I received a huge .tar.gz file from a client that contains about 800 mb of image files (when uncompressed.) Our hosting company's ftp is seriously slow, so extracting all the files locally and sending them up via ftp isn't practical. I was able to ftp the .tar.gz file to our hosting site, but when I ssh into my directory and try using unzip, it gives me this error:

A tar file, often called a tarball, is a collection of files wrapped up in one single file for easy storage. Rather than keep track of a whole folder of files, you only need to keep track of one. Tar files are often compressed after being created, giving it the .tar.gz file extension. Technically these are TGZ files, but nearly everyone calls both .tar and .tar.gz files simple "tar files."

Download Jq Tar.gz

DOWNLOAD 🔥 https://urlin.us/2y4QcB 🔥

For those that don't like using a terminal, you'll be delighted to hear that macOS can open tar and tar.gz files by default with the Archive Utility. Just double click on the file, and it will extract.

You'll need an external program to open tar.gz files on Windows. 7-Zip is lightweight and does the job well, though it takes two steps to open tar.gz files. WinRar opens them in one step but is slightly clunkier to use.

The reason the file isn't extracting properly is because the download page is setting a cookie when you accept the license agreement. If you don't have the session cookie when attempting to download the file, it redirects you to an HTML page that tells you to accept the agreement first. If you open the .tar.gz that you're getting from wget, you'll see that it's an HTML file since it's not getting said cookie.

Hi, I'm very new to Solus and have always used windows up-to-now. Liking my first experiences. However, I find one thing a bit difficult using commands. I'm used to downloading exe. files for software, checking them for no viruses and then just double-clicking to install. So my question is; if i download a tar.gz file and extract it How do i go on from there to install it and is there a way to check that something has indeed been installed. it would be nice if there was a search option for the installed software. Scrolling through takes a long time.

Just one other thing. I'm used to doing on-demand virus scans on things downloaded from the internet , files, photos and usb drives from friends etc. I read that Solus developers do not support installing an av software and indeed there is nothing in the repository but can anyone recommend a good free portable av to run from a live usb to do the job. thanks all in advance.

lady-bower Sometimes tar.gz files are static binary installations of a program, similar to how Windows programs work. However, tar.gz files can also be source code for an app, meaning you'll have to compile to get the app to work.


Hi, I was trying to install Oracle jre (sorry can't remember what program needed it now) However, I followed these instructions found on Solus Forum: jre1.8.0_112

 cd /Downloads

tar xf jre-8u112-linux-x64.tar.gz

sudo mv jre1.8.0_112 /opt/

sudo ln -svf /opt/jre1.8.0_112/bin/java /usr/bin/java

All seemed to be going well but there was no completed or finished, the curser moved down a line waiting for another command I presume??? Have I missed something or should I have put my user name where it says /usr/ ?

Most tar.gz packages will include a read-me document with installation instructions, but it is always better to install from the repository if possible. Most Linux anti virus software checks for Windows malware in the case you are sharing files with Windows computers . The Linux AV software that I am aware of runs on Debian and RPM package systems only and would exclude Solus.

In the software center search for menulibre. Install it. After installation you find it in the apps menu called menu editor. With that menu editor you can add apps to the apps menu that you installed let's say from a tar.gz archive and that are not automatically added to the apps menu.

Once you've unpacked your tar.gz archive of a certain program search for the file that will start the program (eg. by double-clicking it).

You should find more information on that file by reading the README file (as wingman-4 said).

Start the menu editor and add that file which starts your wanted program to the apps menu, the menu editor is pretty much self-explanatory:

You can rename your program, place it wherever you want it in the apps menu to be etc..

If you're coming from Windows, you might be familiar with a zip file. A tar.gz file is similar to a zip file: it's a compressed archive of files. It is not really equivalent to an exe file on Windows.

Windows is a fairly homogeneous system, so it's possible to directly deliver an exe file. On Linux, we tend to leverage shared libraries more (rather than package them with executables) and so it really depends on the system you're deploying the application to. That's why they typically provide a tar.gz file, which is either a compiled executable (like exe) along with all the shared library files you might need; or it's the source code, in which case you need to compile it yourself and leverage the shared libraries on your system (and install any ones that you might not already have). As others mentioned, look for a README file in either case.

