Volume is a measure of regions in three-dimensional space.[1] It is often quantified numerically using SI derived units (such as the cubic metre and litre) or by various imperial or US customary units (such as the gallon, quart, cubic inch). The definition of length (cubed) is interrelated with volume. The volume of a container is generally understood to be the capacity of the container; i.e., the amount of fluid (gas or liquid) that the container could hold, rather than the amount of space the container itself displaces. By metonymy, the term "volume" sometimes is used to refer to the corresponding region (e.g., bounding volume).[2][3]

In ancient times, volume was measured using similar-shaped natural containers. Later on, standardized containers were used. Some simple three-dimensional shapes can have their volume easily calculated using arithmetic formulas. Volumes of more complicated shapes can be calculated with integral calculus if a formula exists for the shape's boundary. Zero-, one- and two-dimensional objects have no volume; in fourth and higher dimensions, an analogous concept to the normal volume is the hypervolume.

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The 1960 redefinition of the metre from the International Prototype Metre to the orange-red emission line of krypton-86 atoms unbounded the metre, cubic metre, and litre from physical objects. This also make the metre and metre-derived units of volume resilient to changes to the International Prototype Metre.[11] The definition of the metre was redefined again in 1983 to use the speed of light and second (which is derived from the caesium standard) and reworded for clarity in 2019.[12]

As a measure of the Euclidean three-dimensional space, volume cannot be physically measured as a negative value, similar to length and area. Like all continuous monotonic (order-preserving) measures, volumes of bodies can be compared against each other and thus can be ordered. Volume can also be added together and be decomposed indefinitely; the latter property is integral to Cavalieri's principle and to the infinitesimal calculus of three-dimensional bodies.[13] A 'unit' of infinitesimally small volume in integral calculus is the volume element; this formulation is useful when working with different coordinate systems, spaces and manifolds.

To ease calculations, a unit of volume is equal to the volume occupied by a unit cube (with a side length of one). Because the volume occupies three dimensions, if the metre (m) is chosen as a unit of length, the corresponding unit of volume is the cubic metre (m3). The cubic metre is also a SI derived unit.[15] Therefore, volume has a unit dimension of L3.[16]

On-disk files in a container are ephemeral, which presents some problems fornon-trivial applications when running in containers. One problem occurs whena container crashes or is stopped. Container state is not saved so all of thefiles that were created or modified during the lifetime of the container are lost.During a crash, kubelet restarts the container with a clean state.Another problem occurs when multiple containers are running in a Pod andneed to share files. It can be challenging to setupand access a shared filesystem across all of the containers.The Kubernetes volume abstractionsolves both of these problems.Familiarity with Pods is suggested.

Kubernetes supports many types of volumes. A Podcan use any number of volume types simultaneously.Ephemeral volume types have a lifetime of a pod,but persistent volumes exist beyondthe lifetime of a pod. When a pod ceases to exist, Kubernetes destroys ephemeral volumes;however, Kubernetes does not destroy persistent volumes.For any kind of volume in a given pod, data is preserved across container restarts.

At its core, a volume is a directory, possibly with some data in it, whichis accessible to the containers in a pod. How that directory comes to be, themedium that backs it, and the contents of it are determined by the particularvolume type used.

To use a volume, specify the volumes to provide for the Pod in .spec.volumesand declare where to mount those volumes into containers in .spec.containers[*].volumeMounts.A process in a container sees a filesystem view composed from the initial contents ofthe container image, plus volumes(if defined) mounted inside the container.The process sees a root filesystem that initially matches the contents of the containerimage.Any writes to within that filesystem hierarchy, if allowed, affect what that process viewswhen it performs a subsequent filesystem access.Volumes mount at the specified paths withinthe image.For each container defined within a Pod, you must independently specify whereto mount each volume that the container uses.

A cephfs volume allows an existing CephFS volume to bemounted into your Pod. Unlike emptyDir, which is erased when a pod isremoved, the contents of a cephfs volume are preserved and the volume is merelyunmounted. This means that a cephfs volume can be pre-populated with data, andthat data can be shared between pods. The cephfs volume can be mounted by multiplewriters simultaneously.

A ConfigMapprovides a way to inject configuration data into pods.The data stored in a ConfigMap can be referenced in a volume of typeconfigMap and then consumed by containerized applications running in a pod.

