I first met Grace in 2017. I was a new dance teacher at her moms dance studio. Grace and I instantly connected. She treated me as if she had known me her whole life. We were both outgoing, loud, and loved to talk so we got along VERY well. Every Tuesday I would come to class and here would come Grace with that goofy smile on her face to greet me.

A grace is a short prayer or thankful phrase said before or after eating.[1] The term most commonly refers to Christian traditions. Some traditions hold that grace and thanksgiving imparts a blessing which sanctifies the meal. In English, reciting such a prayer is sometimes referred to as "saying grace". The term comes from the Ecclesiastical Latin phrase gratiarum actio, "act of thanks." Theologically, the act of saying grace is derived from the Bible, in which Jesus and Saint Paul pray before meals (cf. Luke 24:30, Acts 27:35).[2] The practice reflects the belief that humans should thank God who is believed to be the origin of everything.[2]

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sunny grae is a boutique based in Williamsburg, IA @ Outlets and Marketplace Williamsburg, IA. each piece at sunny grae is handpicked-every item reflects an enchantment and grace that makes every day easier, simple dressing with amazing accessories. approachable and affordable items with a twist, added edge, sweetness. hours have been spent curating amazing, refreshing, graceful items that will be delivered with special touches and will give you that sunny grae feeling.

always on the lookout for items that are classic yet have a twist to them, forever drawn to the special, unique, one-of-a-kind, enchanting items. almost every piece comes from the US and many are women owned businesses that do social good or are eco friendly. time will be spent seeking them out so you can shop and live your life with grace.

i am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend-my family and friends are everything to me, and I have always loved gifting unique gifts. life is hectic and we can neglect ourselves or others. this collection has been curated to reflect items that are affordable, approachable, amazing gifts for those in your life and for yourself. as a fashion lover I have been a store manager in retail for over 20 years, my dream has come true in sunny grae.

as sunny grae grows, items will be added to the collection, and you will always know that you can come to sunny grae and find a pick me up. my hope is that these items will bring you joy and are able to support this journey.

We are excited to gather at one place to celebrate Christmas as one GRC family! There is space for everyone, so come and join us for a special time of worship as we remember Jesus Christ, the light of the world. This Christmas, allow Him to lift you up and let His glorious light banish every cloud of darkness in your life.

We should not lose sight of magnanimity, even in war. The denigration and humiliation of the enemy in defeat - acts such as hanging him in effigy multiplied around the word - can only inflame future generations in those defeated countries. In other words, with Thanksgiving must come grace and not taunting.

Our mission is to be REMARKABLE!

1. By being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted with us

2. By having a positive influence on all who come in contact with Grace Dental.

Most people from earliest childhood believe that they have the responsibility to set the direction for their lives, that some combination of genetic material, environmental experience, parental influence, choices made, people they encounter weaves together some kind of matrix in which they chart a course for their life. They become the determiners of their own destiny, decide their own future, plan their own way. And we become, as fallen individuals and defined as selfishly sinful, very adept at self-centered living. Life revolves around us very, very comfortably with virtually no resistance. And this is especially true in the ego-mad culture in which we live today where everyone is convinced that they are indeed the captain of their own soul, the master of their own faith, the determiner of their own destiny.

However, when one comes to Christ, that perspective is once and for all shattered. It is destroyed. If anything is true at the point of salvation, it is that you no longer set the course for your life. You no longer determine or attempt to determine your own destiny. You are not in charge of your own future and you are not the one who determines the direction you will go. Self-centered living is forever gone. Selfishness has been replaced by submission. Because salvation is a self-denying reality, we keep going back to that definitive statement of Jesus in Luke 9:23, "If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, follow Me." Salvation calls for self-denial, self-sacrifice, self-submission. All autonomy, all independence, all self-mastery, all self-determination is shattered at the point of repentant faith. It is the end of our selfish independence. We no longer are the captain of our own ship, the pilot of our plane. A far greater goal overwhelms us. We no longer are the king of our own lives. We have submitted ourselves to another sovereign, to another King far greater than ourselves. There is another agenda. There is another purpose. There are other goals. There are other ambitions than our petty ones.

