So I have a set of jQuery plugins, really basic stuff, but I split the code into plugins because I don't like having a huge jQuery(document).ready() function where I store the entire application logic.

Each plugin has a "destructor", which is basically a function that I defined in the plugin prototype object. This function unbinds events used by the plugin, removes DOM elements that were added by the plugin etc.

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I don't think there is a ready made method for it... but as a hack you can add a class to the target elements in your plugin and then use that class to get all elements with the widget initialized lke

My question is: why is that? I understand it's for security reasons, but I can't imagine how a bad plugin that uses that function but doesn't perform that additional check could be exploited. Looks like WordPress itself is preventing the hooked function from even executing if the current user doesn't have the required capability (as supplied to add_submenu_page); therefore, what could go wrong?

Actions allow you to add data or change how WordPress operates. Actions will run at a specific point in the execution of WordPress Core, plugins, and themes. Callback functions for Actions can perform some kind of a task, like echoing output to the user or inserting something into the database. Callback functions for an Action do not return anything back to the calling Action hook.

Filters give you the ability to change data during the execution of WordPress Core, plugins, and themes. Callback functions for Filters will accept a variable, modify it, and return it. They are meant to work in an isolated manner, and should never have side effects such as affecting global variables and output. Filters expect to have something returned back to them.

These actions are called when a logged-in user opens the home page in Version 3.3.1. This list may show only the first time each action is called, and in many cases no function is hooked to the action. Themes and plugins can cause actions to be called multiple times and at differing times during a request. As proof of this, you can see action calls specific to the Twenty Eleven theme on this list. Cron tasks may also fire when a user visits the site, adding additional action calls. This list should be viewed as a guide line or approximation of WordPress action execution order, and not a concrete specification.

These actions are run when a logged-in user opens the Posts page in Version 3.3.1. This list shows only the first time an action is called, and in many cases no function is hooked to the action. Each admin page has a different list of actions depending upon the purpose of the page and the plugins installed. This list should be viewed as a guide line or approximation, and not a concrete specification.

The amazing @mrjackphil created the Header Zoom functionality and has fixed a few bugs and now it is working exactly like I was hoping! It is not in the official community plugins but you can manually install it from here: -zoom-in-headers/releases/latest

Hooks might be related to your application activities such as before_build,after_build, etc. Or, they might be related to the plugins of your application. For example,hooks such as before_plugin_add, after_plugin_add, etc applies to plugin relatedactivities. These hooks can be associated with all plugins within your application orbe specific to only one plugin.

If there are hooks associated with before_platform_add, after_platform_add, before_prepare, after_prepare,before_plugin_install and after_plugin_install (and assuming you have one plugin installed on your project),adding a new platform will execute the hooks in the following order:

The vulnerability in WP Photo Album Plus Plugin was reported to the vendor and the plugin developer fixed it very promptly. It has been patched in WP Photo Album Plus Version 5.0.11 which was released today.

A WordPress page is assembled by tons of functions and database queries. The WordPress Core, plugins, and theme work together to output the page elements like text, images, scripts, and styles. Once fully assembled, the browser then puts them all together and renders the page.

Example: The apply_filters( 'admin_footer_text' , string $text ) filter can be hooked in to modify the text displayed in the admin footer. As of WordPress 5.4, its default value will display the sentence Thank you for creating with WordPress. in the admin area footer.

Once hooked, you can direct your code to do or customize something on your site. For instance, you can use hooks to send an automated email after publishing a post, or load custom stylesheets to change the appearance of your site.

We can only carry certain items on specific carriers attached to particular hooks. Thus, actions can only be hooked with Action Functions. Likewise, filters can only be hooked with Filter Functions.

WordPress includes a built-in action called init that fires after WordPress has finished loading and authenticated the user, but before any headers are sent. Many plugins use this hook as the starting point to instantiate their code as almost all the major WordPress features have finished loading by the time WordPress runs this action.

This action function checks whether an action has been hooked. It accepts two parameters. The first one is the name of the action. The second parameter is optional and is the name of the callback function.

