It was developed in 2004 by John Gruber in collaboration with Aaron Swartz. Gruber wrote the first markdown-to-html converter in Perl, and it soon became widely used in websites. By 2014 there were dozens of implementations in many languages.

Some Markdown implementations have adopted a convention ofinterpreting content inside tags as text if the open tag hasthe attribute markdown=1. The rule given above seems a simpler andmore elegant way of achieving the same expressive power, which is alsomuch simpler to parse.

Download In R Markdown


I love RMarkdown. I'm a senior in college and I use it for about 95% of my assignments. Any time I need to do data analysis, report writing, math homework, prototyping, etc.. I use Rmarkdown. Having the ability to knit to HTML or PDF and the markdown and LaTeX capabilities are really versatile and make working on any kind of deliverable so much easier. I also definitely stand out among my peers in the 'quality' of my work because I'm able to turn in a polished document as opposed to transferring everything to Word (Rmarkdown can knit to word too )

When we wanted to run it together, we found a sort of hacky way to do it, not sure if it made sense - but essentially, we created a master markdown document, and ran each subdocument in turn - by using knitr:knit("subfile1.Rmd", output = tempfile(), quiet = TRUE). The big problem is then we couldn't run the entire document at once -- since each document had chunk called "setup"...however, it worked for our needs.

We actually did it a bit more complicatedly than I described above (by wrapping each one in a function, and then calling the function, so as to ensure that we only got back one item from each markdown document, so there wouldn't be extra objects floating around our environment), but the above way could work.

From a private sector corporate perspective, I've found RMarkdown (specifically knit to HTML) to be an incredibly powerful communication tool for analysis delivered to managers, stakeholders and CxO positions. The Bootstrap framework (for HTML specifically) allows the report to be opened via email, even on a mobile device (with responsive design on mobile). This is something very valuable to a CxO on the go who works primarily on their phones. It also allows for a low barrier to entry sharing of the reports amongst departments or other analysts (in contrast to Tableau, Power BI, Power Point). And finally, given the HTML markdown can be opened right in your desktop browser, it allows you to keep the report in a very convenient place (a tab in your browser) that cuts down on 'Alt+Tab' or having to open another application to render.

I think the convenience of the html markdown file format is something not praised as much. I've found it to be the most powerful persuasive detail that has allowed me to continue to use RMarkdown for my work.

All of these options are possible just by adding a little bit of configuration options at the top of the Rmd file (such as title, author, theme, output file format, etc.), using markdown syntax to format your text (such as bold, italics, bullet points, etc.), and inserting "code chunks" to run arbitrary bits of code (such as make a plot using ggplot2 in R, run a SQL query against a remote database just by referring to the connection, perform some text manipulation in Python, etc.). The Rmd file is just a way to section off arbitrary bits of code from different other formats/languages, and the tool pandoc and R packages rmarkdown and knitr parse the Rmd file and build it into the document you want (defined in the config section at the top).

Hopefully you can see how useful Rmarkdown can be. If all you are doing is transforming bits of information and storing the results somewhere else, you might not need Rmarkdown. But if you have a story to tell with the results and want a flexible tool to help you tell that story in the way you see fit for the situation, Rmarkdown is going to be a great asset.

The package provides facilities for the conversion of markdown markup to plain TeX. These are provided both in form of a Lua module and in form of plain TeX, LaTeX, and ConTeXt macro packages that enable the direct inclusion of markdown documents inside TeX documents.

Architecturally, the package consists of the Lunamark Lua module by John MacFarlane, which was slimmed down and rewritten for the needs of the package. Lunamark provides speedy markdown parsing for the rest of the package. On top of Lunamark sits code for the plain TeX, LaTeX, and ConTeXt formats by Vt Novotn.

Obsidian supports the standard markdown notation

the new notation is a shorthand, to maintain links compact.

It follow the standard used by wikipedia for its links, and other software are adopting it too.

