Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh. Over the past year I have changed my daily nitnem . I start with Japji sahib, but instead of quickly reading through it. Trying to "get it over with", like I used too. I now sing Japji sahib. It takes me about 27 minutes. Which is substantially longer, but there have been so many benefits. The words resonate in my mind throughout the day. I can't help but repeat it over and over at work, while working out, even when I'm playing video games. Do you feel that singing or reciting Japji Sahib is more beneficial? Also, is there any other Bani that anyone here prefer to sing?

So while i run on the treadmill, am i allowed to listen to any path? From japji sahib to ardaas, kirtin sohila and everythingin between? Also, would i have to cover head then aswell? I was user /js-4423 in case anyone remembers haha. Any insight appreciated. Thanks wjkk wjkf

Download Japji Sahib Bani

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The above menu allows you to select each Pauri (section) of this most important Sikh holy Bani. You can read this Gurbani in English text with English translation. Also by clicking on Play Audio (white arrow in a blue circle) at the top of the screen, you can listen to the Gurbani in Gurmukhi/Punjabi. Choose from one of the following 40 options:

Initially I deliberately chose not to question or analyze the way that this bani instantly took up residence within me. I knew that intellectual objections would arise, stemming from the fact that I had been studying Kriya Yoga since 1995 and had in fact been ordained as a swami in an order established by Paramahansa Yogananda.

I am no expert friend, but I had heard any Gurbani in Sri Raag can do that when the situation is right. Seems to me, that Guru Sahiban would have been beyond wise and either included it or not from the beginning.

On Vaisakhi 1699 Guru Gobind Singh Ji cut off the heads of 5 devoted people and then recited 5 banis while stirring is khanda in a baata full of water and pataase. Then he sprinkled a few drops of that Amrit on the bodies of the dead men and put it in their mouth and they became alive!

When Guru Har Rai Sahib Ji excommunicated Baba Ram Rai from Panth for changing the word 'Musalmaan' to 'Beyimaan' then he didn't want us to learn that a Sikh can't alter bani but he wanted to show us that bani is perfect and without any flaw and hence can't be altered according to situation one faces.

Guru sahib would never do this injustice to us! Guru Granth Sahib Ji also has current version of Japji Sahib only. If the current one is not the original Japji Sahib then we are also indirectly saying that Guru Granth Sahib Ji is incomplete which is not possible.

There might be another Gurbani of Sri Satguru jee (First Master), which was not included in the Sri Aad Granth by Sri Satguru jee (Fifth Master). If Daas finds out about it, Gurparsaad, will talk about it.

Bhai sahib the point is why wouldn't Guru Sahib follow the principles preached by himself. No-one is saying the Guru sahib is 'not allowed' to do xyz because whatever he will do, its the best thing to happen.

Guru Sahib gave a code of conduct to Sikhs. And Guru Sahib himself set an example for the Sikhs that how much should one be dedicated to Rehat. Guru sahib is parmeshar himself. Why would he have to fight battles, keep Amrit Vela even during a battle and sacrifice his whole family? All of that was his karamaat to inspire Sikhs and set an example of an ideal jeevan of a Sikh.

When Guru Sahib himself doesn't give the right to Sikhs to alter bani or remove or add any bani, then why would he himself not follow it? My point is not bounding Guru sahib to a code of conduct but this act, even thinking of doing this is a Paap which Guru sahib wouldn't do.

2. Guru Nanak Dev Ji sung bani as he received it from Sachkhand. As he received the bani He would sing it and give updesh to sangat. So my point is that bani is already perfect. There's no need to add or omit anything.

3. We are no-one to decide what guru sahib can do and cannot do. He can do anything he wishes to. But this doesn't mean that if someone says that Guru sahib did this xyz thing (which is morally wrong), we believe it and say whatever he did we can't understand his plays. We shouldn't believe these manmati things because Guru Sahib is perfect and can't do anything immoral. Bani is perfect.

4. Also, the source says that Guru Angad Dev Ji removed the pauri so that no-one can do that karamaat again in future. So, if today Udaasis have found that pauri then this means they can do that karamaat again. This would mean that Guru Angad Dev Ji couldn't successfully fulfill his objective of hiding that pauri from aam sangat. Can guru sahib failing be possible? Also, guru sahib must have hidden that pauri or given updesh to sangat to not read it again. Then how come Udaasis know that this pauri was part of which Baani, was written by which guru and why this pauri is not in Guru Granth Sahib? If someone finds such writings, the first thing he'll think is that it may be a kachi bani. In puratan gutke and saroop of guru sahib, people would write about their lineage and some family secrets at the end in poetic style. But Panth used its Bibek Budhi and rejected those writings.

This is mentioned in the japji Teeka by sant gurbachan singh ji. Udasis claim bhai gurdas ji said japji sahib has 4 pauri, but we see there are 38, so where are the other 2. But sant ji says the mool mantar and the last salok (pavan guru) counts as a pauri, therefore 40.

I started to wake up in amrit vela but I don't know what else path should I performed except japji sahib ji. Japji sahib ji takes only 10 minutes and I go to bed after completion of it. Which path i can do along with japji sahib ji. Please guide me properly e24fc04721

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