Whether it's gorgeous young lamb, peas and morels in spring, the abundant produce of summer, or the orchard fruit of fall, our menus look to nature and French culinary heritage for inspiration. These are dishes that generations of French have grown up eating, and craving at the same time every year, for life.

Occupying several floors of a breathtakingly designed 1930s West Village townhouse, Bobo transports guests to a French country home, where a meal of rustic classics like coq au vin and tarte tatin always begin with Champagne and cocktails. Named for les bobos, French slang for stylish bohemians, the space includes a lively jewel-box bar, a year-round garden and many options for private dining.

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When I said goodbye to you, I thought of all the good times we had over the years, and how much joy you brought to my life. The mornings were our time together before silly old Chris would wake up, and the apartment is so much more quiet since you have left it. You were the best gift, and even though I am in tremendous pain from missing you, I will forever be thankful for you. I never thought I could love a pet so much. You were a special, sweet, and fancy gentleman, which is how you became @bobofancycat. You could always make me laugh with your silly, perma-shocked face. And your taste for the finer things in life (as well as judgmental demeanor) made you truly one of a kind. You were, without a doubt, MY cat. 

Thank you for expressing your love for Bobo so clearly. This time is approaching for our cat, due to her illness. I want her to be with us for ever, but I know I shouldnt make her suffer.

As you say, the important thing is to let her go knowing you did everything possible for her and I think we have.

Thank you again for your lovely and heartfelt tribute to Bobo.

A couple days ago my four year old cat crossed the Rainbow Bridge. I had adopted her from the animal shelter 3 years ago. Her name is Angel. I hope Bobo and Angel meet. I, too, wrote my cat a goodbye letter and it is an awful feeling. My kids and I miss her terribly. Take care, Joe

The baby reindeer REALLY need bobo's. They have been crying because they are new and need them. Since Austin (our LO) is such a big 2 year old now, he doesn't need them anymore. And the baby reindeer would be very grateful to have them.

So, we are having a friend..aka "Rudolph" send Austin a letter in the mail (which is his job to get everyday..it slides into our home) Rudolph is going to ask Austin for the bobo's. We have been telling Austin that Santa's asked us for them, so the letter will be a fun addition.. I hope.

The plan is to leave the pacifiers with santa's milk and cookies Christmas eve. We are making a reindeer collar (dog collar with bells probably) to leave as a "Thank you" from Rudolph. Then.. its cold turkey baby. No more pacifiers.

That sounds like a great plan. We took away DS paci in July over 4th of July when we were home with him for 6 days. My ony hesitstion would be if you had big plans on Christmas day. If things don't go smoothly and your DS doesn't sleep well, you don't want him to be crabby on Christmas day if you are going to be out of the house or with a lot of people. We took away both boy's paci's when they were about 2 years old. I felt like at that point they knew what was going on and we told them they were big boys and didn't need a paci anymore. Just make sure when they are gone they are gone, like throw them in the garbage gone. After 6 days of no paci at home our sitter gave him one she had. She finally understood that it was only making it worse on DS, he didn't know if he could have them or not and he would learn what it took to get a paci.

I really like the way you've been talking and explaining it to your Lo. I think that will really help. I would just brace yourself for a rough few nights. Definitely have all your gifts wrapped ahead of time because you may need to support your lo that first night.

it sounds like a great plan, like PP said though only problem is it possibly ruining your christmas. One of my best friends did something similar with her DD on her third birthday - the night before she had her put it out for the "Chu (what she called her pacifier) fairy" to take it away since she was turning three. it worked and all but she was MISERABLE at her party, screaming for her Chu the whole time. So if you think that may be the case i'd do it on a less significant day - i mean you could always leave it for santa on christmas night rather than eve on his way back to the north pole.

Ugh my Aug LO still loves his paci too, no plans to change it esp since he seems to be finally getting his second molars. The good news is my 8 mo doesn't favor pacis at all so we won't need to take one away again.

Nah nah, sucky, paci, binky, nuk-nuk, tooky ... whatever kids call them, one of the most important facets of successfully using a pacifier is knowing when to stop using it. Though some pediatricians suggest weaning from the pacifier at about nine to 12 months -- the same time you banish the bottle -- others believe aiming to wean by about 18 months is good, too.

We have "weaned" him from stores/outings, then not in the car, then not in playroom..etc. until we now leave it in the bed. And he is very good about it throwing it down on the bed then coming downstairs himself when he's done napping. Side note: He was BF until 16 months and had bottles in daycare but then stopped taking bottles, (self weaned I guess?) after 7 months once we introduced a water sippy so he had his BM in sippy cups while at daycare until I became a SAHM.

I do like the idea of leaving it Christmas night for Santa to take back with him so that's something to think about but with all the new toys he's getting Christmas morning, he may see it as a reward for leaving it for the reindeer? I don't know.

So, we are having a friend..aka \"Rudolph\" send Austin a letter in the mail (which is his job to get everyday..it slides into our home) Rudolph is going to ask Austin for the bobo's. We have been telling Austin that Santa's asked us for them, so the letter will be a fun addition.. I hope.

The plan is to leave the pacifiers with santa's milk and cookies Christmas eve. We are making a reindeer collar (dog collar with bells probably) to leave as a \"Thank you\" from Rudolph. Then.. its cold turkey baby. No more pacifiers.

it sounds like a great plan, like PP said though only problem is it possibly ruining your christmas. One of my best friends did something similar with her DD on her third birthday - the night before she had her put it out for the \"Chu (what she called her pacifier) fairy\" to take it away since she was turning three. it worked and all but she was MISERABLE at her party, screaming for her Chu the whole time. So if you think that may be the case i'd do it on a less significant day - i mean you could always leave it for santa on christmas night rather than eve on his way back to the north pole.

We have \"weaned\" him from stores/outings, then not in the car, then not in playroom..etc. until we now leave it in the bed. And he is very good about it throwing it down on the bed then coming downstairs himself when he's done napping. Side note: He was BF until 16 months and had bottles in daycare but then stopped taking bottles, (self weaned I guess?) after 7 months once we introduced a water sippy so he had his BM in sippy cups while at daycare until I became a SAHM.

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