Robotic cardiac surgery is heart surgery done through very small cuts in the chest. With the use of tiny instruments and robot-controlled tools, surgeons are able to do heart surgery in a way that is much less invasive than open-heart surgery. The procedure is sometimes called da Vinci surgery because that is the name of the manufacturer of the robot often used for this procedure.

One of the main benefits of robotic cardiac surgery is that it has fewer risks than open-heart surgery. The surgeon does not have to cut through the breastbone to open your chest. This removes many of the complications of open-heart surgery.

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In some cases, your doctor may not be able to complete the surgery with the robot. In this case, you would need open-heart surgery.

You may have other risks, based on your specific medical condition. Be sure to talk with your healthcare provider about any concerns you have before your procedure.

Once the surgery is done, you will be moved to the recovery area to be monitored. You can expect a relatively short hospital stay to follow, usually half as long as that after conventional open-heart surgery. Your healthcare provider will typically discharge you once your pain is under control, you can keep liquids down without nausea and vomiting, and your lab tests appear near normal or near your baseline before the procedure.

After being discharged from the hospital, most people can manage their pain with over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Pain also tends to go away much faster than with open-heart procedures.

Keep your incisions clean and dry. Do not use powders, lotions, or ointments on the incision lines as this can irritate the skin and cause prolonged healing and increase the risk for infection. Do not soak the incisions in water until your doctor says it's OK.

You may also return to normal activities more quickly than you would after open-heart surgery. Most people can resume their normal activities after a few weeks. Your healthcare provider will provide specific recommendations for activity.

Your healthcare provider will typically schedule follow-up appointments to check your progress. Be sure to tell your healthcare provider right away if any symptoms occur after the procedure, such as chest pain or discomfort. Complications are rare after robotic heart surgery, but possible, so it is important to carefully monitor for any symptoms and report them to your healthcare provider.

The clean hydrogen infrastructure fund will invest in the entire value chain of renewable and low carbon hydrogen, in the most promising regions in the Americas, Asia and Europe. It will invest as a partner, alongside other key project developers and/or industry players, in large upstream and downstream clean hydrogen projects. Total commitments to the fund have already reached 800 million euros out of a target of around 1.5 billion euros at signature. 

Air Liquide, TotalEnergies and VINCI Concessions have been at the forefront of setting up and aggregating commitments to this clean hydrogen infrastructure fund. As anchor partners, fully committed to low carbon and renewable hydrogen development, each has pledged to invest 100 million euros. The fund will be managed by Hy24[1], a brand new 50/50 joint venture between Ardian, a world-leading private investment house and FiveT Hydrogen, a clean hydrogen enabling investment platform. The choice of this fund manager allows to merge with their similar initiative and to add Plug Power as an anchor partner, as well as Chart Industries and Baker Hughes joining together.

With solid industrial expertise and significant investment potential, the clean hydrogen infrastructure fund will have a unique capacity to unlock large scale projects under development and accelerate the scaling up of hydrogen markets. With the announced support of public policies and some use of debt financing, the fund should be able to contribute to the development of hydrogen projects with a total value of about 15 billion euros.

As a pioneer in hydrogen for over 50 years, Air Liquide is convinced that hydrogen is a cornerstone of the energy transition. The Group is providing its unique expertise along the entire value chain, using hydrogen as a clean energy carrier for industrial processes and clean mobility. Benot Potier, Chairman and CEO of Air Liquide, declared:

The hydrogen economy is expected to be key in the fight against climate change. Many countries have initiated hydrogen-related regulations and support schemes to enable clean hydrogen to help decarbonize their economies. Hydrogen offers a solution to decarbonize industrial processes and the mobility sector.

The Fund closes now with a new key industrial investor the CMA CGM Group, and new key financial investors Border to Coast Pensions Partnership, Nuveen, ERAFP, Groupama, Socit Gnrale Assurances, BBVA and Norinchukin. The Fund leverages a unique blend of sector know-how and financial firepower to position Hy24 as a true catalyst at the heart of the hydrogen ecosystem, with 50% of its commitment provided by industrial investors.

