Pulmonary hypertension is high blood pressure that affects the arteries in the lungs. This condition is often due to the narrowing or hardening of these arteries and can lead to heart failure. Symptoms of this condition often start with:

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a disease that causes the arteries that supply blood to the heart to narrow and harden. This condition leads to decreased blood flow to the heart, which can permanently damage the heart muscle. Signs and symptoms also include:

Download It 39;s Hard To Breathe But That 39;s Alright

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Your body absorbs oxygen and gives off carbon dioxide as air moves in and out of your lungs. The structures that move air in and out of your lungs are the muscles of your ribcage and your diaphragm, a sheet of muscle that sits beneath your lungs and above your abdomen.

Air is carried through your lungs from your mouth all the way down to small structures that are like hollow sacs. Each sac contains a mesh of blood vessels where oxygen can enter the bloodstream. When oxygen levels are too low, the brain sends signals to the muscles that control your breathing so that they will work harder. This means that people with breathing difficulties have to work harder to get enough oxygen.

If the lungs are stiff and not flexible, the diaphragm also has to work harder. In addition to the muscles that directly control breathing, people with breathing problems often use other muscles to breathe, including the muscles of the neck and shoulders. All this effort can make breathing very tiring.

The feeling of breathlessness happens when the brain detects that the body is not breathing hard or fast enough for its needs. The brain can detect this in several different ways: for example, it might detect that blood oxygen levels are too low, that blood carbon dioxide levels are too high, or that the blood is too acidic. So, the brain produces a feeling of breathlessness, and makes breathing harder and faster, trying to increase the amount of air coming into and out of the lungs to meet the body's needs.

Lose weight if your body mass index (BMI) is 30 or higher. Being significantly overweight or obese (BMI is a type of measure for these categories) forces your heart and lungs to work harder, which can make breathing more difficult and aggravate conditions like COPD that are linked to shortness of breath.

Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the airways of the lungs. During an asthma attack, airways (tubes that carry air to your lungs) become swollen, making it hard to breathe.1,2 As the walls of the airways swell, they narrow, and less air gets in and out of the lungs. Cells in the airways can make more mucus (a sticky, thick liquid) than usual, which can make breathing even harder.2

The academic study of this behavior is nascent, but researchers are developing a deeper understanding of how physical pain may relieve the psychological pain of some people who practice it. That knowledge may help experts better understand why it can be hard for some people to stop self-harming once they start. Whitlock, the director of the self-injury research program at Cornell, explains that studies are pretty consistent in showing that people who injure themselves do it to cope with anxiety or depression.

People who must be outdoors for long periods of time, in areas with heavy smoke, or where ash is disturbed, may want to wear a NIOSH-certified N95 respirator mask. Those with existing respiratory, lung or heart conditions should limit their exposure by staying indoors. Since wearing a respirator can make it harder to breathe, those with lung or heart conditions should check with their doctor before using one.

Pulse oximetry is a test that uses a small, clip-like device called a pulse oximeter to measure oxygen levels in the blood. When you breathe, your lungs take in oxygen and send it into your bloodstream. This oxygen-rich blood is carried into your heart, which pumps it to the rest of your body. If your blood oxygen level (oxygen saturation) is too low, it can make it hard for your body to work properly. It can put a dangerous strain on your vital organs.

So that's why when you stretch, it can kind of feel really nice, just getting a stretch in through one side or the other, but they also are muscles that have a second function. And that second function is to actually help you breathe, okay. To help you get extra air in when you're taking a really deep breath in. So if you have a look at me now and have a look at the muscles here in my neck, I'm just turning the top button and done so you can see what it looks like. So if I breathe in really deeply through my chest, okay, so let's watch this now.

You can see right the very end, when I breathe right in, those muscles kick in right at the very end to actually expand the ribcage right out. So it's actually expanding from the bottom here. You can't see at the bottom of the video, but when you actually expand right at the very top of the breath, right when it's really deep, the muscles actually all through here, kick in to expand the chest. So I'll do that one more time. Okay. So nice and easy.

