Android is a powerful operating system with a wide range of settings that can be customized to suit your needs. However, not all of these settings are easy to find. In this article, we will discuss three ways to access hidden Android settings: secret codes, the quick settings panel, and the developer options.

The quick settings panel is a convenient way to access frequently used settings. To access the quick settings panel, swipe down from the top of the screen. You will see a list of shortcuts to common settings, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Do Not Disturb.

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These are just a few of the hidden Android settings that you can access. By exploring the secret codes, the quick settings panel, and the developer options menu, you can find even more advanced settings that can help you customize your Android experience.

So, these are just a few of the many hidden Android settings that are available. By exploring the settings menu and experimenting with different settings, you can find the perfect configuration for your needs.

The developer options menu also contains a number of advanced debugging settings that can be useful for developers. These settings allow you to control how your phone interacts with adb commands, and they can also be used to debug apps that are not working properly.

There are also a number of developer options that can be useful for gamers. These settings allow you to control the graphics performance of your phone, and they can also be used to improve the performance of certain games.

It is important to be careful when changing settings in the developer options menu. Some settings can cause problems if they are not used correctly. It is always a good idea to back up your phone before changing any settings.

The plethora of hidden features buried within Android phones are part of what makes these devices some of the best phones around. From simple hacks to help save you time, through to powerful developer tools, there are plenty of ways to get your Android phone to give you more.

Instead of deep diving into your Android phone's convoluted settings, you can use a simple dialer code to access your device information quickly. All you have to do is open up your phone's dialer app and type *#*#4636#*#* into it.

There are so many other keypad codes that access various Android settings. The ones that interact with your operator are called USSD codes, whereas model specific ones are called MMI codes. Depending on your telecom operator and smartphone brand, the variety of codes that work on your phone largely differ.

Tech-savvy Android users and smartphone techies might be familiar with Android secret codes, but probably a majority of you still don't know much of anything about them. The secret codes can be used with Android smartphones to unlock hidden setting options and information about your device you previously did not know. This information can especially be helpful in case you ever need to get your smartphone repaired and wanted to check what specifications you had so the person fixing your phone wouldn't fool you by quoting unreasonable prices.

First thing you need to know is that there are two types of codes that you can use in your Android smartphone. These Android secret codes are divided into Unstructured Supplementary Service Data or USSD and Man Machine Interface or MMI. USSD is a carrier specific code that tells you about different information relating to your network carrier. MMI, on the other hand, are specific to the model and the brand of a device. So, while USSD code will tell you the various value added services and total account balance in your SIM card, MMI will tell you about different softwares, hardwares and other hidden settings that go inside your smartphone.

Android secret codes are generally universal and will work for most devices, however there might be some restrictions on specific devices which do not allow you to access these hidden settings or read these information. With that being said, here are the Android secret codes for your smartphone.

I'm trying to launch the Android tethering settings menu from within a program, however it's one of those semi-hidden menus with a slash in its name ( and I'm not sure what I should be referring to it as. This is what I've tried so far:

...but even so, I would still like to learn how I can launch it with its classname, because there are other classes with slashes in their names (such as that I'd like to launch in a similar way. is two parts. The first, before the slash, is the package name. The second, after the slash, is the class name. In the contexts you're using them, they must be specified separately.

Android is a very popular operating system known for its user-friendly interface as well as a growing number of compatible applications. However not all of its settings can be easily accessed. This Hidden Android Settings software can help you to uncover files and tasks that may not be easily accessed. You will not have to supply permissions and this program does not require your phone to be rooted (open to system changes).

There can be several reasons why you may wish to access the hidden Android settings within your phone. Perhaps you suspect that an unwanted update has recently occurred. Or you might wish to 'roll back' the operating system to an earlier date. Should you suddenly develop problems with reception or if you are unable to perform operations with a certain application this package could be of immense help.

You can also uncover hidden Android settings in the event of an emergency. If you dropped your phone if your SIM card is no longer recognised or if specific functions do not produce the desired results this software may be able to help. However keep in mind that adjusting or removing certain parameters may cause further damage to your operating system.

Before we spelunk any further, though, one quick word of warning: All of these settings are part of Chrome's flags system, which is a home for under-development options that are still actively being worked on and aren't technically intended for mainstream use. The flags system is meant for expert users and other similarly informed (and/or insane) folk who want to get an early look at advanced items. It also evolves pretty regularly, so it's entirely possible some of the settings mentioned here may look different from what I've described or even be gone entirely at some point in the not-so-distant future.

However, there are a few settings screens that are inaccessible from this search bar. These are activities that are able to be called within the Settings app, however, they require you to directly invoke them as the manufacturer has not otherwise provided a user-accessible link. The easiest way to launch these settings are to use an app like Activity Launcher, but Nova Launcher/Tasker and other apps are able to access these activities as well. What hidden menus you are able to access differs across devices, but here are a few examples that I've found on the Nexus 6P (that should be accessible on most Android phones) as well as a few that are specific to the Huawei P9.

Did you know that Android logs all of your notifications? Since Android 4.3, Google has tucked away a hidden settings page called the Notification log that lists every notification received with the notification's title, status bar icon, originating app, and time the notification was posted. Unfortunately, the log does not record detailed information about a notification so you're unable to see the exact contents of a Hangouts message, for instance. This settings page can be found at$NotificationStationActivity.

There is a hidden "Testing" settings page ( that can be readily accessed by many Android phones. Within the settings screen here, you are able to view detailed information about your current cellular and WiFi collection as well as app usage statistics. Within the Phone Information page (directly accessible via, for instance, you can see a list of nearby cellular towers (I've redacted that part in my screenshot because the list is very large), your signal strength, and some network testing information such as successful packets sent/received. In addition, you can set your preferred network type, disable the cellular radio (effectively the same as enabling airplane mode, without toggling WiFi/Bluetooth), and change some other network settings. Be warned that these network settings are hidden for a reason, so do not change any settings unless you are absolutely sure you know what you're doing.

Next up is the Usage Statistics (directly accessible via screen. Here, we have a page that provides us some basic information about how much time we spend using certain apps. Android logs and lists your app usage and allows you to sort by usage time, last time the app was used, or by app name. It's a quick and easy way to see what apps you regularly use without having to give permission to a third party app to track your habits. And yes, it persists across reboots.

Finally, there's the hidden WiFi settings page (directly accessible via or by entering *#*#4636#*#* in the dialer). There's not much useful information to be gleaned here for the average user, though. The WiFi API page lists a few options that developers can use to pull information about the device's WiFi connection, but there's nothing for you to use. The WiFi Config page provides a ton of information about your currently configured WiFi networks, though, so if that information is relevant to you then you'll enjoy this page. Finally, the Wifi Status page provides a more condensed version of your Wifi configuration and even allows you to run a quick ping test to test your connection. e24fc04721

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