Collect, manage, and serve imagery from a wide range of sensors on platforms ranging from satellites, aircraft, and drones. Combine overlapping, time-variant imagery from multiple devices, sensors, resolutions, bands, and raster formats into a single image service.

Raster analytics quickly extract information from massive image and raster collections. Large processing and analysis jobs are split to enable efficient use of parallel computing and distributed storage. Get fast results for computationally intensive tasks such as deep learning, hydrologic analyses, or temporal analysis of multidimensional data.

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No matter the size and scale of your organization, ArcGIS is there to meet your imagery needs securely and reliably. Customize your deployment to fit existing infrastructure, comply with regulations, and support mission-critical workflows. Deploy on premises or using cloud investments such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure.

Quickly process hundreds or thousands of images collected by satellite, aerial, or drone sensors to create orthoimage mosaics, digital surface models (DSM), and digital terrain models (DTM). Create accurate maps for interpretation and analysis such as vegetation health and volumetric change.

Interested in hosting your own IIIF resources? Check out some of the most popular IIIF-compatible servers, or review a growing list of community selections on the Awesome IIIF list. You can also make an existing image server IIIF-compatible.

While traditional web servers generally supply clients with static copies of image files, image servers usually perform additional image processing before serving the file. These functions may include frame/format selection, resizing, cropping, alpha blending, compositing source images, rotating, color adjustment, and filtering.

The proliferation of mobile devices, screen resolutions, and pixel densities has forced web designers to create an ever-increasing number of image variations.Image servers capable of dynamic image resizing can produce the required sizes and variations on demand, eliminating repetitive work and the room for human error.

Declarative APIs (such as RIAPI) allow the client to describe resulting characteristics of the image, such as desired size, aspect ratio, rotation, fit modes, etc. Command order is not important - ?width=200&height=100 will produce the same result as ?height=100&width=200. The server is free to coalesce compatible operations to improve performance.

Browser-based viewers for high resolution images enable a responsive pan and zoom experience by requesting small tiles (typically square JPEGs or PNGs at 256x256 or 512x512 pixels) generated from the high resolution source. Only those tiles required to render the user's current viewport and zoom level are loaded, with more requested on demand as the user zooms in to particular areas. This tile generation can be done in advance and stored on the server file system as an Image Pyramid.[2] However, this results in potentially thousands of small JPEG files with associated storage and management overhead. An Image server can respond dynamically to HTTP requests for the tiles, generating HTTP responses (the tile images) on the fly. The server requires only the single high resolution source image.[3]

The simplest product viewers usually require at least 3 versions of an image: a 100x100 thumbnail, a 400x300 medium 'in-page, selected', and a 1200x900 'zoomed' version. Combined with the original file, this results in 4 separate images that must be stored, updated, and linked to.

In e-commerce, image servers are qualified by their abilities to scale to hundreds of thousands of images, to multiple CPUs or load-balanced server machines, and to the quantity and quality of their image processing functionalities, such as resizing, compositing, zoom and 3D viewers, and the addition of dynamic data to the images in the form of overlaid text or graphics.

Geospatial or mapping has particular need for specialized "image servers". Aerial and satellite images are georeferenced and can be hundreds or thousands of gigabytes in size. Traditional mechanisms for serving this data have proved inadequate. The first specialized image server for geospatial image data was Image Web Server, released in 1999. Image Web Server, among other protocols, supports ECWP (ERDAS Compressed Wavelet Protocol) that "streams" large images to a user's application, rather than sending a regular image over HTTP. The well known standard for a distributed architecture of geospatial data is Web Map Service.

To accomplish this, a large number of variations must be created for each screen resolution. An image server can solve that by dynamically adjusting the size of the image according to the user's browser settings.

LabelExplanationData TypeInput Image ServiceThe name of the input image service or the SOAP URL that references the image service. Browse to or type the input image service. This tool can also accept a SOAP URL that references the image service.

Cantaloupe is an open-source dynamic image server for on-demand generation of derivatives of high-resolution source images. With available operations including cropping, scaling, and rotation, it can support deep-zooming image viewers, as well as on-the-fly thumbnail generation. Compliance with the IIIF Image API enables it to work with a growing number of client applications.

