I'm trying to install a few apps in Splunk. The dialogue says "Enter your Splunk.com username and password to download the app." I use the username/password combination I'm using for splunk.com and I continually get back an error message "Incorrect username or password". Given that I had to log into splunk.com using the same credentials to post this message I'm out of ideas on how to make this work.

No fix as far as I read but didnt go to bottom one fix is to doenload app as file from splunkbase and upload it to splunk in manage apps. When it comes to IT, it never works smoothly or im just bad at it, I swear I spend most of my time troubleshooting.

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The web portal (splunk base) allows you to use the username/email to login. However, from the application when you connect to the splunk base for app installation, it doesn't accept email. You have to use your username itself. This is what I have observed. And moreover, the description clearly says enter your 'username' and 'password' and not 'username or email'.

After creation of your user, you must logout and log back in (actual first time login). You'll be prompted to confirm your email where an email will be send to your email address to confirm your ownership of that email address. After confirmation, you can download the apps.

I am an admin at a school, and I am trying to make it so I can install apps to certain classrooms with a push of a single button on Jamf. We created an Apple ID for all the iPads to use, but I noticed that apps will not install automatically unless "automatic update" is turned on for each iPad. This worked up until 2 classrooms later, when the Apple ID seemed to cap out on how many iPads the "automatic update" feature is on for.

EDIT: important reply by supernote: ...we cannot guarantee a good experience with third-party apps if they are installed through unofficial methods. We are in the process of adding an official app store and support for sideloading, so please kindly wait.

By default Nextcloud provides such an access, but to be honest, without further information about that package, how it has been installed and configured, etc., etc. we cannot give you any further advice on this.

I was unaware of how nexcloud works, sorry to waste your time. I will try not to bother you again. I believe I read that we could upgrade/change the server to another server quite easily through the browser portal, while maintaining the same client and operating system. I also read we can install apps manually to the browser portal.

I have the ReadyNAS 212 with firmware 6.9.4 Hotfix 1. When I click "check for updates" it says a new version 6.10.2 is available, but when I click "Update". I get the error 6001010056. I have tried to cloud update with no luck. I have downloaded the arm version of the firmware and tried to update manually but get the error "file is missing or corrupt".

I also tried to install Plex Media Server (for RN2xx) from the admin interface and via the manual download and upload but this has failed also.

The NAS cannot successfully download the deb file from the server itself for whatever reason, but when we go to manually install it, we have to get dependencies and they have a similar problem. It is almost like network traffic being intercepted.

I turned anti-virus back on. I tred to install the Plex server. It errored out. I turn off anti-virus and tried again with no success. I left the anti-virus off, rebooted and then I was able to install Plex server. All is working great!


Now that I have the system running, I am trying to install the apps I need. I want to Install a trading app and not being successful on Arch, as I believe it requires creating things from scratch. I have installed this on other Arch based systems but they had an interface where one could enable AUR and Snapd etc.

Below are the to images for ref:

Also, I need to install a basic screen capture tool so I can attach system logs as well and general apps like whatsapp (how do I go about searching for these apps as there is no add/remove program as far as I can see).


And, be aware, Google does NOT support the use of VPNs with Chromecast devices. They may or may not work. We can't help you with them here if they do not. Even the CwGTV that can install apps can't install VPN apps.

I got sailfish installed today and found out that getting started is really hard. If you are totally lost in this likely new environment you may benefit from the manual (yes there is manual, but according to other posts on sailfish forums it is old, but the basics still apply):

The operating system is only one part of great smartphone experience, but usable applications provide the reasons to use any electronic device, so how can you get the best apps for your sailfish device? Of course there is the Jolla Store, but it has limited amount of apps. Another option for sailfish x is the android app support, but finding safe apk files may be a task. Here is a short list of sources where I have found android app apks:

I have experienced plenty of crashes with android apps, so even though it is not officially recommended I think native applications from openrepos are very needed addition even though installing third party apps is somewhat discouraged for security reasons.

Yes, definitely use Aurora Store whenever possible. It is just an interface to Google Play Store. You might prefer to install apps from the Amazon Appstore if available there, since they are Google-free versions.

@4carlos The issue most of us will come across is that solely relying F droid is not really a viable for most folks due to lack of third party alternatives for mainstreams apps either due to API limitations, clamp downs in the guise of security or in some cases due to malicious apps using exploits.

Not sure if it has been mentioned before but for important apps like Signal and Session Messenger, Standard Notes I do not trust the f-droid or the publishers in Aptoide that are different each time (see screenshot).

The winget command line tool enables users to discover, install, upgrade, remove and configure applications on Windows 10 and Windows 11 computers. This tool is the client interface to the Windows Package Manager service.

Windows Sandbox provides a lightweight desktop environment to safely run applications in isolation. Software installed inside the Windows Sandbox environment remains "sandboxed" and runs separately from the host machine. Windows Sandbox does not include winget, nor the Microsoft Store app, so you will need to download the latest winget package from the winget releases page on GitHub.

When running winget without administrator privileges, some applications may require elevation to install. When the installer runs, Windows will prompt you to elevate. If you choose not to elevate, the application will fail to install.

When running winget in an Administrator Command Prompt, you will not see elevation prompts if the application requires it. Always use caution when running your command prompt as an administrator, and only install applications you trust.

After you have confirmed that the tool you want is available, you can install the tool by typing winget install . The winget tool will launch the installer and install the application on your PC.

In addition to install and search, winget provides a number of other commands that enable you to show details on applications, change sources, and validate packages. To get a complete list of commands, type: winget --help.

When scripted, winget will launch the applications in the specified order. When an installer returns success or failure, winget will launch the next installer. If an installer launches another process, it is possible that it will return to winget prematurely. This will cause winget to install the next installer before the previous installer has completed.

Splunk apps are composed of pre-built dashboards, reports, alerts, and workflows, optimized for a particular purpose such as monitoring Web servers or network security. Splunk add-ons are a type of app that provide specific capabilities to other apps, such as getting data in, mapping data, or providing saved searches and macros. For more information on Splunk apps, see Apps and add-ons in the Splunk Enterprise Admin Manual.

To install premium apps, such as Enterprise Security (ES) or IT Service Intelligence (ITSI), you must contact Splunk Support. For information on assisted installation for premium apps, see Splunk premium solutions in the Splunk Cloud Platform Service Description.

Splunk Cloud Platform supports self-service installation of both public apps available from Splunkbase and private apps that you create for your deployment. More than 98% of Splunkbase apps are available for self-service app installation. You can install both Splunkbase apps and private apps directly to your Splunk Cloud Platform deployment using the Splunk Web UI.

You can also install both Splunkbase apps and private apps programmatically using the Admin Config Service (ACS) API. For more information, see About the Admin Config Service (ACS) API in the Admin Config Service Manual.

Self-service app installation behavior differs depending if your deployment is on Victoria Experience or Classic Experience. For more information, see How self-service app installation works on Victoria Experience. 17dc91bb1f

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