If this option is not specified, then the default module path is $JAVA_HOME/jmods. This directory contains the java.base module and the other standard and JDK modules. If this option is specified but the java.base module cannot be resolved from it, then the jlink command appends $JAVA_HOME/jmods to the module path.

I decided to try the Badass Jlink Plugin, see if that could solve my problem I am having with running JLink in Windows with an additional module path.

I have been using a simple Exec task to run jlink to create a runtime image. I use this runtime image as input to jpackage --runtime-image.

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One for the coolest feature of JDK9 is jlink that makes a small optimized version of the JVM to run the application which is pretty useful especially to run the app in a container like a docker one.However, it's not very simple to just pass the JAR file you have and get an optimized runtime to run it.

Also, check the GND connection! is it only a thin wire in or beside the jlink usb cable? You might attach a more solid ground to host chassis, if so. Electrical noise or unstable ground goves me these messages that you show.

I'm trying to write a java program that uses mathematica code for processing and graphs while using java for the front end. From what I've been able to glean from the j/link tutorials on the wolfram site I will need to import com.wolfram.jlink in my java program like so:

The jlink task can be used to build jar and zip files, similar tothe jar task. However, jlink provides options for controlling the wayentries from input files are added to the output file. Specifically, capabilities for mergingentries from multiple zip or jar files is available.

It is possible to refine the set of files that are being jlinked. This can be done withthe includes, includesfile, excludes, excludesfile,and defaultexcludes attributes on the addfiles and mergefilesnested elements. With the includes or includesfile attribute you specify thefiles you want to have included by using patterns. The excludeor excludesfile attribute is used to specify the files you want to have excluded. This isalso done with patterns. And finally with the defaultexcludes attribute, you can specifywhether you want to use default exclusions or not. See the sectionon directory based tasks, on how theinclusion/exclusion of files works, and how to write patterns. The patterns are relative tothe base directory.

Yes, I was trying a way to build a debug configuration with VS code studio for debugging via jlink, I see a way doing from this post -nrf52-dev/ but not yet seceded, I will keep posting if I have any break through.

There is break through, I am able to attach attacheh the JLink debugger and load the binary, following settings are missing in workspace.json and launch.json files which enables to debug via jlink.

031283335 30.1 KB

A challenge though is that AppCDS archives must be created with exactly same Java runtime which later on is used to run the application.In the case of jlink this means the custom runtime image itself must be used to produce the AppCDS archive.In other words, the default archive produced by the Quarkus build unfortunately cannot be used with jlink images.The goal for this post is to explore

NOTE: This paragraph has been superceded since we are now shipping JREs with 17+ again - see -temurin-jres-are-back/ for the details, however we still recommend using jlink to produce your own cut down java runtimes where possible

Creating your own runtime that is comparable to a legacy JRE is simplerthen you might think. Firstly, download and extract the JDK archive.Second, use jlinkto create your own runtime that will be smaller, yet still provideequivalent functionality to the legacy JRE. Replace jdk-17+35 in the examplesbelow with the version of Java you are working with, and replace the forwardslashes with the path separator on your platform (e.g. \ for Windows):

It will vary by platform and the version of Java you are using, but usingone example with the jdk-17+35 release, the full JDK for one platform isabout 312Mb on disk. The jlinked runtime using the above command is about95Mb.

Also, to be able to support some of those modules, you will still have toolslike javac, jlink and others in the runtime. The --add-modulescommand accepts a comma seperated list of modules instead of the full listimplied by ALL-MODULE-PATH. You can use a comma-separated set of modulesfrom the --list-modules output to limit it further. As an example youcould list all of the modules other than the ones in the list above. Doingso will reduce the size further, to around 66Mb, saving an extra 29Mb.