Images are automatically tiled to the Deep Zoom, the Zoomify, the jpeg 2000or the tiled pyramidal tiff format. Then they can be displayed directly in anyviewer that support thes formats, or in any viewer that supports the IIIFprotocol. Tiled images are displayed with OpenSeadragon, the default viewerintegrated in Omeka S.

The Image Server supports the IXIF media extension too, so manifests can beserved for any type of file. For non-images files, it is recommended to use aspecific viewer or the Universal Viewer, a widget that can display books,images, maps, audio, movies, pdf, 3D, and anything else as long as theappropriate extension is installed.

For performance reasons, the recommanded image processor is vips (commandline tool), but the more common ImageMagick (command line convert), GD orImagick (php extensions) are supported. Except vips, they are installed bydefault in most servers.

It is recommended to set the web server (usually Apache or Nginx) to serve fileswith protocol http/2, that allows to send multiple files during the same tcpconnection, so to serve multiple tiles more quickly.

To be able to share manifests and contents with other IIIF servers, the servershould allow CORS. The header is automatically set for manifests, but you mayhave to allow access for files via the config of the server.

From version, tiles are created automatically for all new images, ifoption is set. It's not recommended to set it if the existing media doesn't havetiles yet, so you have to bulk size them first. The conversion of the rendererfrom "tile" to the standard "file" can be done with the job in the config form.

For big images that are not stored in a versatile format (jpeg 2000 or tiledtiff) and that cannot be processed dynamically quickly (for example with vips),it is recommended to pre-tile them to load and zoom them instantly. It can bedone for any size of images. It may be recommended to manage at least the bigimages (more than 10 to 50 MB, according to your server and your public.

The IIIF specifications allow to ask for any region of the original image, atany size, eventually with a rotation and a specified quality and format. Theimage server creates them dynamically from the original image, from the Omekathumbnails or from the tiles if any.

The dynamic creation of tiles can be done with the php extensions GD or Imagickand with the command line tools ImageMagick, default in Omeka, and vips. GD isgenerally a little quicker, but ImageMagick manages many more formats. An optionallows to select the library to use according to your server and your documentsor to let the module chooses automagically. Vips is the largely the quickest inall cases, and it manages natively common formats (jpeg, png, pdf, tiff).

Any viewer that supports Deep Zoom or Zoomify can display them directly.OpenSeadragon, the viewer integrated by default in Omeka S, can display themdirectly (from version 2.2.2), so it is quicker. This is the case for anyderivated viewer too (Universal Viewer, Mirador, etc.). The OpenLayers viewersupports the two formats too.

If you installed vips, you can use it as a default thumbnailer for Omeka. Themain interest to use Vips as thumbnailer is not only the performance, but thepossibility to center on the region of interest when cropping the image to getthe square thumbnails. Just set it in the file "config/local.config.php" at theroot of Omeka:

This module is a rewrite of the Universal Viewer plugin for Omeka Classic,built for the Bibliothque patrimoniale of Mines ParisTech. The upgrade toOmeka S was initially done by BibLibre. It has the same features as theoriginal plugin, but separated into three modules (the IIIF server, the imageserver and the widget Universal Viewer). It integrates the tiler Zoomify thatwas used the plugin OpenLayers Zoom for Omeka Classic and another tiler tosupport the Deep Zoom Image tile format.

Omeka is a Digital Scholar project, originally launched at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media with funding from multiple organizations. Omeka's name and logo are registered trademarks of Digital Scholar.

The width and height attributes are used to infer the correct aspect ratio of image and avoid layout shift from the image loading in. The width and height do not determine the rendered size of the image file. Learn more about Image Sizing.

To safely allow optimizing images, define a list of supported URL patterns in next.config.js. Be as specific as possible to prevent malicious usage. For example, the following configuration will only allow images from a specific AWS S3 bucket:

Sometimes you may want to optimize a remote image, but still use the built-in Next.js Image Optimization API. To do this, leave the loader at its default setting and enter an absolute URL for the Image src prop. ff782bc1db

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