They're walking on eggshells. It feels like that they just can't escape is just like, it feels like there's bugs in their skin. It feels like they just can't sit still. And quite often that's actually because the body's just in a ramped up state of fight or flight. And when it's in a state of fight or flight, your body actually forgets how to relax. And what it means when it's difficult to relax, is that you actually breathe differently. You don't actually realize that you're doing this until you actually start drawing attention to the way that you breathe. So this is why there's so much talk now about mindfulness breathing deeply and concentrating and focusing on your breathing.

Because when you breathe properly, what happens is that your blood gets oxygenated, your body's able to replenish itself. It's able to heal itself. It's able to do all of these different things to calm you down. And the biggest thing that happens as a compensating mechanism for people with neck pain and stress is that they start to breathe shallowly. Okay. So they're not breathing really nicely in through all the parts of their chest. They actually breathing in just through the top. So if you remember before, when I was doing the breath in, it was right at the very end. Okay. So we'll do it again. You can see all that comes on. Okay. So it all comes on there right at the very end. But if you take a short, sharp breath, you see how that all just pops up.

Okay. So when you're breathing shallowly, when you're actually breathing in a state of sort of fight or flight, or in a state where you're not relaxed, you're actually using these neck muscles in through here to breathe instead of your big intercostal muscles, your big chest muscles to get outwards and actually start breathing properly. So a lot of people that get this neck pain in through here, in through the back here, that doesn't seem to go away. The cause of it can actually be that you're not breathing deeply enough. Okay. So the muscles in through here actually overworked. Because instead of just working, when you're breathing in very deeply, it's actually working when you're just functioning day to day. So these muscles in through here are becoming overworked and that is the cause of your pain. So when you're moving from side to side, that's great, everyone does that.

But if they're using those muscles to move side to side and breathe deeply and breathe all the time because you're breathing every second of every day, these muscles have a tendency to get very tired, very sore. Okay. And no matter of poking prodding or anything else can actually help that to actually get better. What you need to do is actually learn how to breathe deeply and actually calmly breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. I'll just bring this back a little further, so you can see me. So when we've got... Oops, so well, we'll just bring this back up. There we go. Okay. So when you actually got the breath happening, what you want to do, is you want to actually get it breathing in through the chest. Okay. So a good thing to do is to get in through the chest, actually put your hands at the side of your chest there and use that as your guide to breathe in and out.

So you're actually using your hands as a cue to get some air into the lungs and reteach yourself how to breathe properly. One other secret you can do is to put the tongue at the top of your mouth so that you're breathing in through your nose. So we'll do that again.

You can see there, my whole chest wall is opening up and it's actually bringing air into the lungs and then back out again. So it's actually using these muscles of the neck to do it. It's using all the muscles down low to actually get that happen. So an exercise to do at home, if you're feeling really tight and sore through your neck is actually to breathe for 10 minutes. Okay? Believe it or not, breathe for 10 minutes. And the way to do that properly is to get your hands on your chest and breathe into your hands. Okay? In for four seconds, out for four seconds.

You don't want to hyperventilate. You don't want to go too fast. You just want to relax and breathe. Okay? Breathe into your hands, out through your mouth, in through your nose, out through your mouth, into your hands, expanding the lungs and taking the stress off your neck pain. And then we've had a lot of patients where they haven't responded to [inaudible 00:08:54] they haven't responded to these sorts of things. And sometimes breathing is actually a really good way just to calm the system down so that when you are doing the strength work, when you are doing the moving, when you are doing the exercises, it actually starts to work, actually starts to get some improvement. Because let's face it, If you're not breathing properly and you breathe every second of every day, if you're not using all of the muscles of breathing, instead of just the ones up here in your neck, then basically anything that we do with the neck to try to help that out, just isn't going to work. 17dc91bb1f

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