Copy the following YAML into a new file at .github/workflows/main.yml, and update the uses: octocat/hello-world-javascript-action@v1.1 line with your username and the name of the public repository you created above. You can also replace the who-to-greet input with your name.

ts-standard is the officially supported variant forTypeScript. ts-standard supports all the same rules and options as standard and includesadditional TypeScript specific rules. ts-standard will even lint regular javascript filesby setting the configuration in tsconfig.json.

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Manipulating HTML Pages - Javascript helps in manipulating HTML page on the fly. This helps in adding and deleting any HTML tag very easily using javascript and modify your HTML to change its look and feel based on different devices and requirements.

"So I had the privilege of reviewing videos for upcoming by Kent C. Dodds - the 17 videos are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Clear, immediately useful, full of great tips for end-to-end testing."

"There are very few people on the planet who I'd trust more to learn about testing JavaScript applications from than Kent. What makes this course special is Kent is on the forefront of both testing and creating educational content. He's not just an educator creating technical content nor is he an engineer who wanted to teach, he's both and he does both at an extremely high level. I'm confident there's no better place to learn about testing than"

"I've been trying to get better at testing my code for years, but it always ended in futility. Testing the wrong things while bugs still slipped through. This course is what I've been looking for.This course is for any javascript developer that wants to be confident on release day. My Angular apps will leverage these ideas starting today."

Oracle APEX handles the details of rendering a page so compared to authoring your own HTML file, it may not be initiallyclear where you should add your JavaScript code. APEX provides a number of specific places for you to add JavaScript code.You should avoid entering your own tags in places where HTML markup isallowed. Avoid inline event handlers such as onclick in HTML markup.Also avoid entering JavaScript code using the javascript: pseudo-protocol in placeswhere URLs are allowed. 2351a5e196

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