The Clean H2 Infra Fund is managed by Hy24, a 50/50 joint venture between Ardian, a world leading private investment house, and FiveT Hydrogen, a clean hydrogen investment platform which enabled the gathering of the two initiatives. The fund has also attracted additional anchor industrial partners such as LOTTE Chemical, Airbus, and Snam, Enags, GRTgaz (together as one Anchor partner) and anchor financial investors such as AXA, Crdit Agricole Assurances, CCR, Allianz, CDPQ, JBIC as well as other investors: Border to Coast Pensions Partnership, the CMA CGM Group, ERAFP, Nuveen, Ballard, Schaeffler, Socit Gnrale Assurances, Groupe ADP, EDF, Norinchukin, Caisse des dpts, DBJ, Itochu, Groupama and BBVA.

O my heart which I had from my mother! O my heart which I had from my mother! O my heart of my different ages! Do not stand up as a witness against me, do not be opposed to me in the tribunal, do not be hostile to me in the presence of the Keeper of the Balance, for you are my Ka which was in my body, the protector who made my members hale.

Our heart is our doppelganger, a mirror-image of us that walks through death with the same emotions and memories. Not affected by the manipulation of words, the fabrication of images, the heart speaks our truth, regardless whether we want that or not.

So there we are, a journey, an odyssey, from cow heart, to a beating heart, to Cain and Abel, a heart on a scale, a sixteenth century heart, poetic hearts, hearts made to be broken, hearts diseased, Odyssean blood, and back to that cow heart. End scene. Well, maybe one more song of heartbreak and lament from Nick Cave.

This lazzaretto, a common building for quarantining contagious patients, has to be well ventilated and have sanitary measures in place, such as one latrine per person. Moreover, it would be cut off from the rest of the city by a moat. Its construction began in 1488 and would last for more than 20 years. Even today, it is remembered with the via lazzaretto in the heart of the Lombard capital.

However, the impact of the plague of 1485 drove not only this project. Renaissance Italy had regained urbanism for the West. The chaotic, unhealthy cities of the Middle Ages had to be addressed. Construction projects such as Pienza (today a UNESCO heritage site) pursued the concept of citt ideale. Not necessarily a beautiful city, but an efficient, clean, well-organized one. All of this served as inspiration for Leonardo da Vinci.

Investors participation include Air Liquide, TotalEnergies and VINCI combining forces with other large international companies such as Plug Power, Chart Industries, Baker Hugues, AXA and LOTTE Chemical. With this significant investment potential and a strong industrial expertise at its heart, the clean Hy24 infrastructure fund will have a unique capacity to unlock large scale projects under development and accelerate the scaling up of hydrogen markets. With the announced support of public policies and some use of debt financing, the fund should be able to participate in the development of hydrogen projects with a total value of about 15 billion euros.

I had done about 45 hours printing on my Junior before it broke. It stopped feeding filament. After cleaning it I eventually discovered it wasn't feeding filament or unloading it. The gear on the stepper was sliding around! I opened the printer up, managed to get into the gears, and realigned the gear, tightening the grub screw properly. Unfortunately I dislodged the very very tiny wires from one of the connectors in the process, and had to put them back, which as far as I can tell I managed to do correctly. I admit I was annoyed that's I had to strip down a virtually new printer. I hope this isn't a common issue!

Unfortunately I've yet to fix the issue completely. Although it loads and unloads ok, the nozzle keeps acting as though it is clogged, resulting in fragmented prints. I've cleaned it again and again, tried replacing tape on the bed, tried changing the Z offset, tried temperature adjustments, level heights, retraction settings... even used paper shims to get the bed perfectly level on both axis... no different.

Yes, the are noises from the feeder sometimes, like it's jumping. They seem to have stopped since I cleaned the feeder and increased the offset. I can get two sheets of paper in there with very little resistance.

Da vinci Jr. 1.0 is not a plug and play 3D printer, it use high quality parts but is not assembled in a problem free manner. Its overall experience is much better than Da vinci 1.0 (first generation product) and not as good as Da vinci miniMaker (3rd generation product). It can be a reliable high quality printer if you did all the mod right, but I would not recommend it for beginners. 17dc91bb1f

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