If you are running Jenkins in Docker using the official jenkins/jenkins image you can use sudo docker exec ${CONTAINER_ID or CONTAINER_NAME} cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword to print the password in the console without having to exec into the container.

You can configure the Jenkins service on port 8080 of your system, but Jenkins is temporarily locked with a password present in the /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword file. You can access Jenkins by providing the password after reading the file.

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The following is a question to understand historic context and decision process for the change. Was this related to the systemd changes or something else? Is there differing guidance for docker images vs package installation (into standard VM; ie: sudo yum install jenkins?

Previously, the package was installed in /usr/share/jenkins/jenkins.war. That was a non-standard directory in the standard directory hierarchy. The systemd packaging transition was a good opportunity to place the archive in the same directory that contains other Java archives and to follow the instructions from the operating system providers about the location where packages should install their jar files.

When using the "Git installations" option, you will need to create different jobs, one with each Git Installation. Modifying the PATH either on windows or linux, sometimes might not be an option (in my case, I only have access to Jenkins web UI).

Instead, just make the Default Git installation to point to whatever the Master git installation is (e.g. c:\apps\git\bin\git.exe), and then configure the custom "Tool Locations" for each node. This way you can run the same jenkins job in different master/slave OS. Steps:

I have a redhat linux server running jenkins. I setup jenkins as per the instructions mentioned here -ci.org/display/JENKINS/Installing+Jenkins+on+Red+Hat+distributions The problem is that I need to switch to the jenkins user in order to solve an ssh connection issue, but I cannot.

however after I enter that, the terminal remains[root@redhat ~]# and a whoami reveals that I am still root I have looked at the files /etc/passwd etc/shadow and see that jenkins is a user, but I don't have enough experience to tell what I have done wrong in setting up this jenkins user.

Regarding default host URL, I am trying to use sonar scanner on jenkins, so would this setting be under Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> SonarQube servers -> Server URL? Because currently that is configured to the IP of the server. Should I be setting it back to default?

I am trying to use sonar scanner on jenkins, so would this setting be under Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> SonarQube servers -> Server URL? Because currently that is configured to the IP of the server. Should I be setting it back to default?

A couple of questions to narrow down the problem:

1.) Do you have the same issue with headless Chrome on the linux box?

2.) Which part of the method is failing, specifically? Is it the ctrl + a piece or the delete?

I'm having trouble getting Jenkins to write to a directory, however I believe I have set the correct permissions. Jenkins is being run by a user named "jenkins", who belongs to a group called "jenkins-group". The directory in question looks something like this when I ll:

I followed the recommended approach as seen in the link below, by creating a group having "rwx" permissions and adding the user running Jenkins to this group. How do I properly allow user jenkins to write to a specific directory under user minecraft home directory?.

So I have given the group "jenkins-group" rwx permissions, which in turn should give the user "jenkins" those permissions as well, since it has this group as a secondary. When I log in to the user "jenkins" from a terminal I'm able to create a new file in this folder using touch test.txt. However when I run a build from Jenkins with the following commands in execute shell:

This will generate 2 files, a public key called id_rsa.pub and a private key called id_rsa. The private key will be entered into the Jenkins Credential system, while the public key will be added to the authorized_keys file on each linux agent that is going to be added.

If jenkins installed as linux service, open the file /usr/lib/systemd/system/jenkins.service,search for the content "Environment="JENKINS_PORT=8080". Change the port number to your desired. Execute the commands

I have spun up a Ubuntu VM and have installed the Docker Host on it. exposed the Docker host on tcp:// on the Docker host and it responds by showing the versions in JSON on the terminal when I try to curl the docker host. I pulled the jenkins image and started it using the following command:

Docker does not have any docker_default network as mentioned in the guide. I had to create a bridge network on my system by running the command docker network create --driver bridge jenkins_agents and then I used the string jenkins_agents in the Network field instead.

If you have the Jenkins application installed on a Windows system, changing the Jenkins port number requires editing the jenkins.xml configuration file. You can find this file in the Jenkins install folder (the default path is C:\Program Files\Jenkins\jenkins.xml).

I don't have much experience with jenkins so unfortunately I am unable to provide much suggestions regarding best practices with building CCS projects via CLI via jenkins. I will see if I can find someone who has more experience to comment.

However, if several applications are deployed on your application server, it is preferable to manage the Jenkins application independently rather than restarting all applications. The following URLs shows how to start/stop/restart an application like jenkins deployed on a Tomcat server.

instead, then even if one gets into the Linux node using the master (or with the private key), it still needs to know the password for the user "jenkins". The private key will not help becoming "root" ;-).

Install jenkins for the latest stable release or jenkins-ltsAUR for the long-term-support version. The package will create a Jenkins user for the daemon using systemd-sysusers.If running on a server with only console access, also install packages fontconfig and freetype2.

In order to enable jenkins, you need to have jre11-openjdk or jre17-openjdk and the path to your version of Java Runtime Environment must be in the first line of the jenkins config file at /etc/conf.d/jenkins, if this is not the case, the jenkins.service will fail to start

jenkins listens on and is immediately available remotely. If this is unwanted, for example on a test server, consider adding --httpListenAddress= to the configuration file (e.g. in JENKINS_OPTS).

The default Admin username is Admin. When you log into the Web interface at :8090; you will need to view the file at /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword or run journalctl -u jenkins.service and search for the default password that was created upon installation.

The home folder of the jenkins user is located at /var/lib/jenkins. The Jenkins user does not have a default shell, so if you need to log in this user (for example to manage SSH keys) you need to specify which shell you want to use:

Jenkins Home on Windows defaults to a folder named .jenkins in the home directory of the user that starts the Jenkins server. On my own Windows 10 Jenkins server, where the user is named Owner, the Jenkins home location is:

After pressing enter at the last command it rains error messages of jenkins not finding some binaries. This made me curious and so I searched the binaries by myself and found them. The error message is like this:

To automatically start jenkins on startup, I wanted to enable the service file, but there has none been configurated. After some googling I have seen that the file /etc/init.d/jenkins should run jenkins, but after executing

Now we need to create a user on the agent. The Jenkins master will log into the agent as this user, and all build jobs will execute as this user. It makes sense to call this user jenkins, and we'll give them a special home directory where the Jenkins agent's files will reside:

Next, we need to generate an ssh key. Jenkins will use this key to authenticate with the agent node and log in as the jenkins user. This key can generate on practically any Linux machine, but you can also do it on the agent node itself:

Next, we need to add the public key (the contents of id_rsa.pub) to the authorized_keys file of the jenkins user that we created earlier. This will allow anyone who has the private key (in our case, the Jenkins master) to log in to the agent node as the jenkins user. First, we need to create the directory that the authorized_keys file belongs in, and then we can create the file itself:

I spent a whole day trying to figure this thing out. Turns out the version of Java i was installing was not good. I installed Java-11-openjdk (the one installed during the jenkins course.)

I removed that, installed the Java-17-opendjk and it worked. 17dc91bb1f

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