The Historical Currency Converter is a simple way to access up to 31 years of historical exchange rates for 200+ currencies, metals, and cryptocurrencies. OANDA Rates cover 38,000 FX currency pairs, and are easily downloadable into an Excel ready, CSV formatted file.

Excel has the function to bring in Exchange Rates "live" with a circa 15 minutes delay, which works fine; however, does anybody know how to cause Excel to being in exchange rates by dates, so that I can create a list of USD/GBP Close Rates which automatically update?

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I've been trying to build into my spreadsheet a way to download historical foreign exchange rate, but so far no luck. I've found this link with a spreadsheet downloading info from an Ohana website, but apparently it doesn't work anymore. (Or it's now a paid service which doesn't work for me either way)

EDIT: So, just as an addendum to my issue, this spreadsheet will be opened once every other week (maybe), but every time it opens it needs to update with all the exchange rates from the passed days.

I've been using Quicken 2006 for 20 years but only recently started using the investment performance reports. I also found the problem that the Quicken internal rate of return reports for international securities I bought takes the latest exchange rate in that list of historical exchange rates when calculating the IRR NOT the rate that's loaded when you input the security purchase into the investment register! So the IRR calculations are all wrong on the Investment performance report, so are the portfolio value and cost reports!!

I only found this out as I started using website, inputted all my share transactions and got big variances with the returns there against my quicken reports. Thank goodness I found this out! I'm glad I'm migrating to some other system as I do a few international transactions and quicken is not really equipped to deal with this properly if it's not taking the exchange rate from the day a security was bought or sold but rather it's using the latest exchange rate you've inputted (even to calculate the cost of the securities bought).

Once long ago circa 2002 Quicken used to handle prices in separate files. QPH were for securities, and HCX files were for currencies. Eventually the HCX (Historical Currency Files) were dropped entirely for the sake of "single currency price" that became a manual transaction, and the QPH file was rolled under the QDF file.

Historical exchange rates are ideal for the multi-currency user that needs real time updates for Net Worth. But this feature has been gone 15 years, and I ask every year for its return. That, and historical dividend rates for equities. 

The average cost of currency, and currency moves have a big impact on an investment's return. Would be nice to manage it again in Q.

(Folders--> Economic Trends--> Exchange rates--> currency exchange rate)

It provides exchange rates for currencies used in over 190 world economies presented in a cross rates layout where countries are presented in both rows and columns.

The data include New York closing rates in US dollar and per US dollar, change on the day %; forward rates for Canada dollar, Japan yen, Swiss franc and UK pound; exchange cross rates; currency futures (intraday and settlement); World Value of the Dollar. ff782bc1db

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