The LDP called on the government several times in the past to consider arming the Self-Defense Forces with the capability to strike military targets within enemy territory. But the government has repeatedly struck down the idea.

Constitutionally, Japanese military operations to destroy enemy bases are allowed only after the enemy started preparations to attack Japan. In reality, it is almost impossible to confirm this. Any misjudgment could lead to a pre-emptive strike that violates international law.

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Never in the history of warfare have enemy prisoners been able to bring lawsuits challenging their detention. Thousands of Germans and Japanese soldiers were captured and held by the military during World War II. Not one case was allowed in federal court where they were allowed to sue for their release.

It was and is an offense to continue to fight after striking one's colors, and an offense to continue to fire on an enemy after she has struck her colors, unless she indicates by some other action, such as continuing to fire or seeking to escape, that she has not truly surrendered. For this reason, striking the colors is conclusive evidence of a surrender having taken place in the case of a warship, but not in the case of a merchant ship. What would be perfidy in the case of a warship is not in the case of a merchant ship: A merchant ship may strike its colors as a ruse de guerre in an attempt to escape capture, since it does not engage the enemy in combat.[3]

In distinction to striking one's colors, hoisting a white flag, in itself, is not an indication of surrender. Rather, hoisting a white flag indicates a request for a truce in order to communicate with the enemy. Under the Geneva Conventions, persons carrying or waving a white flag are still not to be fired upon, nor are they allowed to open fire.

Captain William Bainbridge, USN, reported the surrender of HM frigate Java to USS Constitution on 29 December 1812 by the following minutes taken during the action: "At 4.5 [o'clock] Having silenced the fire of the enemy completely and his colours in main Rigging being [down] Supposed he had Struck, Then hawl'd about the Courses to shoot ahead to repair our rigging, which was extremely cut, leaving the enemy a complete wreck, soon after discovered that The enemies flag was still flying hove too to repair Some of our damages. At 4.20 [o'clock] The Enemies Main Mast went by the board. At 4.50 [Wore] ship and stood for the Enemy. At 5.25 [o'clock] Got very close to the enemy in a very [effective] raking position, athwart his bows & was at the very instance of raking him, when he most prudently Struck his Flag."[14] Lt. Henry D. Chads, RN, of Java, reported her surrender thus: "At 5:50 our Colours were lowered from the Stump of the Mizen Mast and we were taken possession a little after 6."[15]

An aircraft with a thoroughly reworked design and anti-aircraftcapability that allows it to hold its own in air combat. Itslighter body is less durable than the previous design, but allowsfor an increased weapons payload. Use your increased firepower tostrike down the enemy like a bolt of lightning!

Imagine two people identified as children of God...they get angry with each other. One believing that the other one has done them so wrong. And that one starts using the word of God to reign down curses on the other one. What do you think will happen? We are responsible for what we say!!! If a bad thing does befall them you are now a culprit in the demise of one of God's children. Remember drowning with the millstone about your neck will give you a better chance at survival then cursing one of God's children. Luke 17:2 A curse is when an person(s) uses words in an attempt to invoke supernatural power to cause harm to someone else. Whose worse the person who may've done you wrong, (perception is everything) or the person getting in God face wishing you harm. Getting in God's face asking him to harm one of his children. No child of God will be killed by friendly fire. God protects his least one. God doesn't use human emotions to settle our differences. He is all seeing and all knowing. He knows the intent of our hearts and his punishment is just. He is sovereign. One thing God can handle is sin and workers of iniquity...against him, against you and me. When you have Godly love on the inside...OMG...the genuine love of God on the inside, You won't wish anyone any harm. Authentic Godly love will cause you to pray for the enemy that desire to sift you as wheat!

Unarmed EB-66s were vulnerable to enemy MiGs, who specifically targeted them. Pictured here are B-66 pilot Maj. Kibby Taylor (right) and navigator Capt. Jack McGinn. Their aircraft was attacked by two MiGs on a mission in November 1966. They narrowly escaped, and their fighter escort shot down both of the MiGs. (U.S. Air Force photo)

Unarmed Douglas EB-66 electronic warfare aircraft detected and jammed enemy air defense radars. Though small in number, EB-66s and their crews remained in high demand as part of the total strike package in bombing missions against North Vietnam.

The North Vietnamese used radar signals to detect incoming aircraft, guide their MiG fighters, and aim surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) and antiaircraft guns. U.S. Air Force EB-66s conducted "electronic warfare" against these radars to render them useless. 

The first USAF electronic warfare B-66s went to Southeast Asia in the spring of 1965. EB-66 crews detected and gathered information about enemy radar locations and frequencies. They also used jamming equipment to interrupt enemy radar signals. 

