On Windows 10, when I log into the 1Password desktop app, my Chrome browser extension unlocks at the same time. However, when I login to the desktop app on Ubuntu Linux, my Firefox browser extension does not unlock... I have to login separately, which is not convenient. Suggestions for me?

Is the Firefox app installed on your Linux machine the one that's installed by default with Ubuntu 22.04? The reason I ask is that such default installations are packaged using Snap, which sandboxes Firefox and would prevent any browser extensions (like ours) from communicating out to a desktop app like 1Password for Linux. If you're using the default Firefox installation, I think that's the most likely cause for this issue.

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@AliH1P The install went fine, but when I used the old toolbar icon for Firefox, it kept on launching the Snap install, then I realized I had to abandon that old icon. Everything was fresh, so I put in 1Password extension, reimport my bookmarks, logged into all accounts, and we'll see how it behaves. If you don't hear anything more, it worked. If it fails, to work like Microsoft Windows 10, I'll come back.

@AliH1P well, unlocking the Linux app does not unlock the Firefox extension, and Firefox application binary is in /opt/firefox/firefox-bin. I could just set the extension to never autolock... is that a good idea? What is a security best practice?

@Peter_Wang, have you added the location of your Mozilla build of Firefox to /etc/1password/custom_allowed_browsers? I had to create that directory and file manually from the terminal with sudo mkdir -v /etc/1password; sudoedit /etc/1password/custom_allowed_browsers and place the path to the binary executable for Vivaldi Snapshot on its own line in that file before the browser extension was able to communicate with the 1Password app. At the time I thought to understand that doing so would be necessary for all non-default browser installations which is why I mention it here, though it's possible I misunderstood. Hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck, from one Peter to another. ?

Hello, I am seeing the issue come up again... I have to enter my master password in the 1Password application and the Firefox extension separately. This is Ubuntu Linux. sudo chown -R root:root /opt/firefox is not resolving it. I closed Firefox 114.0 and 1Password 8.10.7 before running chown. Any ideas?

Then I restarted AppArmor with systemctl restart apparmor and now the 1Password Firefox extension unlocks when I unlock the desktop app and vice versa. Solution inspired by -browser/wiki/Troubleshooting-guide#6-apparmor-with-ubuntu

I have installed the BW Firefox extension and disabled Firefox autofill.

However, I cannot get the extension to start - i am not able to log in to vault, as the badge does not appear up top, it does not appear in any context menus nor the dropdown settings. Running latest version of Firefox.

click (left or right mouse button) on manage extensions toolbar icon brings up only 1 extension (not BW) - BW is not shown, and therefore cannot be pinned, and therefore BW cannot be used on FF. I am running the most current version of FF. Any other options? I have tried removing and reinstalling the extensions several times


I am using the Firefox extension version 2023.3.0 on two Windows 11 computers. Everything works fine except when I try to login using a device. When I login with a device, the login is successful, but the extension window goes completely gray with no buttons, no password nothing at all. Since there are no buttons in the extension, the only way I can get back into Bitwarden, is to close the entire browser then login using my password. When logging in using password, everything works as expected. I have tried re-installing Firefox and re-installing the extension. As previously mentioned this is happening on two windows 11 computers. Has anyone seen this before? Any ideas on how I can get this to work?

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I've got two machines with preferably the same configuration, but one is freshly installed, so it's not exactly the same (yet).

For one, the connection between the Linux app and the Firefox extension works fine, for the other it doesn't. I use the same firefox versions, the same 1Password versions, and the same Linux/Debian versions.

Do you have any pointers on what the issue might be? Cheers! Below you can find the different output for the two machines:

Hey @AliH1P , we managed to resolve the issue! I had tried setting the custom_allowed_browsers file in /opt/1Password/resources/ , however, that seems to be not used. When I inserted 'firefox-trunk' in /etc/1password/new custom_allowerd_browsers , as per @FrankyO1P 's instructions, it resolved my issue.

FYI, I did not install Firefox via Snap. Importantly, I installed Firefox daily from a Ubuntu ppa, which has a binary name of firefox-trunk. Your binary name might be different, so this needs to be changed in the following.

The technology for extensions in Firefox is, to a large extent, compatible with the extension API supported by Chromium-based browsers (such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Vivaldi). In most cases, extensions written for Chromium-based browsers run in Firefox with just a few changes.

Discover what extensions can do before building your first extension. Learn about the anatomy of an extension and get an overview of the extension development and publication workflow, Firefox style. Explore a little deeper with a comprehensive selection of example extensions that you can run right in Firefox.

Get detailed information on the concept that underpin extensions from an overview of the JavaScript API, through content scripts, match patterns, working with files, internationalization, and content security policy, to more advanced subjects such as native messaging, using the devtools APIs, and native manifests.

Get comprehensive details about the methods, properties, types, and events for all the JavaScript APIs. There is also detailed information about the compatibility of each API with the major browsers. Most reference pages also include coding examples and links to the extension examples that use the API.

When we started (around 2013) it was pretty clear that we did not want to create a Firefox extension based on XUL (which is now obsolete) That was the right decision as we would have wasted important resources early on for technology without a future.

Thanks Stefan. You all have a great app in Paperpile and I just discovered Brave. I am trying to keep extensions linked to Brave to a minimum so am testing PaperPile and Evernote, both high quality and more secure apps. I am discovering some issues

with access to files when trying to upload pdfs but want to assess this more before I report anything. But if you know what settings to turn off in Brave to allow PaperPile to access local pdfs, please let me know. I did find this information and have begun to look into this more. -access

The LastPass extension is very unreliable in Firefox. After logging into to LastPass, which I have to do everytime I (re)start the browser (the remember for 30 days options doesn't work), it may work for a little bit, but eventually, consistently, it will get to the point that when I click on the LastPass icon in Firefox, a small white bubble will appear but the menu will never load. Sometimes, but not also the time, disabling and re-enabling the extension will get it to work for a little while. But it has gotten to the point where it is more convenient to simply look up a password using the LastPass app on my phone.

Been this way for about a month now. The extension will not load, and is just as your screenshot shows. You cannot click on the extension link to open it and sign in as well. The only recourse is uninstalling the extension, reinstalling and then it works for that session. As soon as you reboot the computer, an iMac in my case, it reverts back to not working. It works in Chrome, but I am not willing to use chrome.

Usually, when it happens, I go to extension management and toggle the LastPass extension off and then toggle it back on. Then I go through login and multi-factor authentication again. And it will work again for awhile.

Okay, so when I open in a private window and open LastPass, I get the issue with the white box which I can open the frame in a new tab. But this is not the same issue that this thread discusses. The issue I'm describing is happening in a normal window with standard settings. It is hard to reproduce. But it happens frequently. Since I use LastPass A LOT throughout the day, eventually when I click on the extension icon, instead of loading the menu, it loads a small white bubble. I've not been able to see of the load frame in another tab workaround works since it is now working. If the issue reappears, I'll try the workaround and report back if it works. e24fc04721

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