When referencing a ConfigMap, you provide the name of the ConfigMap in thevolume. You can customize the path to use for a specificentry in the ConfigMap. The following configuration shows how to mountthe log-config ConfigMap onto a Pod called configmap-pod:

The log-config ConfigMap is mounted as a volume, and all contents stored inits log_level entry are mounted into the Pod at path /etc/config/log_level.Note that this path is derived from the volume's mountPath and the pathkeyed with log_level.

For a Pod that defines an emptyDir volume, the volume is created when the Pod is assigned to a node.As the name says, the emptyDir volume is initially empty. All containers in the Pod can read and write the samefiles in the emptyDir volume, though that volume can be mounted at the sameor different paths in each container. When a Pod is removed from a node forany reason, the data in the emptyDir is deleted permanently.

The emptyDir.medium field controls where emptyDir volumes are stored. Bydefault emptyDir volumes are stored on whatever medium that backs the nodesuch as disk, SSD, or network storage, depending on your environment. If you setthe emptyDir.medium field to "Memory", Kubernetes mounts a tmpfs (RAM-backedfilesystem) for you instead. While tmpfs is very fast be aware that, unlikedisks, files you write count against the memory limit of the container that wrote them.

A size limit can be specified for the default medium, which limits the capacityof the emptyDir volume. The storage is allocated from node ephemeralstorage.If that is filled up from another source (for example, log files or imageoverlays), the emptyDir may run out of capacity before this limit.

An fc volume type allows an existing fibre channel block storage volumeto mount in a Pod. You can specify single or multiple target world wide names (WWNs)using the parameter targetWWNs in your Volume configuration. If multiple WWNs are specified,targetWWNs expect that those WWNs are from multi-path connections.

If you are restricting access to specific directories on the node usingadmission-time validation, that restriction is only effective when youadditionally require that any mounts of that hostPath volume areread only. If you allow a read-write mount of any host path by anuntrusted Pod, the containers in that Pod may be able to subvert theread-write host mount.

Some files or directories created on the underlying hosts might only beaccessible by root. You then either need to run your process as root in aprivileged containeror modify the file permissions on the host to be able to read from(or write to) a hostPath volume.

---# This manifest mounts /data/foo on the host as /foo inside the# single container that runs within the hostpath-example-linux Pod.## The mount into the container is read-only.apiVersion: v1kind: Podmetadata: name: hostpath-example-linuxspec: os: { name: linux } nodeSelector: kubernetes.io/os: linux containers: - name: example-container image: registry.k8s.io/test-webserver volumeMounts: - mountPath: /foo name: example-volume readOnly: true volumes: - name: example-volume # mount /data/foo, but only if that directory already exists hostPath: path: /data/foo # directory location on host type: Directory # this field is optional---# This manifest mounts C:\Data\foo on the host as C:\foo, inside the# single container that runs within the hostpath-example-windows Pod.## The mount into the container is read-only.apiVersion: v1kind: Podmetadata: name: hostpath-example-windowsspec: os: { name: windows } nodeSelector: kubernetes.io/os: windows containers: - name: example-container image: microsoft/windowsservercore:1709 volumeMounts: - name: example-volume mountPath: "C:\\foo" readOnly: true volumes: # mount C:\Data\foo from the host, but only if that directory already exists - name: example-volume hostPath: path: "C:\\Data\\foo" # directory location on host type: Directory # this field is optionalhostPath FileOrCreate configuration exampleThe following manifest defines a Pod that mounts /var/local/aaainside the single container in the Pod. If the node does notalready have a path /var/local/aaa, the kubelet createsit as a directory and then mounts it into the Pod.

An iscsi volume allows an existing iSCSI (SCSI over IP) volume to be mountedinto your Pod. Unlike emptyDir, which is erased when a Pod is removed, thecontents of an iscsi volume are preserved and the volume is merelyunmounted. This means that an iscsi volume can be pre-populated with data, andthat data can be shared between pods.

A feature of iSCSI is that it can be mounted as read-only by multiple consumerssimultaneously. This means that you can pre-populate a volume with your datasetand then serve it in parallel from as many Pods as you need. Unfortunately,iSCSI volumes can only be mounted by a single consumer in read-write mode.Simultaneous writers are not allowed. 2351a5e196

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