USAF bombing missions deep into North Vietnam always required EB-66 support, even though there were relatively few EB-66s. Moreover, the B-66 was out of production, so repair and shortages of spare parts made it difficult to keep aircraft flying. 

Losses further reduced the number of available aircraft. EB-66s were so successful that the enemy specifically targeted them. MiG fighters shot down one EB-66 and SAMs shot down five. Eleven more EB-66s were lost to accidents.

Despite these problems, EB-66 crews continued flying and providing essential support to strike aircraft to the end of the war in 1973.

Click here to learn more about B-66 Jammers during the Southeast Asia War.

In the context of the strike capabilities debate, Norota explicitly differentiates between preemptive attacks and enemy base strikes for self-defense, in order to emphasize the constitutional limitations of such capabilities.

no emphasizes that regardless of the introduction of ballistic missile defense (BMD) systems to Japan, the legal perspective on enemy base strikes does not change. no touches upon a key dichotomy between what he frames as the legal versus policy differences of enemy base strike capabilities. Beginning with how enemy base strikes have been interpreted as legal, no also highlights the current Japanese policy showing offensive restraint as long as alternative means to addressing conflict exist, such as diplomacy, U.S. intervention, or BMD. Since Japan has always had alternative methods besides enemy base strikes even before BMD, the fundamental interpretation does not change: Japan can legally possess strike capabilities, though operationalizing such systems into policy is an entirely different matter.

During a Diet plenary session of the House of Representatives, Abe reassures members that discussions surrounding enemy base strike capability have not reached any specific conclusion, despite the adoption of the 2018 NDPG and Medium-Term Defense Guidelines that introduced standoff missiles.

These remarks later matured into the policies known as the Bush Doctrine, officially traceable to September 2002, when the White House released the National Security Strategy of the United States. The doctrine generally focused on three points. The first was preventive war in which the United States would strike an enemy nation or terrorist group before they had a chance to attack the United States. It focused on deterring any potential attacker. The second point was unilateral action in which the United States would act alone if necessary to defend itself either at home or abroad. The third point embraced spreading democracy and freedom around the world, focusing on concepts such as free markets, free trade, and individual liberty.

A few days after the 9/11 attacks, Congress passed the Authorization for Use of Military Force, which President Bush signed on September 18, 2001. It allowed the President to use force against those involved in the attacks or to prevent future attacks. Bush signed the USA Patriot Act into law in October 2001 to expand domestic security and surveillance, disrupt terrorist funding by cracking down on activities such as money laundering, and increase efficiency within the U.S. intelligence community.

If we lose our alignment with God, it is very easy for the enemy to take us down. The enemy finds us when we are at the most vulnerable and begins to erode away at our identity. Here are the four ways:

The President of the United States of America, authorized by section 8742 of title 10 U.S.C., awards the Air Force Cross to Staff Sergeant Richard B. Hunter for extraordinary heroism in military operations against an armed enemy of the United States as a Joint Terminal Attack Controller, 23d Expeditionary Special Tactics Squadron, Combined Joint Special Operations Air Component-Afghanistan in Kunduz Province, Afghanistan from 2 November 2016 to 3 November 2016. During this period, while assigned to a Special Forces team, Sergeant Hunter displayed extraordinary bravery as his team assaulted an insurgent safe haven. As they moved in a narrow alley, Taliban fighters ambushed them with grenade and heavy machine gun fire. With no regard for his own life, Sergeant Hunter placed himself between the enemy and his team, shielding the wounded with his body while providing suppressive fire with his rifle. To allow his team to withdraw from the kill zone, he positioned himself at the rear of the element, closest to the threat to prevent fratricide, and directed multiple danger-close airstrikes to within 20 meters; well inside the 190-meter danger-close distance for 105 millimeter rounds. With the team still under persistent enemy fire, Sergeant Hunter and four teammates cleared a compound to gain cover, preventing further casualties. Upon hearing a call for help, he again exposed himself to fire, rushing outside the compound to drag a wounded teammate 30 meters to safety. For the next two hours he controlled four AC-130U and AH-64D aircraft, continually directing fire on enemy positions, including 105 millimeter rounds to within 13 and 16 meters of his location. He courageously assumed greater risk by occupying the best vantage point to inflict devastating effect on the enemy, preventing the team from being overrun. During exfiltration, he called for airstrikes to suppress heavy enemy fire, and he bravely exposed himself in a field during daylight to mark a landing zone with smoke. Throughout the eight hour assault, Sergeant Hunter alternated between firing his weapon at the enemy and controlling air assets, directing 1,787 munitions in 31 danger-close engagements, most to within 90 meters, resulting in 57 lives saved and 27 enemy killed. Through his extraordinary heroism, superb airmanship, and aggressiveness in the face of the enemy, Sergeant Hunter reflected the highest credit upon himself and the United States Air Force. ff782bc1db

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