Products FastStone Image Viewer 7.8 Freeware (Last Update: 2023-09-28) An image browser, converter and editor that supports all major graphic formats including BMP, JPEG, JPEG 2000, GIF, PNG, PCX, TIFF, WMF, ICO, TGA and camera raw files. It has a nice array of features such as image viewing, management, comparison, red-eye removal, emailing, resizing, cropping, color adjustments, musical slideshow and much more.

The default Linux Image Viewer (as of now at least) supports the no anti-aliasing option: go to Image Viewer > Preferences > Image Viewer and turn off Smooth images when zoomed out/in. The infinite zoom-in is still missing.

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F12 brings up the settings. You can choose how the image is displayed upon launch. I start on windowed view, then click the button at top right to get the full screen view if I want it (More typically I'm just using the loupe to zoom into the picture at 100%). Going back from the full screen view to the default view, I do that by pressing Escape.

Click on the thumbview will open the image at default setting (I set it to adjusted to full screen), another click and hold the mouse, would enter 100% view. Click again on the default review, return to thumb view page.

There is a setting in the Option/View/Auto Image size (Sorry that it might use a different name since my FastStone is using non-English version) allowing us to set the default view size of the image. Mouse click is always my preference since I am a lazy man hate to memorize shortcut keys of various software ...

What's the best camera for travel? Good travel cameras should be small, versatile, and offer good image quality. In this buying guide we've rounded-up several great cameras for travel and recommended the best.

You can hide most of gqview's gui (which is GTK2, but ugly). I have nothing but the image when it launches. It will allow mouse scroll or page up/down through the current directory, so navigation is easy. If I need to print, I would open the side bar, print, then close it again.

I've been working on an image viewer as a hobby project, and I feel it's probably at a point where it might be useful for others. It has some specific options for folks working with games/graphics and has the following features:

It supports every format the great image crate supports, and improves upon that with animated gif, tonemapped hdr, webp, DDS with DXT1-5, psd, svg and tonemapped exr. If you want more, please add an issue on GH!

It let's you view RGB channels without multiplying it with the Alpha channel. This is nice if you have special data encoded in the alpha channel or want to troubleshoot image data (also supports viewing each R,B,G,A channel individually)

It has a networked mode that will listen for image data. This lets you pipe images with netcat or other tools to a user-defined port and Oculante will display them if it's able to decode the data. This is useful if you want to view images from headless systems or integrate it with other tools.

UI was not really a goal of this project, but I guess adding something like egui would be a great idea, for example for a better image analysis UI. I really can't figure out how to use egui with piston. Again, I'd be very happy for help or recommendations towards a better alternative.

This article has been checked and updated in January 2020 for correctness. Is the default image viewer in your desktop environment just not working the way you want? need more features (or maybe something simpler) from an image viewer? Well, you are...

An image viewer or image browser is a computer program that can display stored graphical images; it can often handle various graphics file formats. Such software usually renders the image according to properties of the display such as color depth, display resolution, and color profile.

Although one may use a full-featured raster graphics editor (such as Photoshop or GIMP) as an image viewer, these have many editing functionalities which are not needed for just viewing images, and therefore usually start rather slowly. Also, most viewers have functionalities that editors usually lack, such as stepping through all the images in a directory (possibly as a slideshow).

Image viewers give maximal flexibility to the user by providing a direct view of the directory structure available on a hard disk. Most image viewers do not provide any kind of automatic organization of pictures and therefore the burden remains on the user to create and maintain their folder structure (using tag- or folder-based methods). However, some image viewers also have features for organizing images, especially an image database, and hence can also be used as image organizer.

If you find some free time, could you maybe take a look at a small issue with the keys? When using imageviewer with the mouse only, it works fine. But for that, one has to click "hide image window" to close the image window. However, when closing the image window with ALT+i, then it comes back on screen unwanted after a scene change. And when opening/closing the image list with CTRL-i then I regulary end up with 2 or 3 image lists. So the key combinations are not working perfect, yet. If you can't reproduce it, I can make a short video. Maybe/hopefully it's easy to find/solve.

It's not that important, just if you maybe find some spare time. o/ 

Maybe one could use left click on the toolbar icon to show the last selected image and right click for the menu?

You fixed an issue with the key combinations in the last version. Thank you very much for that. 

There is a small thing left over. When you selected an image with CTRL-i in the image list and keep it selected, close it with ALT-i, imageviewer auto-opens on the next KSP start in the loading screen.

Could you maybe change it, that it doesn't auto open itself at game start, if an image is still selected?

I didn't wanted to bother you, but this issue is really a little bit annoying.

I think/hope it's just like an "if true/false show image" at initialization.



Hi, sorry to jump in on this conversation, but I've just recently put Affinity 2 and faststone image viewer on my PC (finally ditched Adobe) I found this conversation as I'm trying to link the 2 together so I can edit using external program, I've gone into settings but can't fathom out how to do it, can anyone give me step by step guidance please ?

Hello all. What's a good image viewer for XFCE that uses the gtk file picker with previews? In Debian Ristretto is included under xfce4-goodies package but that doesn't use the file picker with previews on the right side. Seems like an image viewer would definitely know to have previews but I guess not? Thanks for any suggestions! Right now I've got gwenview installed but I'd like to get something simpler.

Mirage I'm liking more now, custom actions (set image as wallpaper?), hotkeys still weird though as direction arrows do not work to scroll images but can workaround using page up and down keys. Hm oh well that might work. Has crop tool too.

I do also want to say that for tutorials using local kernels, napari works great. I recently ran a workshop at my university using napari as the viewer. The empty notebook can be found here and the completed one here. (There are also other completed notebooks in those branches, index here.) Two things I really like are the layers, which allows students to see the different steps of a workflow overlaid on one another, and mixing interactions such as point picking with other parts of the pipeline, which makes it very nice to quickly segment data with watershed, for example.

I'm using IDLE Python on Win7 x64 (x86 version of Python though as PIL doesn't work with x64) and it's working properly, but I have a problem in that the show() method for an image opens in what it must think is the default image viewer (in my case, Photoshop).

QLabel is typically used for displaying text, but it can also display an image. QScrollArea provides a scrolling view around another widget. If the child widget exceeds the size of the frame, QScrollArea automatically provides scroll bars.

The example demonstrates how QLabel's ability to scale its contents (QLabel::scaledContents), and QScrollArea's ability to automatically resize its contents (QScrollArea::widgetResizable), can be used to implement zooming and scaling features. In addition the example shows how to use QPainter to print an image.

We use createActions() and createMenus() when constructing the ImageViewer widget. We use the updateActions() function to update the menu entries when a new image is loaded, or when the Fit to Window option is toggled. The zoom slots use scaleImage() to perform the zooming. In turn, scaleImage() uses adjustScrollBar() to preserve the focal point after scaling an image.

We set imageLabel's size policy to ignored, making the users able to scale the image to whatever size they want when the Fit to Window option is turned on. Otherwise, the default size polizy (preferred) will make scroll bars appear when the scroll area becomes smaller than the label's minimum size hint. 2351a5e196

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