fileand are executed in the project module given by module.nameproperty.

The --patch-module Java option executes the tests builtinto ${build.test.classes} in a module given by module.nameproperty.

The --add-modules Java option enables the testedmodule.

The --add-reads Java option makes the unnamed module containing JUnitreadable by tested module.

The --add-exports Java option makes the non-exported testpackage my.test accessible from the unnamed module containing JUnit.

Run my.test.TestCase as a black-box test in the forked JVM given bythe property. The JUnit library is used as an automatic module. Thetests' module-info requires the tested module and JUnit.

The --add-modules Javaoption enables the test module.

The --add-exports Java option makes the non-exportedtest package my.test accessible from the JUnit module and Ant's test runner. Anotherpossibility is to export the test package in the tests' module-info by exports my.testdirective.

Am trying to run JUnit test in Intellij but it pops up exception with error message java: package org.junit does not exist. Have tried to import junit-4.12.jar library into my java class path but the same exception persists. Assistance needed!

In this tutorial you create simple JUnit 3 and JUnit 4 unit tests and test suites for a Java class library project. The first part of the tutorial shows how to create tests in JUnit 3. The second part shows how to create the same tests in JUnit 4 using JUnit annotations. It is not necessary to complete both parts of the tutorial because the tests are the same, but seeing how the tests are written in both versions enables you to see some of the changes introduced in JUnit 4.

To complete this tutorial you first create a Java class library project called JUnit-Sample. After you create the project, you copy two classes from the sample project JUnitSampleSol to your project JUnit-Sample.

If you look at the source code for the classes, you can see that has three methods ( computeFactorial , concatWords , and normalizeWord ) and that has two methods ( equal and scalarMultiplication ). The next step is to create test classes for each class and write some test cases for the methods.

In this part of the tutorial you create basic JUnit 3 unit tests for the classes and . You will use the IDE to create skeleton test classes that are based on the classes in your project. You will then modify the generated test methods and add new test methods. 152ee80cbc

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