This action function removes a callback function hooked to the specified action. For instance, you can use this function to remove the default WordPress functions hooked into built-in actions and replace them with your own.

The if-else statement in the callback function checks whether the login message is already set, mostly by another plugin or theme. In such cases, the callback function returns the original value making no changes. This is one way to avoid conflicts with other plugins or themes.

This function checks whether the specified filter is hooked by any function. It accepts two parameters. The first parameter is for entering the filter name. The second parameter is optional and is for entering the name of the callback function.

To unhitch a callback function hooked to a filter, the function_to_be_removed and priority parameters must be identical to the arguments used when hooking the callback function.

The popular Advanced Excerpts plugin uses this function to remove all default functions hooked to the_excerpt and get_the_excerpt filters. After doing that, it then hooks its own callback function to the filter.

Debug Bar is an official WordPress plugin that adds a Debug menu to your admin bar. It shows PHP warnings and notices, cache requests, MySQL queries, and other helpful debugging information.

In the component column, you can see that most of the hooks are registered from the Core. But some hooks are registered from a theme or plugin. A few hooks may be registered from more than one component.

You can prefix all your custom hooks with a common identifier to keep them both simple and unique. So, instead of send_email, you can name it plugin_name_send_email (plugin_name_ is the unique prefix here).

It uses the add_action() and add_filter() functions to register its callback functions with the custom actions and filters created by the original plugin (e.g. the_topmost_custom_action, custom_quote_author).

Custom hooks enable individual WordPress plugins and themes to have a rich ecosystem of extensible plugins. Consider the WooCommerce plugin. It adds ecommerce functionality to WordPress, but it also includes tons of hooks within its code.

A good practice is to check out the documentation section of popular WordPress plugins to see how they implement custom hooks. A few of my top suggestions are Easy Digital Downloads, BuddyPress, Quiz and Survey Master, and Gravity Forms.

So, if you have a callback function hooked to the save_post action, and if you call wp_insert_post() or wp_publish_post() functions within your callback function, the save_post action will fire multiple times.

Not only do hooks allow you to modify or extend the core functionality of WordPress, but you can also use them to modify plugins, themes, and let other developers interact with your plugins or themes.

I would like to know if it is possible to receive push notifications from a printer to a local browser (ex. 111.111.1. to my computer running a localhost site and specifically without having to build out a plugin. (Everything is living in the same Network).

I've looked at the documentation intensively, both for Plugin Development (but I'm trying hard not to jump into building out a plugin yet) and the REST API. The push updates section doesn't seem to be an actual API point as there isn't really anything that would concretely define so other than running a GET request to /api/login (which seems to only work for POST requests aka it doesn't respond to GET requests). When I do retrieve the data (using POST) I have no idea where to send that data with the auth field as it doesn't really say what to do or where to go. I've tried running SockJS-client on my end and connecting to it but my socket knowledge is limiting and I don't think that sockets work like that.

you use that information to create a websocket connection back to octoprint, and then you get all the same data that gets pushed to the OctoPrint interface, including those that plugins inject. This is similar to how OctoDash, OctoFarm, and OctoScreen all work now.

Core has a "hook point" where it allows plugins to execute some code, modify variables or return a result. Sometimes (especially for old callbacks) only plugins of a specific plugin type are allowed, however this is not recommended for the new callbacks because the list of callbacks is now cached and performance is not a constraint any more. If plugins want to implement the function for this callback they normally must place it in lib.php with the name pluginfullname_callbackname(). Here pluginname should be a full plugin name with a prefix, however activity modules can often omit the "mod_" prefix for historical reasons. Implementing this type of callback is optional and the "hook point" does not care how many and which plugins implement callback. Also "hook point" does not check if the plugin is enabled on this site, inside the callback plugins must check it themselves if it is important. Methods get_plugin_list_with_function() and get_plugins_with_function() are normally used in the "hook points" to find all plugins implementing a callback. ff782bc1db

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