The game takes place in the fictional country of Arulco, which has been ruled by the ruthless monarch Deidranna for several years. The player is put in control of hired mercenaries and with aid of local citizens and militia must reclaim Arulco's cities and ultimately defeat Deidranna.

The game uses a strategic map screen of Arulco where the player may issue high level strategic orders for their troops, such as travelling or prolonged training. Combat and individual location exploration takes place in tactical screen, where the player can issue individual direct commands to their mercenaries, such as run, shoot, talk and so on. The game features a wide variety of guns, armour and items that the player may use.

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The game was commercially successful; Pelit estimated its sales at 300,000 units by 2006. However, it sold poorly in the United States. The game received positive scores from reviewers and was praised for its freedom of action, memorable characters and non-linear and tactical gameplay.

The game puts the player in control of several mercenaries that must explore and reclaim towns and territories from enemy forces. As the game advances, the player can hire new mercenaries and acquire better weapons and armour to combat opponents.

The map screen displays the world map of Arulco in a square grid (called sectors) and the forces deployed by the enemy and the player.[5] This is the strategic side of the game, as the player directs his forces, and controls the progress of time, which may be sped up or paused. From here, the player can access the game's laptop function, allowing the player to receive emails from characters, buy weapons and equipment, and hire and fire mercenaries.[6] This screen is used to give mercenaries tasks.[5] Mercs with a medical kit and medical skill can be set to tend to wounded mercs; this significantly quickens their recovery. Mercs with a tool box and mechanical skill can be set to repair damaged weapons, tools and armour. Mercs can practice a skill by themselves or work as a trainer or student. Training a student increases their chosen skill. A trainer may train local citizens to become militia to defend sectors while the mercs are away.[7] Mercs can be ordered to travel on foot between the sectors.[8] If the player acquires a ground or aerial vehicle in-game, they may load their troops into it to travel between sectors much faster.[9]

There is a tactical screen, where the player takes control of individual mercenaries during real-time interactions and turn-based combat. The tactical screen shows a sector from an isometric viewpoint. Here the player can view the terrain, explore buildings and find items.[10] Although the game does not feature a visual fog of war, the non-player characters (NPCs) can only be seen if a player-controlled or allied character sees them. The game time advances in real-time on the tactical screen unless a battle is initiated, then the game switches to a turn-based combat mode. The player can control an individual merc or group of mercs, issuing move, communication and various interaction commands. Mercs can run, walk, swim, crouch or crawl.[11] Mercs may climb onto the roofs of flat-roofed buildings.

Battles occur whenever the player's and enemy forces occupy the same sector. The game proceeds in real-time until a member of one force spots an enemy. The game then switches to turn-based play.[12] Each force takes alternating turns to move, attack, and perform various other actions. Each character has a limited number of action points, which are spent to perform actions. The action points are renewed at the beginning of each round, depending on the physical state of the merc. Some unspent action points will be carried over to the next round. If a combatant has some action points left over during the enemy's turn and spots an enemy, they stand a chance of interrupting[13] the enemy turn and performing actions.

Mercs can attack enemies in many different ways.[12] Firearms such as handguns, machine guns, rifles, close combat and thrown weapons like knives and hand grenades, heavy weapons such as mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and light anti-tank weapons and explosives like mines, and bombs. When a merc attacks, they have a certain chance to hit the target depending on the appropriate skill, obstacles in the line of fire and the number of action points spent aiming. Walls, doors, and many objects can be destroyed using explosives or heavy weapons. Some battles may be automatically resolved if the player chooses to do so.[14]

The game may be played using stealth elements. Mercs may move either in normal or stealth mode.[15] In stealth mode, the merc attempts to move without making any noise. Moving stealthily costs more action points, but may successfully hide their position from enemies. The game features weapons that do not cause loud noise and camouflage kits, which when used may disguise the merc in their environment. Merc attributes and some special skills affect how stealthy they are.

