I have a jQuery slider initialized and then dynamically set min max values depeding on the contents of a json-request. Steps av even 100, min a max are recalculated to even hundred, most of the case somewhere between 300 and 4800.

I realise this question is 5 years old but I just encountered a similar problem today. I had a short slider with many steps, it went from 0 to 1 with steps of 0.01. The slider handle would bump into the ends of the slider before hitting the outermost steps, so I could only go down to 0.02 and up to 0.98.

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and the slider only went as far as 149999.74. Of course, in my case the problem was that given the step 1 and a range that does not divide evenly into these steps, one of the end values could never be reached with a slider.

The slider widget will create handle elements with the class ui-slider-handle on initialization. You can specify custom handle elements by creating and appending the elements and adding the ui-slider-handle class before initialization. It will only create the number of handles needed to match the length of value/values. For example, if you specify values: [ 1, 5, 18 ] and create one custom handle, the plugin will create the other two.

The slider widget uses the jQuery UI CSS framework to style its look and feel. If slider specific styling is needed, the following CSS class names can be used for overrides or as keys for the classes option:

UPDATE 7/24/15: As I couldn't migrate the code and was having conflicting issues I changed the library totally. The quickest fix, for me was It still allowed me to retrieve values work with the same shortcoding the jquery did. I can't vouch for how light this is but for a temp fix on a clients site I can recommend.

The following code (example at: -design.com/aab/shop/category/new-in-whats-new/89) is giving me quite a pondering as I'm helping a client convert his site to responsive mode. The slider works as coded but on mobile devices the ranges only work by clicking the scale rail and not the bookends in order to define the range. I was about to just rip the code out totally but wanted to see if anyone knew of a quick fix for this issue.

It looks to me like there are issues with the page and scrolling. If I were you, I would disable page dragging (while still allowing scrolling) so that when users slide the slider they aren't dragging the page. The following piece of code requires you to use jQuery mobile:

Hi there,

is it possible to make a GF field a slider field (Jquery)? Meaning I set a value let's say from 1 to 100 and then the user just pushes a slider to the amount he wants. That amount then gets saved in the field on submission. Has anyone got experience with this? Does anybody know how to implement this?

I have seen a closed 3 post discussion on this on this forum. When will a slider field be standard with GF?

I haven't used jquery tools but I have tested the standard jquery ui slider in the past, once you have included the jquery ui script and css in your themes header add this code to the page your form is going to be on by inserting it above the gravity form short code, the other option would be to include it in a html block on the form itself. Add a number field to your form which will house your sliders value when the form is submitted, add a html block directly after the number field in this you can add a basic div and give it an id such as

Or else it could be that one of your revolution slider plugin may have corrupted. In that case, you can export your current sliders and take a backup, then try re-installing your revolution slider plugin.

jQRangeSlider is a powerful range slider plugin buitl with jquery for selecting value ranges, supporting dates and more. jQRangeSlider has been tested with iOS and Android that supports all the touch devices.

However, instead of using two text boxes I want to use a slider with two moveable parts. I found that jQuery UI has a nice slider that I could use so I've settled on that. I've gotten everything hashed out to the point that the slider shows up properly as does the table, but the slider has no effect on the table whatsoever. Here is the test version on DataTables live that I'm working with:

This is an experiment that simulates a motion blur effect every time a slide is switched. It takes advantage of SVG Gaussian Blur filter and some CSS keyframes animation. Although the effect does not require any JavaScript to properly work, in this example JavaScript is only used for the slider functionality.

A little slicey transition slider using a simple add class deal. Wanted to see if I could get this interaction butter smooth, with just css transitions, as oppose to a animation lib like Velocity or GSAP. Have to smooth out the timings a bit and decide on the best approach for mobile (just stack, add touch events, make images full viewport, etc. Supports scrollwheel (scroll jacking), nav buttons and arrow keys. Can also increase the content wrapper to make the images fill viewport in their non animating state, which is kinda cool as well.

