When we close our eyes, we are strangely familiar with the bitter taste of this kind of loneliness. There is a loneliness to suffering that we all somehow know. While our pain and felt first-person experience might be similar to the experience of others, it is uniquely ours. Family, friends, and loved ones sitting with us and listening to our experience can help, but the pain of loneliness is deep and sharp and vile. It threatens to undo us.

How bitter it must have been for Jesus to experience the utter loneliness in the garden when the disciples fell asleep while he prayed, leaving him fully by himself. Have you ever felt completely alone in your pain, abuse, or mental anguish? Jesus was there.

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Everyone struggles with loneliness at some point. Whether you are going through something hard that you don't think anyone else understands or you are facing a change in life where you just feel alone, God's Word provides hope and strength. There is someone who is closer than a brother and is always with You - Jesus Christ is our friend and comforter!

We are judged righteous in the sight of God purely on the basis of our faith. The atoning sacrifice of Christ leads to righteousness being imputed to us as sinners through a legal declaration by God. This is often stated as Justification by faith alone. There is a clear distinction between Justification and Sanctification, the latter being the growth in holiness arising from the work of the Holy Spirit in the Christian.

Scripture alone is the only infallible source of divine revelation and the final authority for matters of faith and practice. Sola Scriptura does not mean that all truth is contained in the Bible (for example the Nicene Creed is widely accepted and recited within orthodox Christianity), but rather that all mankind needs to know for salvation is contained within its pages.

I also know how this feels, I am Bipolar and can remember being told my Faith was not strong enough for healing. When they ask you if you are alright and then tell you how to deal with a depression that is chemical,unfixable. Then when I am bipolar down and also emotionally depressed I do not really want to be here. The Church has failed

Please God help me write. Im a woman who suffers with brain damage from the age of 17 yrs old. I suffer from diasarthia. Confussed speaking. I cant seem to get the words out. Even my thoughts are confused. Ive gone years with only speaking one worded answers. Mostly Cool or Good . I have 3 beautiful kids and they have fallen victum to a preditor because he capitalized on my disability. He knows i barely talk and he targeted my youngest daughter because i failed to talk to her about everyday mom daughter stuff. He is her grandfather i would have never thought in a million years he would molest my baby girl. I have 3 kids. I havent yet been able to ask my older daughter if she was a victum too. He has set out to ruin our lives and he controls everything we do. were we live, food, money,. Hes pure evil. Again this year there wont be a christmas. . I had to quit my job to stay at home because i dont trust him around my daughter. At the same time im stuck living with a monster because i cant work and i have no money to rent an apartmwnt of our own. Please pray for us as we transition from this horrendous experience and enter into a life filled with god. Gods in control now. Jesus took the wheel. And today i have hopefully 2 jobs starting next week. God is answering my prayers as we speak. In jesus name i pray amen.

your illness has nothing to do with god , . he is a creator in creating to what he feels is the most perfect world possible. if you want all to be perfect and to live in the story of eden you will no longer be human but a puppet of god. god gave us a choice. heaven. the messiah are parables of hope. i study the old testament know, the new to me got to much super stition, jesus in my opinion never healed the blind, he chewed herbs and with some water let it flow into people who looked blind from severe conjunctivitis, or he healed people who refused to see truth as trump needs as our rain forest in brazil is burning down in the biggest rain forest fire ever, we have no way to put it out, we did it and we will. pat and the scum, pres sighned out of lowering co2 gasses, he is a madman, Hiler was just a killer of a people he hated , trump just ordained himself chosen by god as king david himself, all who vote for him will go to hell, and i dont give a heck of rep or dem, i dont want a sicl sob as a pres.

