This is leaving me throughly flummoxxed and uncertain on how to proceed. I'm using powershell programmatically to create valid JSON and then trying to insert valid JSON into snowflake using INSERT INTO ()...SELECT ...

Is this expected? (obviously I find it unexpected :-) ). What is the recommendation here? (Should I search my json-stored-as-a-string in powershell for " and replace it with \" before sending it on to snowflake? That feels really hacky, though?)

Download Json From Snowflake


The answer is very common to many computer environment, and that is the environment is reading you input, and it acts on some of it, thus the here the SQL parser is reading your SQL and it see the single \ in the valid json and thinks you are starting an escape sequence and then complains about comma's being in the wrong place.

So how should to "INSERT JSON in snowflake" one general answer is not via INSERT commands if it's high volumne. Or if you don't want to make the string parser safe you can BASE64 encode the data (in powershell) and insert base64_decode(awesomestring)

Replacing \ with \\ before sending it to snowflake might work, although when I've run into these types of issues I find it's often accompanied by other encryption/parsing errors. I find it's usually more appropriate to change the approach and have snowflake parse a file that has JSON, for example. Then you don't have the extra round of escaping characters going on. That's a bigger change to your process though.

When our founders started out from scratch to build a data warehouse for the cloud, they wanted a solution that could combine all your data in one place without the need to resort to using multiple platforms or programming paradigms. As a result, combining structured and semi-structured in one place and making it available through standard ANSI SQL is a strong feature of the Snowflake service and extensively used by our customers.

The main table which stores the Twitter JSON data,, has two columns: tweet and created_at. The column Tweet is defined as a VARIANT type and holds the JSON from a Twitter feed, while created_at is a relational column with a data type of TIMESTAMP_NTZ (NTZ = no time zone).

Want to find out more? Ask us for a demo or Check out the presentation by Grega Kaspret (@gregakespret) from Celtra Mobile at Strata Hadoop World (San Jose) this week, talking about simplifying a JSON data pipeline using Snowflake. And follow our Twitter feeds: (@SnowflakeDB), (@kentgraziano), and (@cloudsommelier) for more Top 10 Cool Things About Snowflake and updates on all the action at Snowflake Computing.

which only works if the json_table has just one row, otherwise I receive the Single-row subquery returns more than one row.error. Given that there can be multiple jsons inserted into a table at pretty much the same moment, is there a way to make this work for multi-row situations?

What I want to be happening is each row gets parsed (which was possible with just one row and table(flatten(select raw_data from json_table)) so that each object gets a row assigned to it. Having said that, the target view should look like this:

I got my source data xml into snowflake stage tables. It's a quite a complex xml document data for each record in the table. I got some of the elements using flatten but 3-4 nested xml returning as null. Is there a way I can convert them into json within snowflake. Can someone throw some help.

I would like to have instead of one column, two columns, being the first one the JSON file and the second one the load_date which would come from the pipeline activity date. 

With parquet files I had some issues.

But as a workaround I would recommend giving a try by adding an additional column to your source section and do a mapping and see if the copy work. 

Sorry I wasn't able to test this as I don't have a snowflake instance, but you can simply create an additional column in your copy activity source and add mapping and see how it goes.

This is incredible technology. The standard protocols for working with JSON up to this point have included building new tables and transforming the data with complex SQL statements, sometimes using entirely different tools from your database. All of this effort in the past was required to even get the data to a usable state.

If you enjoyed this blog post, I invite you to follow the series! I am going to be putting new content about Snowflake out every one-two weeks. These posts will cover topics from concurrency testing all the way down to connecting Snowflake to an IDE of your choice. If you have any more questions about working with JSON in Snowflake, please feel free to reach out to me directly.

Snowflake supports loading semi structured data like JSON in database tables. Once the data is loaded from stage into a database table, Snowflake has an excellent functionality for directly querying semi-structured data along with flattening it into a columnar structure.