I now have a 2.9 Development Environment, using Aardvark, and have made my own child theme. Modals, Accordians are all working well, however I want to be able to add a news slider on the front page for news articles, I gather with 2.9 this is supposed to be easier, ideally I would also make a settings page to add update images and text but not a necessity.

It is listed up to 2.7 but I know it works for 2.8 and I am sure it will work for 2.9. It is limited, but it may be easier to use it and tweak the css for your needs rather than install an entirely new slider.

Hi Richard, yes you are right in that you can add the HTML for the Carousel in the Moodle 2.9 version of Bootstrapbase themes providing they have jQuery enabled, because Bootstrapbase carries the jQuery functions that govern the Carousel slider.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with the slider, although the outcome I am after will, but what I am trying to figure out is that given Bootstrapbase has an amd/build/bootstrap.min.js file that is the minified version of adm/src/bootstrap.js where you can find the functions that governs the carousel slider, plus a heap of other plugins code.

So what I want to know is...and I think I have found what I am looking for, is a mechanism that links my theme with bootstrapbase, and allows my slider to access that bootstrapbase/amd/build/bootstrap.min.js that will make it work!

What is happening is that YUI is overwriting the ID for the slider, thus rendering it useless. Strangely enough this does not occur in the Site topic or in a HTML block, which both use the full Editor where you can add images and such, which you cannot do in the editor that you add to the settings page. What frustration this is causing! I can't understand why YUI is causing all this mayhem as I was under the impression that YUI had gone in Moodle2.9?

I gather the error is due to the script loading before jquery. I wondered whether I can change the behaviour another way or even change the default in bootstrap.js ? since im only going to be using one instance in the whole of moodle.

This must be a change between Bootstrap2 and Bootstrap 3 then. The carousel/slider I use in Flexibase is just the standard BS3 carousel (adapted for settings etc) with no changes to the basic functions or the javascript and that runs immediately (well a couple of seconds delay) with no clicks on anything.

Thanks for that Gareth, but what I am really saying is, why should a theme need to have all that extra backpack of spares? As far as I am concerned all these nice things like the carousel slider and tabs and all the other 'extras' that are shipped with bootstrap, should all work out of the box, but they don't, even when you add the correct markup.

The FlexSlider markup is simple and straightforward. First, start with a single containing element, in this example. Then, create a . It is important to use this class because the slider targets that class specifically. Put your images and anything else you desire into each  and you are ready to rock.

FlexSlider was built to serve up the best responsive jQuery slider around. I had built a few implementations of responsive sliders on different client projects and noticed that there was a glaring hole for plugin support with the concept. I wanted to build a plugin that would serve the newest of beginners, while providing seasoned developers a tool they could use with confidence. What has come forth is this, FlexSlider. I plan to maintain this plugin and provide support to users implementing FlexSlider into their sites. Responsive web design can be tricky, but I hope that FlexSlider serves to uncomplicate the process, just a little bit.

1.2.1 (2/3/2011): Changed caption styles to not break on different sized sliders and added documentation in here about positioning other than relative. Also fixed zip download for Windows.

For those who are in pursuit of the ultimate polish, we've made it easy to create a simple loading state for your slider. Anywhere in your CSS, just add the following declaration (just replace "featured" with your slider's ID, and use your own images' appropriate widths and heights):

Note: We need to apply the CSS to your unique slider ID because the plugin won't know the ID until after it loads. Adding this CSS will prevent seeing a flash of unstyled content before the plugin finishes loading. These styles are in the demo CSS in the kit.

The way Orbit works is that your container actually gets wrapped by another container (for several reasons), but what this means is that if you are positioning your slider "absolute" or want to center it with "margin: 0 auto" and you apply those to your slider ID (#featured in this example) it won't work. The best way to solve that is to put all positioning pieces on your ID and "div.orbit-wrapper". 0852c4b9a8

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