Hello, I am trying to bulk edit the filenames of images that are uploaded to my site. I have looked through a lot of the how-to pages in Squarespace's documentation, but I haven't found a way to access all my images (without creating a new page). I find it hard to believe that there is no way in Squarespace to access my image library to bulk delete old photos or easily edit image filenames, maybe I am just looking in the wrong place? What am I missing?

I have a lot of images I would like to showcase on my site here, and uploading one image at a time is tedious.

Is the any way I can batch upload images to the library or from google drive/dropbox?

I would like to assign a image folder to each project page and then be able to construct the "look" from there.

Download Images In Bulk

Download 🔥 https://shurll.com/2yGB0i 🔥

I am having the same issue, but I don't think Gallery blocks will work since I am trying to add to pages which have sections, and if I understand correctly I can't add a Gallery Block on a page like that.

First off give all the images you want to bulk upload an easy to find name, something besides the default file number your camera gives it. Then create a blank page in the unlinked secton of you site, it doesn't have to be an enabled page. Add a gallery block to that page and upload all the images you care to. It can be a bulk upload if choosing the files directiy from their location on your computer or device. Those images will now appear in your assest library where you can search for them by name, newest or oldest, use them anywhere in your site, delete them singly or as a group. You can't upload a folder of images or create one in your assest library but you can group name images which will show up in the asset seach, such as parkerwedding1.jpg, parkerwedding2,jpg etc.

My company has a couple hundred blog posts with images that sometimes are either pngs or other large images. I wanted to know if there was some option to replace them in bulk. Something like replacing a complete folder full of images or other way to overwrite the current images whitout having to use the "Relace" option individually in each one on the File section of hubspot (or going into each post to change them).


Hi @jcporcel Having been through many changes with HubSpot File Manager and seeking similar capabilities, the only way I have found is by breaking all of the images and loading replacements in their place.

Here's what I mean:

Essentially, you prep all of the images you need to replace ahead of time - let's say you have 100 images that you've optimized with tinypng.com and you want to swap them out with the existing files that are in 2 different folders.

3. open the first folder with images you want to replace and delete them, let's say that's 40 images in the folder, you'd have to go through and only pick out the ones you are replacing (unless you're lucky/smart and are replacing all of them).

6. the blog images will fix themselves because the file is back in its place, it may not recognize the file size change immediately (odd, but true) and you can use the server side cache buster to verify all is good 

(add ?hsCacheBuster=257 with random number to end of URL)

As I said before the steps, please test with a smaller set of images so you don't come back and yell at me that it didn't work I haven't had to do this in several months and with HubSpot things change all. the. time.

Thank you for bringing up your query about replacing images in bulk on your company's blog posts. It can be quite time-consuming to individually replace images in each post, especially when dealing with a large number of blog tech posts. Fortunately, there are options available to streamline this process and make it more efficient. One approach you can consider is using automation or a script to replace images in bulk. By writing a script or using a tool specifically designed for this purpose, you can specify the folder or directory containing the new images and automatically overwrite the existing images across multiple posts. Another option is to utilize content management systems (CMS) or blogging platforms that offer bulk image replacement functionalities. Depending on the platform you are using, there might be built-in features or plugins available that allow you to replace images across multiple posts simultaneously.

This sounds pretty much exactly what I needed. I thought there was some sort of internal file reference system with ids like in google drive. But if everything is based on file names, this will probably fix our problem. Thanks!

I am looking for a way bulk upload thousands of images into the file column of an existing board. Each image belongs to one of the 600 items in my board (some items have up to 5), and I wish to upload every image in the file column of its own respective item. How can I achieve this? Will using the Monday API help, or is there a source elsewhere that solves the issue? Thanks.

By using a separate HTTP request for each item, will I have to modify the script each time? If not, since the script iterates through each item and uploads a file, is this not considered a bulk upload?

I have over 12,000 products in my Shopify store. My original API automation only had one photo per product in the automation so, I ran an SEO app on the photos to rename them along with adding my own photos manually. Now that the photos are renamed and I am unable to restore the original file names (long story), how do I delete ALL the product images at once? Once they are removed my developer can re-sync the feed to include multiple photos per product, with updates. Thanks.

You sure can do this with our app in bulk!

The process is quite simple - in Matrixify (Excelify) app, export Products with Basic Columns and Images. Open "Advanced" tab un Products and remove/add columns so that you only have columns:

@UpperMountain having recently gone through a pretty large scale shopping feed re-platform, and after evaluating a bunch, I'd highly recommend DataFeedWatch purely for it's flexibility and price point. I think Matrixify can do some feed stuff but at a quick glance at the interface on my store, it looks OK, pretty basic. Not sure how robust it is when you get into the nitty gritty of feed optimization at large scale.

For the purpose of feed generation, optimization and management: DFW on the other hand has almost infinitely flexible config options with many input and output and conditional rules. Pretty reasonable pricing too IMO for what it lets you do, but I guess that depends on your SKU count.

Yeah Matrixify is awesome, pretty much a must-have on all the stores I work on. It's really a shame that it's essentially plugging basic holes in missing Shopify functionality. Shopify has a feature gaps all over the place with CRUD / bulk / export / import that should be part of the platform admin UI imo.

That depends on the number of Products you will be updating. if it's over 5000 Products but below 50 000 then yes, you would need to take Big subscription (50 USD). If the Product count is under 5000 then you can take the Basic plan (20 USD).

That is really really hard to estimate as it depends on way too many factors, for example, app subscription plan, store API Call limit, product count, how many images per product, Shopify API response time, etc. etc.

>Yeah Matrixify is awesome, pretty much a must-have on all the stores I work on. It's really a shame that it's essentially plugging basic holes in missing Shopify functionality. Shopify has a feature gaps all over the place with CRUD / bulk / export / import that should be part of the platform admin UI imo.

Indeed a lot of functionality that we offer normally should be a part of Shopify native import/export features. But as over time Shopify also improves their import/export features, then we also have a great motivation to develop more and more features that app users are requesting.

There is the action for downloading all attachments, but these images are inserted instead of attached. I can't see a way to do this. There are 300 images so downloading one by one isn't really an option.

If you're a licensed user you can Request a Backup (see here for more information). To do this, right-click on the item's name and select the option from the drop-down menu. This backup would include a folder with all of the images inserted into your grid.

On top of using Request Backup to download the entire sheet including the inserted images, I'm also wondering if there is any way that I can download/backup the inserted images for specific range? (for example, if I only need the inserted images from row 10 to row 78) 152ee80cbc

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