C. Michael Hawn and other modern scholars have traced the song confidently to Simon K. Marak, a pastor, schoolteacher, and missionary from Jorhat, Assam, India. For more details, see the entry on this hymn in the Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology ( -have-decided-to-follow-jesus), UMC Discipleship Ministries ( -of-hymns-i-have-decided-to-follow-jesus), or Hymnology Archive ( -have-decided-to-follow-jesus).

I hope you have enjoyed this list of 12 of my favorite songs about following Jesus. There are so many great ones out there, and we would love to hear what some of your favorites are! Please tell us in the comments below! I encourage you to keep praising Jesus daily wherever you are! God bless you all!

Download I Have Decided To Follow Jesus By Hillsong

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We have released the MultiTracks today for the song "Christ Is Enough" from Hillsong Live's upcoming album "Glorious Ruins", which is scheduled to release July 2nd, but for those who pre-order the album on iTunes you can download the song in advance. "Christ is Enough" is filled with rich heartfelt lyrics that talk about the supremacy of Christ based on Colossians 1:15-20. One of our favorite parts of the song is when the crowd declares the chorus of the old hymn "I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back! The cross before me the world behind me, no turning back, no turning back!" Be sure to check out the New Song Cafe on WorshipTogether and download the Lead Sheet.

all well said.i have one word for hillsong, God bless hillsong and they will continue to leads lives to christ.i see nothing unscriptural about them nor their songs.when ever iam down in spirit all I need is a powerful spirit filled hillsong track and iam back good with God my father..how can u judge a church by attending just one service and u think u understand everything going on there.

i am really finding it difficult to understand the concerns of the writer of the article. The Lord Jesus Christ I believe can be made known to the rest of the world through lots of channels. Movies, Songs, Schools, Churches are but a few. For Brian Houston not talking about sin, death of Christ, or the resurrection of Christ at one Church program doesnt mean he he and his Church is against it. And who said the Bible is against Women being leaders in the church. i have listen to lots of hillsong songs preaching the importance of the death and resurrection of Jesus and i believe that through their music ministry, color conference and the others, people have been introduced to Christ. you want a reason to criticize something or someone, study them well because if you did, I believe you wont write this article at the first place.


Amrn this man is right hillsong is for homosexality which is an abomination against God what is a abomination something God hates so for you to say Hillsong is from God is a lie from the pit of hell. Study the scriptures for yourself have a relationship with Jesus Christ for your self listen to the real Holy Ghost. Do not be deceived. If there are many false prophetsthese last days you cant trust any body now days its like jesus culture i went i did not like it at first but on the third day because my younth went three days i gave in because i liked the music a lot then i told my church that it was from God because i felt some kind of presents there and thought it was God but it probably was a false spirit cause i did not agree with alot of the preaching like they would say stuff at the conference that we should not judge people so much or how you can prepare scripture to go out and evangelise but i just do it unprepared like if there was something wrong with studing the scripture to prepare scripture so you can go out and evangelise the problem. With jesus culture is they talk about to much grace and not the rightous judge ment of God if you take the rightous judgement of God away from the bible then God would not be a loving God cause a loving God would punish the wicked for there wrong doing and you would not be able to under stand the bible and you would probably condem the old testiment cause God killed and wiped out a lot of people for there wicked ways against him in the old testiment what are you going to say God was. Wrong sense when do youbecome God and start telling God this was wrong what you did in the past but this right God is God we are not we are just dust from the ground that God can destroy any moment i think a speaker even said something like God was not going to destroy the earth and burn it but that is a lie cause Jesus i believe is going to return as a rightous judge save his people and burn piece of crap satan and his crap demon the lukewarm people that suposly say there christain up and all the other wicked people are all going to burn in the lake of fire and Jesus God and Holy Ghost are all going to rejoice with a the Holy angel that are still in heaven to day and the true body of Christ for eternity in the new earth

Just when did you become God with your judgement extravaganza? I am only accountable to God not with self-righteous people armed with so much judgement up their sleeves.. I am not perfect and I am glad that somehow thru hillsong music I find comfort in worshiping God.. I find my ultimate pursuit in glorifying him other than bickering with other Christians just because it doesnt adheres to how I live my relationship with God.. I have my own journey towards God and so are you and so is hillsong.. and I chose not to be judgmental. God bless you!

God bless you. This is the truth . I pray for every person who is blinded by their satanism and witch craft. The devil has deceived them. Hillsong is mocking Jesus Christ. It is written do not use God for gain. Do not bid them God speed in their evil deeds. It is written. Anyone who teaches anything other then the true gospel let him be accursed, that is a warning in the Bible!!!!That is written. I weep for the followers of this occult practicing group hillsong and others like them. I pray now the blood of Jesus over their eyes and hearts. Discernment over them.now in Jesus name !!!

so lastly I want u who posted to tell u that even if u showed us everything that they are doing are wrong,u have no right to tell us to stop listening there music,it is your research u can share it ,but take your own decision unless you are jealous that there making profit. thank you guys!hillsong FOREVER!!

I just dont understand whats wrong with this blog! The things which u couldnt do, people out there are doing that. They are saving souls for Christ. I have been attending hillsong since 1 year and the speakers never twisted the scripture foe their profit. My husband who was a strong hindu accepted Christ and now Hillsong is really doing wonderful great work! they help the people who help in financial need as well. Last week the speaker said if u have Jesus, and u r poor financiially, consider urself as the richest! they teach according to the word. They doesnt twist or use them for profit. They have been kindhearted. Im not a fan of Hillsong, nor any church. i have the habit of shifting from one church to another until i find a church that speaks Gods word straight. thats how i found hillsong. btw, what is this prosperity gospel, just out of human mind! nobody ever knew Gods heart or what He is going to do in his peoples life. please dont think as if ur someone better to keep on criticising what hillsong is doing. Many lives have been impacting in a wonderful way! the people are walking with love and compassion, staying humble, and being a blessing to people around them. what more do u want? Gods wishes for the souls! please stop this now. God has a purpose for your life as well! please move on with that. peace and blessings.

i know how much i read my bible! yes i accept Paul says to expose them, but they are not doing any false teachings! They are not saying Jesus died so that u can accumulate wealth and be prosperous on earth. They are not robbing ur money. They are showing Jesus as Son of God who died for our sins and we can have relationship with him as His sons and daughters. They are not teaching religious stuff! They have been stressing on being repented and having relationship with God! They are saying only through Jesus we can have salvation. At the end of service they pray the prayer of repentance and accepting Christ. Their songs depict love of God which He has towards His people, their songs ate biblical and so uplifting. By listening to their messages every week, we always talk about what changes we need to make in our lives, how much more we choose God everyday of our life.

what more do u think true gospel is? shouting to everyone and saying u will be rotten in the hell if u dont believe in jesus and condemning broken people? instead of telling everyone to reopen their bibles u can do that and ask God for the revelation and His purpose on ur life! If u want to expose them go into their church and do that! 006ab0faaa

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