Spotify HiFi is the popular music streaming service's long-anticipated entry into CD-quality streaming. The tier was announced over two years ago now and promised to launch sometime in 2021... and yet we still don't have it (more news on the delay below). It is definitely still coming though, Spotify confirmed recently, and it could be called Spotify Supremium. When it does finally arrive, it should (fingers crossed) be worth the wait.

Spotify HiFi will allow Spotify Premium subscribers to 'upgrade' their membership to a pricier plan so they can listen to much higher-quality, lossless audio streams over Spotify Connect. Suggestions that 'HiFi' streaming could actually materialise as part of a 'Platinum' or 'Supremium' service offering extra playlist, podcast and usability features are, as of more recently, turning in the rumour mill too.

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According to Spotify, "high-quality music streaming" has consistently been one of its users' most requested new features. After years of waiting for Spotify HiFi to show up after an initial teaser in 2017, we began to wonder whether it would ever get the green light. And then, on 22nd February 2021, the company officially announced Spotify HiFi to the world at its 'Stream On' event. Then, a leaked video gave us a glimpse of HiFi. And now we wait. And wait. And wait.

The Spotify HiFi release date could also depend on the type of device you use. Spotify HiFi will deliver higher quality streams through Spotify Connect, so it's possible that newer Connect-enabled devices (such as the PlayStation 5) could get the HiFi upgrade before certain older devices.

Plenty of rival music streaming services already offer their own CD-quality subscription tiers at around 11 / $11 / AU$13 per month. Apple's lossless CD-quality and hi-res tier is free to all Apple Music subscribers for that price, while Tidal has more recently bundled CD-quality lossless quality into its price-matching standard plan (even if its hi-res tier remains one of the more expensive options). So while Spotify's popularity and consequent existing subscription base could see Spotify HiFi front the pack before long, its price will no doubt be a key factor in its uptake.

Then again, Spotify is effectively the Coca-Cola of music streaming so there's no reason for it to get into a price war with Amazon, a company with some of the deepest pockets in tech. Especially when some 150 million Spotify Premium users happily pay 9.99 / $9.99 / AU$12 a month for standard-quality streams.

Spotify has yet to reveal the technical details of its higher-quality streams, but when it first teased Hi-Fi way back in March 2017, Premium subscribers were offered 1411kbps streams. Fingers crossed that's the case when Spotify HiFi makes its official debut. But it's worth remembering that Tidal HiFi goes up to 9216kbps in the case of some of its Tidal Masters tracks, as does Qobuz. And Amazon Music HD boasts a similarly hi-res catalogue too. It seems unlikely Spotify will commit to hi-res audio given that it has already pegged HiFi as "CD-quality", rather than higher-than-CD-quality.

Spotify has confirmed that those CD-quality streams will be compatible with Spotify Connect, which is an easy way of wirelessly playing streams from the native Spotify app on a phone or tablet to a Connect-compatible device over wi-fi. It cuts out convoluted Bluetooth pairing.

That said, Bluetooth aptX and aptX HD can stream in CD-quality, so as long as a user's source (say, the Spotify app and the phone it's playing on) and receiver (a Bluetooth speaker or pair of wireless headphones) both support that Bluetooth codec, that higher streaming quality should be upheld.

The finer details over Spotify Connect compatibility are yet to be revealed, but presumably Spotify HiFi subscribers will be able to easily play high-quality streams between their phone (via the iOS and Android apps) or computer (via the desktop app or web player) and the ever-increasing mass of Connect-enabled speakers, TVs and audio systems on the market. Spotify Connect really has become one of the most popular streaming features, so the majority of networked, streaming-savvy devices out there should support the protocol.

Spotify isn't only reputed for the size of its catalogue, though; its catalogue is also among the smartest, most versatile and best presented. Its hugely popular "Discover Weekly" feature uses AI and machine learning to generate a playlist of 30 songs that are relevant to your listening habits, so no doubt that will be put to good use to highlight any exclusive, CD-quality content.