If salvation is anything, it is the recognition that the sinner bows the knee to the lordship of Jesus Christ. It is the recognition that Jesus Christ is the King over my life, that God's program replaces my program, that my sovereign Redeemer is the ruler of my life. And His rule eclipses my sovereignty and my own self-will so that what is true of salvation is that the believer concerns himself from then on with the kingdom of God. And so he prays or she prays, "Thy kingdom come." There's nothing here about my agenda. There's nothing here about my ambition, my dreams, my goals, my preoccupation. All of those are placed, as it were, on the altar in submission to the lordship of Christ. It's fine to have those goals and those dreams and desires and ambitions and some direction in your life, but all of it is put on the altar as a sacrifice to Christ who can do with it as He pleases. That's the heart of the sinner at the point of salvation. He is sick of himself, he is tired of running his own life, he wants no longer either the effort or the effect of his independence and desires the forgiveness of sin, the hope of eternal life, and for that he will gladly submit to the sovereignty of Christ. God's purposes take over. God's will takes over. God's desire takes over.

That's the passion of our hearts. When you come to Christ and you're sick of yourself and sick of your sin and your selfish ways and you bow the knee to the lordship of Jesus Christ and receive from Him eternal salvation, from then on the objective is expressed in this praise and prayer, "Thy kingdom come." Confessing Jesus as Lord and King is to say, "Take over my life, fit me into Your purpose, put me somewhere in Your objectives and agenda and program." When I say, "Thy kingdom come," I am affirming that I have relinquished the rule over my own life. And I allow You to do whatever it is that You want to do. It's very like the next phrase, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Now this petition is based on one great assumption and that is that God is sovereign and Jesus is Lord and at salvation we are submitting to that glorious reality.

Now remember as you look back at the prayer, this is a pattern, a framework for praying. It gives us what it is that God expects to be the character of our prayers. It is a marvelously simple, memorable little framework. And as I've been saying each week, you learn to pray your way through this framework. It's sequential. It's designed that way, and if you blend together the Luke passage with the Matthew passage, you get the full prayer in terms of our Lord's instruction and we're doing that, importing what we need to from Matthew to get the whole thing. It sets the record straight once and for all as to how we are to pray, how we are to access the throne of God for the glory of God. You remember our little verse, John 14:13, "Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do that the Father may be glorified in the Son." In the end, all our prayers are for the glory of the Father through the Son. And this prayer points that out. When you say, "Father," you acknowledge God as source. When you say "Hallowed be Thy name," you acknowledge God as sacred. When you say, "Thy kingdom come," you acknowledge God as sovereign. When you say, "Thy will be done," you acknowledge Him as superior. When you say, "Give us this day our daily bread," you acknowledge Him as supporter. When you say, "Forgive us our sins," you acknowledge Him as Savior. When you say, "Lead us not into temptation," you acknowledge Him as shelter. And when you say, "Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever, amen," you acknowledge Him as supreme. It really is praying to the end that God is glorified.

Now, first of all, we looked at God as source, "Our Father." And then Matthew adds, of course, "Who art in heaven." Prayer begins with the confidence that God is a loving Father, that we have an intimate relationship with God that gives us a welcome when we come into His presence. He is a loving Father who cares for His children. It also indicates that as a Father He has resources that we don't have. He has wisdom that we don't have. And so we go to Him because He loves us and because we trust Him and because He has all we would ever need. And we come saying, "Abba," intimately which celebrates the warm acceptance that God has toward us.

Now the third petition looks at God as sovereign, "Thy kingdom come." This puts His interest first. Do whatever advances Your kingdom. The Jewish Talmud even indicates that they knew this. There is a statement in the Talmud that says that prayer in which there is no mention of the kingdom of God is not a prayer at all. They understood that they needed to line up under God's agenda, under God's program and God's purpose and plan and kingdom. The true disciple seeks the advancement of God's purposes, God's kingdom. 2351a5e196

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