As the game progresses, more weapons and items are made available. The fighter the player starts with only has slots for two front weapons and rather limited ship upgrades. The TMIG-226 has slots for one bombing system, one missile system, three front weapons, and one rear weapon. Some weapons can only be used in the front or rear slots. There is a large variety of weapons, ranging from flamethrowers to electro-balls to acid guns. Most weapons can be upgraded after they are bought. This may enhance power, projectile velocity, rate of fire, or the nature of the attack itself. When viewing the status of an individual weapon, meters are shown that indicate its power, heat generation and speed ratings.

The earliest aereal combats used indeed handguns which were pointed at the adversary by the pilot. But it soon became obvious that only the rapid fire of a machine-gun will give the pilot a realistic chance of hitting a fast-moving target. To learn what has to be considered when aiming at aircraft I recommend to watch this B-29 gunnery instruction movie on YouTube.

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Now I need to mention that rarely are the guns completely aligned with the longitudinal axis; instead, they point slightly up to compensate for the ballistic bullet drop at the expected distance of the target. Also, wing-mounted guns point slightly inward, again to ensure the bullet path is straight ahead when it catches up with the target, a procedure called gun harmonisation. This also means that interceptors will have their guns pointing up slightly more than those of air-supremacy fighters. One particular case involved the MiG-15: Being designed to fight large B-29 formations, the guns were badly aligned for fighting the F-86 Sabre during the Korea War. The MiG-15 armament consisted of two 23mm guns and one 37mm gun with very different ballistics. In order to ensure that the path of all bullets would meet at the right distance for fighting bombers, the 23mm guns pointed more up, and when used against the much smaller F-86, the Russian and Chinese pilots opened fire at a shorter distance so that the 23mm bullets would fly over the target while the 37mm bullets went below it. This was a major reason for the poor kill ratio of the MiG-15 vs. the F-86 despite the MiG's better performance.

... a prediction angle is continually computed and displayed on the Heads Up Display (HUD) as a reticle offset from a fixed reference on the gunsight. ... (which) accounts for ballistic curvature, own motion, and predicted target motion.

I can add a few things of interest. The guns on the attack and fighter jets were fixed in angle, and aligned above boresight. I know this to be the case for the F-14. This was so that when you were tracking a target in a high-g turn the gun would be pointing ahead of the turn, instead of behind your adversary in the turn. On the other hand the A-7E had its cannon boresighted, because it was aligned for strafing.

Fixed wing - No, Rotary Wing - yes. As they have previously stated the guns are attached to the airframe. They do have revolving barrels, lots of rounds (that they go through at a very fast rate) but everything is aimed by the pilot. We are good, but not that good yet. It will be interesting looking aircraft when we can do that though. Interesting question.

There were at least MiG-15SU and MiG-17SP experimental fighters with a moving gun carriage V-1-25-Sh-3 with 2 Sh-3-23 guns mounted on it. Pilot could remotely adjust guns in combat (11 grad up or 7 - down), thus reducing time needed to get in firing position against maneuvering enemy. The system had no guidance of course.

Guns are fixed in all modern fighter aircraft, and can only be aimed by aiming the entire aircraft. This is normally done with the aid of a Lead Computing Optical Sight (LCOSS). There are three components to an air-to-air gun solution, that must be taken into consideration by the engineers designing the gunsight mechanics, and well understood by the pilot utilizing the system.

Lead for Target Motion or Velocity Lead (Lm). This is the same thing as is utilized by a skeet shooter. You must aim the barrel of the gun where the target will be when the bullets get there, not where it is now. You cannot just point the gun at the target. You must point it some angle in front of the target in the direction the target is moving in your field of view. Lm always lies in the target's plane of motion. This requires that the system know the time of flight (TOF) of the bullets, and the Line-of-sight rate (LOS) of the target (how fast is it drifting across the inertial background in your field of view. If the target is moving at 20 degrees per second, and, based on the range, the TOF is 1.5 seconds, then you must aim 30 degrees in front pf the target, along it's projected velocity vector. Fighter pilots use a radar lock on to determine the range and TOF, and gunsights assume a Default range(in the F-4 it was 1000 feet) when there is no radar lock. The target LOS is determined by the gunsight by assuming that if the pilot is "tracking" the target, the shooter aircraft turn rate must be identical to the target's LOS. When the pilot is not tracking the target (as in a highly dynamic close range, high angle shot (called a snap shot), the pilot must understand this effect in order to turn on the gun with an additional lead angle to compensate for the target's relative motion in the windscreen. Effectively he pulls the trigger when the target, moving towards the gunsight aiming reference, appears to be about to cross that aiming reference about a second or two in the future.