A tar archive file contains uncompressed byte streams of the files which it contains. To achieve archive compression, a variety of compression programs are available, such as gzip, bzip2, xz, lzip, lzma, zstd, or compress, which compress the entire tar archive. Typically, the compressed form of the archive receives a filename by appending the format-specific compressor suffix to the archive file name. For example, a tar archive archive.tar, is named archive.tar.gz, when it is compressed by gzip.

so I created a tar.gz file under openwrt and amd having issues getting the syntax correct to extract the tar.gz file while excluding/not extracting certain files from the tar.gz. No matter how I format the syntax it either gives and error or extracts the contents I told it to exclude. Sometimes it will even say the specified file I am telling it to exclude (-X) is not inside the tar file when in fact it is. Can someone please clarify the correct syntax for tar to exclude files.

My workflow for updates/upgrades to my Drupal sites has been to do the upgrade first using ddev on my MacBookPro (Ventura 13.6) and then creatibng a tar.gz of the Druapl project, uploading to host, extracting, fixing settings.php, connecting to updated db. Has worked fine.

"...that the tar command is encountering extended header keywords that it doesn't recognize. These keywords are related to file attributes and metadata, which can be specific to macOS and may not be supported on the Linux server. " An example: "tar: Ignoring unknown extended header keyword 'LIBARCHIVE.xattr.com.dropbox.attrs' " They suggest extract with an additional flag: tar --warning=no-unknown-keyword -xvf testupload.tar.gz . They further suggest creating the archive on my Mac using COPYFILE_DISABLE=1 environment variable to prevent the creation of resource fork files and other macOS-specific metadata in the archive. I will do some further testing over the next few days. If this is the answer, I assume other Mac users will also experience it.

I don't understand why this is suddenly happening (perhaps from the most recent Ventura update?). If this is truly becasue the tar.gz process on the Mac is incompatible with (some) hosts, I would assume that others will also encounter this...?

The problem: I was suddenly unable to extract on my host any tar.gz files that I had created on my Mac. It turns out there is an explanation and several solutions. I share this here to save others the frustration I experienced.


(1) Easiest is to install and use gtar on the Mac. (I used Homebrew to do this.)

(2) Prepend the tar create command on the Mac with an environment variable: 

(3) Extract the tar.gz on the host with a warning flag:

A tar.gz file contains several compressed files to save storage space, as well as bandwidth during the downloading process. The .tar file acts as a portable container for other files and is sometimes called a tarball. The .gz part of the extension, stands for gzip, a commonly-used compression utility.

Note: Some graphical interfaces include a tool for managing tar.gz files without the command-line. Simply right-click the item you want to compress, mouseover compress, and choose tar.gz. You can also right-click a tar.gz file, mouseover extract, and select an option to unpack the archive.

I have a tar.gz file and I wan't to continuously monitor it. I tried to index it to Splunk Enterprise via Settings>Data Inputs>Files&Directories, but when I run a search, Splunk doesn't return a result. 

What are the steps to continuously monitor tar.gz files to index in Splunk? Do I need to write a script that automatically decompress tar.gz file so Splunk can index it? Thanks.


Someone knows how to install files source i saw a package in the aur repositeries for my printer but it's *.tar.gz how could i use it????

Thanks for your concern!!! hope you'll find a solution...not too hard to release...

It's all in this wiki: _User_Guidelines

But I get "lost" when it says you have to make the package yourself I thought that why MAKEPKG was.

Anyway I haven't yet try but will.

It's OK that it' in tar.gz you have to transform it to pkg.tar.gz...

Then, run devtools::build(), this should be much faster, and end by giving you the path to the tarball it just created! If you want the tarball to be installable on Windows easily, instead run devtools::build(binary = TRUE), the file created will be .zip instead of .tar.gz. You can now say that you fulfilled your goal and stop here. e24fc04721

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