COPY command in Snowflake helps in loading data from staged files to an existing table. Load the data from a JSON file in internal stage to Authors database table using the MY_JSON_FORMAT file format as shown below

The data from the Authors table can be queried directly as shown below. By using the STRIP_OUTER_ARRAY option, we were able remove this initial array [] and treat each object in the array as a row in Snowflake. Hence each author object loaded as a separate row.

Using the LATERAL FLATTEN function we can explode arrays into individual JSON objects. The input for the function is the array in the JSON structure that we want to flatten (In the example shown below, the array is Category). The flattened output is stored in a VALUE column. The individual elements from unpacked array can be accessed through the VALUE column as shown below.

Snowflake supports loading semi structured data files from external and internal stages into database tables. Once the data is loaded into the table, it is important to understand the data structure and identify the arrays to flatten which provides the required output. The transformed data can then be loaded into another database tables with proper field names and data types easily.

Ok, Time for Nested JSON of {TABLES:[{COLUMNS}]}

I struggled with this for a couple hours, then decided to ask SQL experts at Snowflake for some advice. Then the amazing architect Michael Rainey pointed me to his blog on Medium: -a-json-dataset-using-relational-data-in-snowflake-eaf3a94b7ffc This is where ARRAY_AGG() came into my life. We can feed the full list of columns for a Table into ARRAY_AGG(OBJECT_CONSTRUCT(*)).

Matillion uses the Extract-Load-Transform (ELT) approach to deliver quick results for a wide range of data processing purposes: everything from customer behaviour analytics, financial analysis, and even reducing the cost of synthesising DNA.

The S3 Load component in Matillion ETL for Snowflake presents an easy-to-use graphical interface, enabling you to pull data from a JSON file stored in an S3 Bucket into a table in a Snowflake database. The S3 Load component in Matillion ETL for Snowflake is a popular feature with our customers. The most noteworthy use case for the component is its ability to load data files into Snowflake that you can subsequently combine with external data sources for analysis and reporting. Please note, however, that Snowflake only supports the loading of a JSON file into a single column in a Snowflake table.

The S3 Object Prefix is the full file path to the S3 Objects that you want to load into Snowflake. You can use an object prefix to loop through the many files that you are going to load into Snowflake. First, select the file from the Properties box:

The next step in configuring the S3 Load component is for you to provide the Snowflake table. This is the table where you want the data in the S3 file is to be loaded into. This table should already exist on the Snowflake database and can be selected from the dropdown list:

To make the process a little easier, here is a sample JSON blob and SQL query to retrieve some data from nested JSON. Note the color-coding at each level of nesting, and how those attribute names are used in the query both for flattening and producing a final output.

Exploring the Json file in challenge 4 shows us several levels of keys and associated values. First key level is 'Era' and it has 2 values: 'Pre-Transition' and 'Post-Transition'. A second level comes with 'Houses', listing the different houses and finally another level with 'Monarchs', where most of our coulmns will come from.

I am using the SnowFlake connector and during the ingestion mapping step, I am using the "json_to_object" function to map it to the XDM fields that I have created and this is how it looks in the mapping step:

There may be additional segments if you are using your own account part of an organization. You can find those from the URL of your Snowflake account. Please check the Snowflake Documentation for additional details on this topic.

Once completed, click on Return to Dashboard in the upper left corner, to take a look at your dashboard. Once in the dashboard view, click on the + button to add additional graphs to the dashboard, by clicking on New Tile from Worksheet:

Sometimes you might want to only update a singular attribute of a JSON object. The following uses the Snowflake helper function OBJECT_INSERT to overwrite the JSON:nested.value attribute from 10 to 20.

During the Data School Snowflake project, we are asked to download London TFL bike rental data through an API from Alteryx connection, then load directly to a Snowflake server and transform within Snowflake environment. The aim is to demonstrate the transition from Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) to ELT mode. e24fc04721

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