Lead for Target Acceleration or Acceleration Lead (La). If the target was at zero Gs, (in ballistic free fall), there would be no need for La. Only Lead for target motion and Drag shift would be required. La is required when the target is turning away from the ballistic path that the gunsight would be predicting without La. La always lies in the target's plane of acceleration (the plane the target aircraft is accelerating in (normally defined by where the lift vector or rudder points). The gunsight assumes that the target Plane of motion is the same as the shooter plane of motion, and that the the target G-load is the same as the shooter G-Load. The solution is based on the assumption that the target is accelerating or pulling Gs towards the shooter, and that the shooter, to match the target's turn rate, is pulling the same amount of Gs in the same direction. This is normally close to accurate when the target is at low angle off relative to the shooter, but is not accurate at higher angle off.

The last component is the correction for what is called Drag Shift. Bullets slow down after they leave the muzzle. This slowing causes the bullets to drift aft of their original line of fire (Line of departure or LOD). Imagine the top turret on a B-17 firing forward and upwards at a head-on approaching target. If the bullets maintained a constant velocity after they left the muzzle, all that would be necessary s to point the guns where the target will be one TOF from trigger squeeze (La), and correct for 1 G target acceleration (La). But the bullets slow down. That means it will take a slight bit longer to get out there, and the target will drift further aft in that small amount of time. Therefore, the gunner must aim slightly lower in elevation (less lead), to compensate for that. Imagine a high pressure water hose, forwards and upwards out of the sunroof of your SUV at 80 mph. The stream of water will appear to curve and bend backwards relative to the vehicle, the further it is from the nozzle. If you were trying to hit a drone flying 15 feet above you and 15 feet in front of you, you would have to aim in front of him to compensate for the apparent rearwards drift of the stream of water. This correction is required whenever the gun firing line is not aligned with the shooter aircraft velocity vector through the air. For a fighter, since guns are must be in lead, this means it reduces the the lead required by a small amount in the plane of target motion.

In Jets and Guns you earn money for killing and destroying everything. The more money you make the more you can upgrade your ship with new armor, guns, bombs, missiles, cooling systems, shields, and so much more. In total there are over 57 different weapons and 19 special devises to use to the fullest. You'll need them to blast your way through 200 different enemies across 21 long levels of play with three difficulty settings!

The universe's fate rests in your hands, save the world and pocket a few million credits to do it! Jets and Guns is a blazingly fast action game where explosions fill the screen as your guns bring jets crashing down into the landscape. Check out for the free demo and more information on this new age classic!

You start off with a few credits and a small ship with only a basic gun equipped. In every mission, you gain points and credits from killing enemies. Certain missions also contain checkpoints that, once reached, allows you to resume from that part of the mission, with your ship in the state it was in when you reach that checkpoint, until you abort the mission completely. At the end of every mission, you can spend whatever credits you have on purchasing and/or upgrading equipment, guns, and additional weaponry such as missiles and bombs.

A weapon system for a fighter jet is a collection of devices, equipment, and technology designed to provide the aircraft with the capability to threaten or destroy air or ground targets. Weapon systems can include air-to-air missiles, bombs, machine guns and other types of weapons intended for use in flight. Weapon systems play a critical role in the operational capabilities of fighter aircraft, enabling them to perform a variety of missions such as air defense, reconnaissance, and offensive warfare.

Because of their limited range, short-range air-to-air missiles are often used in conjunction with other weapon systems, such as guns and long-range air-to-air missiles. This allows a fighter aircraft to have a complete air defense capability, with options tailored to different situations. ff782bc1db

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