jdk-17+35/bin/jlink --add-modules java.base,java.compiler,java.datatransfer,java.desktop,java.instrument,java.logging,java.management,java.management.rmi,java.naming,java.net.http,java.prefs,java.rmi,java.scripting,java.se,java.security.jgss,java.security.sasl,java.smartcardio,java.sql,java.sql.rowset,java.transaction.xa,java.xml,java.xml.crypto,jdk.accessibility,jdk.charsets,jdk.crypto.cryptoki,jdk.crypto.ec,jdk.dynalink,jdk.httpserver,jdk.incubator.foreign,jdk.incubator.vector,jdk.internal.vm.ci,jdk.internal.vm.compiler,jdk.internal.vm.compiler.management,jdk.jdwp.agent,jdk.jfr,jdk.jsobject,jdk.localedata,jdk.management,jdk.management.agent,jdk.management.jfr,jdk.naming.dns,jdk.naming.rmi,jdk.net,jdk.nio.mapmode,jdk.sctp,jdk.security.auth,jdk.security.jgss,jdk.unsupported,jdk.xml.dom,jdk.zipfs --output jre-17+35 --strip-debug --no-man-pages --no-header-files --compress=2

This first line shows that my simple application only requires thejava.base module. In a more complicated example there will be several ofthese present in the output. The rest of the output is a breakdown of whatpackages my application uses and which modules they relate to. I cantherefore create an even smaller custom runtime that will be suitable for myapplication using the following jlink command:

With the command line tool jlink you can select a number of modules, platform modules as well as those making up your application, and link them into a runtime image.Such a runtime image acts like the JDK that you can download but contains just the modules you picked and the dependencies they need to function.If those include your project, the result is a self-contained deliverable of your application, meaning it does not depend on a JDK being installed on the target system.During the linking phase, jlink can further optimize image size and improve VM performance, particularly startup time.

While it doesn't matter much for jlink it is helpful to distinguish between creating runtime images, a subset of the JDK, and application images, which also contain project-specific modules, so we'll go in that order.

As mentioned before, jlink doesn't distinguish between modules from the JDK and others, so you can use a similar approach to create an image containing an entire application, meaning it contains application modules (the app itself plus its dependencies) and the platform modules needed to support them.To create such an image, you need to:

Taken together, the platform and application modules that the image contains are known as system modules.Note that jlink only operates on explicit modules, so an application depending on automatic modules can't be linked into an image.

To enable the creation of small and deliberately assembled runtime images, jlink, by default, performs no service binding when creating an image.Instead, service provider modules have to be included manually by listing them in --add-modules.To find out which modules provide a specific service, use the option --suggest-providers $SERVICE, which lists all modules in the runtime or on the module path that provide an implementation of $SERVICE.As an alternative to adding individual services, the option --bind-services can be used to include all modules that provide a service that is used by another resolved module.

When the module system resolves modules during a regular launch, service binding will pull in jdk.charsets and so its charsets are always available when launching from a standard JDK.But when creating a runtime image with jlink, that does not happen by default, so such images will not contain the charsets module.If you've determined that you need them, you can simply include the module in the image with --add-modules:

While the bytecode your application and library JARs contain is independent of any operating system (OS), it needs an OS-specific Java Virtual Machine to execute them - that's why you download JDKs specifically for Linux, macOS, or Windows (for example).And because that is where jlink pulls platform modules from, the runtime and application images it creates are always bound to a concrete operating system.Fortunately, it doesn't have to be the operating system on which you're running jlink.

If you download and unpack a JDK for a different operating system, you can place its jmods folder on the module path when running the jlink version from your system's JDK.The linker will then determine that the image is to be created for that other OS and will hence create one that works on it (but of course not on another).So given JDKs for all operating systems your application supports, you can generate runtime or application images for each of them on the same machine.For that to work without problems, it is recommended to only reference modules from the exact same JDK version as the jlink binary, so, for example, if jlink has version 16.0.2, make sure it loads platform modules from JDK 16.0.2.

After learning how to generate an image for or with your application, you can optimize it.Most optimizations reduce image size and some improve launch times a bit.Check out the jlink reference for a full list of options that you can play with.Whatever options you apply, don't forget to thoroughly test the resulting image and measure actual improvements.

The plugin requires Oracle JDK 11 or OpenJDK 11. Although jlink and jdeps are alsoa part of the older JDK versions, those lack some of the newer features, which was notaddressed in the current plugin version. ff782bc1db

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