hi sarah just seen your post on cfs christians with chronic fatigue page im on,, ive had this from 1990 ,n mostly housboundn my dr thought it was all came out in my body due to my family history long story, but i,ll tell you the suicide stuff there were 9of us ,bro alex age 32 shot himself through the head in front of wife n baby ,1973 , my hubby john out shoplifting n got caught taken up in a lift so jumped out the window 40feet up cause of death, fall from a height ,no mention of suicide ,, age 30, my mother took overdose of heart tablets digoxin ,age 63 ,, my oldest bro murdered by his wife ,,,age 76 she wasnt charged as he had beat her up,, so i wonder how my mood isnt great at times ,but thank god he loves me xxxx

I know it seems scary, but one of the best things to do is to be direct. My guide to talking to loved ones struggling with depression has a lot of specific phrases that can be helpful, so you might check that out. But you could say something like, "Hey, I've noticed you say you don't want to live past 23 and I'm concerned that means you're thinking about hurting or killing yourself. Are you planning anything like that?" Make sure he knows you care about him and you want to walk with him. Tell him there is really good help available and that you can help him find it.

I reallly empathise and feel your pain.I long to go home,I hate my life here.The loneliness is honestly killing me.

 I trust in my lord Jesus and trust him to get me through this life of tribulation and heartache.

 God bless you and be with you Evan,to hold you and carry you through this valley of tears.

 May he comfort you and saturate you with his life.

 God bless.

If you have no one who does it effect? Everyone doesnt have family or friends who care about them? Surely many would say if they knew youd succeed in killing yourself theyd be there but most of those are the same people who wont be bothered with you when you desperately need help.

Great question. There are several things that are incredibly helpful. Normalizing my struggles helped to destigmatize depression and suicidal thoughts. It made me feel not crazy. Listening without judgment and helping me see things from different angles is incredible. I know I can be completely unfiltered without any negative repercussions. And, finally, there are certain therapeutic techniques and processes that have been really helpful for me. In particular, EMDR led to several breakthroughs for me, although YMMV

Such a powerful message! I posted it on my FB page because I am blessed to reach almost 5000. Think how many lives you might be saving with your sharing your personal story. I wish every religious leader everywhere could read your article. Thank you!

Grief can leave such sadness, aloneness and emptiness inside. Hollow. You talk to people and the conversations are so surface layered. No one reaches down to those deep inner layers and asks you tough and uncomfortanle questions, pulls out the pain or physically sits with you in your darkness until you expel raw emotions. If you sound ok, then hey, you must be ok. People who commit suicide have found their release. What about those who do not chose that path and live daily in a perpetual state of grief, sadness, depression or emptiness. Im not sure which one is worse.

Like you, Sarah, and many others here, I have struggled with depression since I was ten years old. Sometimes, I feel so much self-hatred that I really do think the world would be better off without me. In the last two years, I have gotten much better though. I have felt some of the joy that I have never felt since I was a young child. However, I do still struggle on some days. I would like to tell everyone here that they are not alone. I also like what you, Sarah, wrote about suicide not being always a selfish act. I think the church in general needs to do a better job of ministering to people who suffer from depression. Depression does lie, but it is an illness, not a character defect!

I struggle with depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder and ptsd (and more). This article hits it on the head prefectly.

 Ppl think i shouldnt have problems because i have a wonderful supportive mother and a beautiful smart 18mo old that took 10yrs (after miscarriage) to conceive.

 I struggle every day with these bad thoughts.

 It always helps to see im not alone. I wish we more ppl could understand what we deal with.


 There are many of us who have to deal with depression and the dark thoughts that accompany it. Learning about the disorder and how to combat it is one of the best things we can do. Do not hesitate to reach out to those who know what you are going through and are familiar with ways to disrupt the symptoms of the depression. We are a unique group of people, and we do not have to submit to the beast. God bless and keeping you in my prayers.

thank you for this i pray it helps me as i have been planning to exit this life. i am in drug treatment and feel so numb i am tired of mental health hospitals, but i am afraid to die thatss why i am still here. i am in a big community with other addicts with mental health issues but still feel alone. i feel like a burden on everyone even God. i cut but it nolonger helps. i fear they will find me dead here i continue to pray. i feel so alone inside and out. im just tired. i feel like im in a fog like im moving in slow motion.

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