The game features a large array of various items. These include weapons, armour, tools and miscellaneous items. Items can be traded between mercs, picked up, dropped or thrown. If a merc dies, they drop all their items. Enemies will sometimes drop items upon dying. Mercs can be hired with their own combat equipment. As the game progresses, the online shop[16] offers a larger and better variety of weapons, armour and tools for sale. Mercenaries can equip and carry various items in their inventory.[17] The mercs can wear armour on their head, chest and legs. Certain skills and interactions require a certain tool or object to be held in the hand.[18] The mercs can hold one large weapon or dual wield two small weapons. Weapons may be improved via special attachments, for instance a silencer or bipod.[19]

The player needs money to pay the mercenary hire fees and to purchase equipment. At the start of the game, the player is given a set amount of money. The main source of income in the game are silver and gold mines located in several towns.[20] The player has to reclaim these town sectors and convince the local miners to work for the player to receive a daily income.[21] Weaponry, equipment and miscellaneous items may be sold to local merchants.[22]

The game is played almost entirely through the mercenaries chosen. Mercenaries can be hired from private military company websites, or recruited from the local citizenry. The player may create one personalized, unique mercenary.

Characters are defined by their skills expressed in character points.[24] Every character has an experience level, five attributes (agility, dexterity, strength, leadership, wisdom) and four skills (marksmanship, explosives, mechanical, medical). A character's level is increased by actively participating in the game. Skills are increased by performing actions based on these skills or by training. Attribute points may be lost if a character is critically wounded. Apart from this, a mercenary can have two (or one highly developed) special skills enhancing a certain aspect of his or her performance such as night operations, or lockpicking.

Each character has a certain number of health points, which are reduced when they take damage. Wounds can be bandaged by using first aid kits. This prevents the character from bleeding and losing more health but does not restore health points.[25] A wounded mercenary is given less action points proportionally to their wounds. Health can be restored by resting, being treated by another mercenary with 'doctor'-'patient' pair of commands or visiting a hospital. When a mercenary runs very low on health, the character falls to the ground slowly dying, unable to do anything until medically treated. If a character dies, they cannot be resurrected.

Characters have an energy level, restored by sleep, rest, fluids or injections.[26] Moving, using stealth and getting hit saps energy. Tired mercs who have not rested for a long time become exhausted faster. Exhausted characters will fall to the ground until they regain some energy.[22]

Mercenaries have a morale level, mainly increased by victories and successful kills and decreased by the opposite. Happy mercs perform better, while unhappy mercs will complain and may leave the player's forces altogether.[22]

Mercs who like each other and work together will have a higher morale than others. Mercenaries who dislike each other will complain often and eventually one of the two mercenaries will quit. Mercenaries may refuse to be hired if the player has already hired someone they dislike.

When the game begins, Chivaldori has hired the player to remove Deidranna by whatever means necessary. He puts the player and their team of mercenaries in contact with a rebel movement in the northern town of Omerta.[34][35] Omerta suffered a massive raid shortly before the events of the game, leaving the town damaged and nearly deserted.[36][37][38] The rebel leader Miguel Cordona, former election candidate and opponent of Enrico,[39] guides the player to the city of Drassen.[40][41]

Jagged Alliance 2 received a score of 85.09% from review aggregation website GameRankings.[50] GameSpot praised its non-linear gameplay, freedom of action and variety of tactics and mercenary character traits,[52] while IGN highlighted its story-telling and role-playing, detailed world, challenging opponents and excellent audio.[53] Computer Gaming World presented the game Editor's Choice award, and Jeff Green described it as a hardcore game, praising its selection of mercenaries, replay value and combat planning, although noted AI was not very intelligent and graphics weren't strong.[51]

Jagged Alliance 2 was a finalist for Computer Games Strategy Plus', GameSpot's and Computer Gaming World's 1999 "Strategy Game of the Year" awards, which it lost to RollerCoaster Tycoon, Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings and Homeworld, respectively.[58][59][49] It was also nominated in GameSpot's "Best Sound" and "Best Game No One Played" categories.[49] The editors of Computer Games wrote, "Sirtech's amazing hybrid of detailed tactical strategy and role-playing delivered the goods. How many real-time games have this much tension?"[59] 152ee80cbc


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