In order to create an internal link using standard markdown, however, the only help the user needs is in entering the file path - as the user will manually enter the link text anyway. So, all we need is a shortcut help for adding internal file paths., in the standard syntax. Here is a possible workflow:

This makes Obsidian super helpful also in building standard markdown links. Obsidian would still continue to make sure, that if the user decides to change the filename, such paths would be updated automatically, too (as it already does now).

Most users are going to be very thankful that Obsidian provides such great features, which go beyond what is supported by the standard markdown syntax - or even by MultiMarkdown - such as WikiLinks, links to headers, and file embeds. These features are, indeed, extremely useful and convenient.

Quarto has native support for embedding Mermaid and Graphviz diagrams. This enables you to create flowcharts, sequence diagrams, state diagrams, Gantt charts, and more using a plain text syntax inspired by markdown.

Hi Bubblers.

I am requesting a blog post via API - the content is stored in markdown format.

Bubble supports BB Code, but not markdown - How can I get Bubble to understand and render Markdown?

I looked a bit via Google and searched in Bubble forum.

Via Google I always landed at a Bubble Plugin - a markdown editor - not quite what I was looking for.

When searching inside Bubble forum, I found users discussing BB code vs. Markdown, but no solution to render markdown as HTML.

Another option could be to create a plugin. In the plugin create an element called markdown converter. Under the fields section create a variable called input and set type to dynamic value and text. In your initialize function, create functions and global variables used to convert markdown to html. Make sure to start the naming of all your functions and variables needed to convert are led by For example if I make a function called convertHTML(), you should call it This allows you to access it in the rest of the plugin. Then in your Update function, access the input by using properties.input. Here you can now use Above the functions there is a spot called Exposed States. You can pass values out of the plugin with these. If you call one HTML and give it a type of text then you can pass the value of the converted HTML.

The maintainers of markdown-it and thousands of other packages are working with Tidelift to deliver commercial support and maintenance for the open source dependencies you use to build your applications. Save time, reduce risk, and improve code health, while paying the maintainers of the exact dependencies you use. Learn more.

markdown-it is the result of the decision of the authors who contributed to99% of the Remarkable code to move to a project with the same authorship butnew leadership (Vitaly and Alex). It's not a fork.

So my question is what do you use in your own projects for writing markdown in a Django application? Or perhaps you have a different way of writing and inputting markdown into your Django application?

I have been trying and trying to figure out how to export a document in Drafts as a markdown file. Markdown is set as the default choice to write in. But I cannot export a markdown file ending in .md.

A few Markdown extensions, beyond what was specified in the originalPerl Markdown implementation, are supported. By default, the ones supportedin CommonMark are enabled. Any individual extension can be enabled byspecifying an Array of extension syntaxes in the blockSyntaxes orinlineSyntaxes argument of markdownToHtml.

To make extension management easy, you can also just specify an extension set.Both markdownToHtml() and Document() accept an extensionSet namedparameter. Currently, there are four pre-defined extension sets:

Doxygen can process files with Markdown formatting. For this to work the extension for such a file should be .md or .markdown (see EXTENSION_MAPPING if your Markdown files have a different extension, and use md as the name of the parser). Each file is converted to a page (see the page command for details).

Check this out:


It's not exactly a text editor, but the web version does allow for markdown. I could not get the integration to work seamlessly with the way that I have my Evernote configured, but you may be able to come up with something if you fiddle with it enough.

Looking at EN's .enex XML file, it's a reasonable format but import/export in markdown pulling creation and modified dates from the file itself would be more convenient. Maybe also JSON instead of XML, and/or converting the content node from HTML to markdown. If EN did add these features they could be for the paid users.... But for now, gonna give karlos1234's program a whirl. It would be nice to hear if EN might add such features.

I recommend experimenting with the new format incorporating AI functionality. While it won't provide a verbatim translation of markdown, within mere seconds it swiftly renders a presentation conducive to reading.

ah, right, that will work. Actually my docs are in a database and happen to be in markdown format in a text field. I can get a json dump of them, then use jq to cook up a script to push them in via curl. Problem is slogging through to figure out what is useful or not. 17dc91bb1f

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