First announced back in February 2021, Spotify HiFi was described as a way for Spotify Premium users to \u201cupgrade their sound quality\u201d to a \u201cCD-quality, lossless audio format.\u201dTypically, \u201cCD-quality\u201d means streaming audio encoded with 16-bit depth and a 44.1kHz sampling rate. But the key term here is \u201clossless,\u201d which means that the audio stream contains exactly the same sonic detail as its source. The main selling point here is that you\u2019d be hearing the music in the precise way the artist intended\u2013and indeed, Spotify posted a video in which Billie Eilish and Finneas extolled the virtues of lossless audio streaming.As it stands, Spotify streams audio at 320Kbps in the \u201clossy\u201d Ogg Vorbis format, which means the audio stream has been compressed and is losing a fair amount of detail in the interest of conserving bandwidth. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"When will Spotify HiFi come out?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The short answer is that we don\u2019t know when Spotify HiFi will arrive, but there are hints that it may arrive later in 2023.According to a June 2023 report from Bloomberg, Spotify is prepping a new and pricier tier that will \"likely\" including Spotify HiFi, along with \"expanded\" access to audiobooks. The new tier, which Spotify is calling \"Supremium\" behind closed doors, would become Spotify's priciest plan, and it could arrive later this year, albeit in \"non-U.S. markets\" to start, Bloomberg repots.A Spotify user poking around the official Spotify app recently found code that appears to back up the Bloomberg report, including evidence that Spotify HiFi might actually offer high-resolution as well as lossless tracks. The code doesn't offer any details on when Spotify HiFi might actually arrive, however.Spotify has yet to confirm the Bloomberg report, but Spotify execs have previously insisted that Spotify HiFi is still coming.Speaking with The Verge in March, Spotify co-president Gustav S\u00f6derstr\u00f6m said that the company is \"still going to do\" Spotify HiFi, but that \"we're going to do it in a way where it makes sense for us and for our listeners,\" adding that \"the industry changed and we had to adapt.\" We'll discuss exactly how the industry changed in a moment. S\u00f6derstr\u00f6m didn't offer a timeline for when Spotify HiFi might finally arrive, beyond a vague \"at some point.\"Early last year, the company offered a vaguely worded statement that offered scant details about Spotify HiFi's fate:We know that HiFi quality audio is important to you. We feel the same, and we\u2019re excited to deliver a Spotify HiFi experience to Premium users in the future. But we don\u2019t have timing details to share yet. We will of course update you here when we can.We reached out to Spotify shortly after that announcement, but a rep would only say that the company did \u201cnot have anything further to share on HiFi beyond the excitement for the future launch.\" Later, Spotify CEO Daniel Ek dodged a question about Spotify HiFi during the streamer's third-quarter 2022 earnings call in October 2022, while the feature went entirely unmentioned during Spotify's most recent \"Stream On\" event in March 2023. Spotify again failed to mention Spotify HiFi during its Q2 2023 earnings report on July 25, although it did raise Premium prices the previous day.There have been other hints about Spotify HiFi's arrival. According to an October 2022 post on Reddit, a longtime Spotify user who had recently switched to Apple Music claimed they got a survey detailed a new plan\u2013\u201cSpotify Platinum\u201d\u2013that boasts HiFi, as well as other features such as \"Studio Sound,\" a \"Headphone Tuner,\" \"Audio Insights,\" \"Library Pro,\" \"Playlist Pro,\" and \"limited-ad\" podcasts, all for an extra charge (more on that in a moment).The Redditor said the survey asked if they would switch back to Spotify \"in the nest 30 days\" for \"one of [those] features.\"Well, those 30 days came and went without any sign of Spotify Platinum actually appearing. Previously, a \u201cHiFi\u201d icon was spotted in the Spotify app back in May 2021 and a leaked \u201cHi, HiFi\u201d video that made the rounds a few months later. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How much will Spotify HiFi cost?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"While Spotify has never come out and said that HiFi would cost extra, the wording of its initial announcement--\u201cPremium subscribers in select markets will be able to upgrade their sound quality to Spotify HiFi\u201d--suggests that HiFi is either an add-on or included in a new plan, such as the possible Spotify Platinum tier. Bloomberg's recent report about Spotify HiFi said that the feature might arrive in a new tier that would be Spotify's priciest yet, while the purported survey cited in the \"Spotify Platinum\" rumor detailed above pegged the price at $19.99 a month, or double the $9.99\/month Spotify Individual plan. Ouch.Meanwhile, the aforementioned Spotify user who had been digging around the Spotify app found a reference to the $19.99\/month price within the app's code, but added that \"this could just be a placeholder.\"It\u2019s also worth noting that Spotify tested CD-quality audio streams as early as 2017, and at that time, it charged an extra $7.50 a month for the privilege. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"When was Spotify HiFi supposed to come out?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Spotify never gave a precise release date for Spotify HiFi, but during its 2021 announcement, it said the feature would arrive \u201clater this year\u201d in \u201cselect\u201d markets.Of course, it\u2019s fair to say that Spotify HiFi missed its launch window by a fairly large margin."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why hasn\u2019t Spotify HiFi come out yet?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Good question. Back in February 2022, Spotify CEO Daniel Ed blamed \u201clicensing\u201d issues when asked about the fate of Spotify HiFi during a company earnings call. Here\u2019s the exact quote, as reported by TechCrunch:\u201cMany of the features that we talk about and especially that\u2019s related to music ends up into licensing,\u201d Ek told investors. \u201cSo I can\u2019t really announce any specifics on this other than to say that we\u2019re in constant dialogue with our partners to bring this to market.\u201dThere is another reason that Spotify might have delayed Spotify HiFi: because it got caught flat-footed by Apple and Amazon, a development that Spotify's S\u00f6derstr\u00f6m referred to (\"the industry changed\") earlier.Just three months after the Spotify HiFi announcement, Amazon and Apple both announced (separately, but on the same day) that they would begin offering lossless, high-resolution, and spatial audio music tracks, all for no extra charge. (Apple was completely new to lossless and spatial audio streaming, while Amazon had previously been charging extra for lossless and spatial tracks.)Following the Amazon and Apple announcements, the prospect of paying extra (most likely) for only CD-quality music and (probably) no spatial audio began to lose its luster, so perhaps Spotify chose to retreat and regroup."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Will Spotify HiFi offer high-resolution music streaming?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Plenty of Spotify\u2019s streaming music rivals, including Amazon Music Unlimited, Apple Music, Qobuz, and Tidal, offer \u201chigh-resolution\u201d music streaming\u2013that is, audio that\u2019s encoded at a higher resolution and sampling rate than CD-quality 16-bit\/44.1kHz audio tracks. Most industry types agree that 24-bit\/48kHz is the threshold for high-resolution audio, and those streamers that support it deliver high-res streams all the way up to 24-bit\/192kHz.But Spotify never said anything about high-resolution audio in its initial Spotify HiFi announcement; all it promised was \u201cCD-quality\u201d audio, which qualifies as \u201chi-fi\u201d but not \u201chi-res.\u201d\u00a0That said, the Spotify user who recently revealed details hidden in the Spotify app noted that code made reference to \"24-bit Lossless music,\" indicating that Spotify HiFi might offer high-resolution audio after all.In any event, it\u2019s a matter of heated debate whether the human ear can actually tell the difference between CD-quality and high-resolution audio--or for that matter, whether most folks can discern the difference between lossy and lossless. We won\u2019t dive into lossy-vs.-lossless rabbit hole here."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Will Spotify HiFi offer spatial audio?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"As with high-resolution audio, Spotify never said anything about spatial audio\u2013that is, music tracks that have been mixed with 3D surround effects\u2013in its Spotify HiFi announcement.Meanwhile, Spotify competitors Amazon Music, Apple Music, and Tidal do offer spatial audio tracks in such formats as Dolby Atmos and Sony 360 Reality Audio.Again, Spotify might actually have spatial audio plans in the works--and perhaps that's what the \"Studio Sound\" and\/or \"Headphone Tuner\" features from the Spotify Platinum rumors are all about."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Will Spotify HiFi get cancelled?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Well, anything's possible, and Spotify has been known to nix high-profile features that never quite took off. For example, Spotify recently pulled the plug on Car Thing, a small touchscreen display that you could install on a car dashboard for on-the-road Spotify streaming. For its part, Spotify said that while Car Thing \"worked as intended,\" it chose to halt production of the $80 device due to \"product demand and supply chain issues,\" among other factors.Spotify also has a history of testing, teasing, and rolling out new features that later disappear--or even reappear--without explanation. But while Spotify seems willing to cancel features that aren't working, it also likes to experiment, and Spotify HiFi could be a project that Spotify is content to tinker with indefinitely. For what it's worth, the official Spotify HiFi announcement is still live on Spotify's website."}}]}]:root {/* Base. */--base--font-family: "proxima-nova", sans-serif;--enzo--font-family: "ff-enzo-web", sans-serif;--proxima-font-family: "proxima-nova", sans-serif;--base--font-color: #111;--primary--first-color: #FF8C1E;--primary--second-color: #45484A;--secondary--first-color: #929497;--secondary--second-color: #2cabe1;--secondary--third-color: #dc542e;--secondary--forth-color: #479aa6;--neutral--color: #d5d5c3;--rule: #ccc;--light-rule: #dedede;--white-color: #fff;--dark-icon: #141414;--white-default: #ffffff;--crawl-description-text: #4D4D4D;--timestamp: #757575;--header--background-color: #45484A;/* Blockquote. */--blockquote--font-family: "ff-enzo-web", sans-serif;--blockquote--font-color: #4d4d4d;--blockquote--border-color: #ccc;--blockquote--font-size: 20px;--blockquote--line-height: 28px;--blockquote--citation-color: #111;--blockquote--citation-font-size: 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