To add support for Hibernate to a J2SE project you need to add the Hibernate library to the project. The Hibernate library is included with the IDE and can be added to any project by right-clicking the 'Libraries' node in the Projects window, selecting 'Add Library' and then selecting the Hibernate library in the Add Library dialog box.

The Hibernate configuration file ( hibernate.cfg.xml ) contains information about the database connection, resource mappings, and other connection properties. When you create a Hibernate configuration file using a wizard you specify the database connection by choosing from a list of database connection registered with the IDE. When generating the configuration file the IDE automatically adds the connection details and dialect information based on the selected database connection. The IDE also automatically adds the Hibernate library to the project classpath. After you create the configuration file you can edit the file using the multi-view editor, or edit the XML directly in the XML editor.

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When you click Finish the IDE opens hibernate.cfg.xml in the source editor. The IDE creates the configuration file at the root of the context classpath of the application (in the Files window, WEB-INF/classes). In the Projects window the file is located in the source package. The configuration file contains information about a single database. If you plan to connect to multiple databases, you can create multiple configuration files in the project, one for each database servers, but by default the helper utility class will use the hibernate.cfg.xml file located in the root location.

If you are using NetBeans IDE 7.4 or earlier you should select org.hibernate.hql.classic.ClassicQueryTranslatorFactory as the Property Value in the dialog box. NetBeans IDE 7.4 and earlier bundled Hibernate 3.

The reverse engineering file ( hibernate.reveng.xml ) is an XML file that can be used to modify the default settings used when generating Hibernate files from the metadata of the database specified in hibernate.cfg.xml . The wizard generates the file with basic default settings. You can modify the file to explicitly specify the database schema that is used, to filter out tables that should not be used and to specify how JDBC types are mapped to Hibernate types.

The Hibernate Mapping Files and POJOs from a Database wizard generates files based on tables in a database. When you use the wizard, the IDE generates POJOs and mapping files for you based on the database tables specified in hibernate.reveng.xml and then adds the mapping entries to hibernate.cfg.xml . When you use the wizard you can choose the files that you want the IDE to generate (only the POJOs, for example) and select code generation options (generate code that uses EJB 3 annotations, for example).

Because a POJO is a simple Java class you can use the New Java Class wizard to create the class and then edit the class in the source editor to add the necessary fields and getters and setters. After you create the POJO you then use a wizard to create a Hibernate mapping file to map the class to the table and add mapping information to hibernate.cfg.xml . When you create a mapping file from scratch you need to map the fields to the columns in the XML editor.

When you click Finish the Actor.hbm.xml Hibernate mapping file opens in the source editor. The IDE also automatically adds an entry for the mapping resource to hibernate.cfg.xml . You can view the entry details by expanding the Mapping node in the Design view of hibernate.cfg.xml or in the XML view. The mapping entry in the XML view will look like the following:

It is good practice to segregate the Hibernate code that accesses the database into a separate project. The file contains the HibernateTravelPOJO project, which is a Hibernate front end for accessing theTravel database.You can import HibernateTravelPOJO as a library dependency into anyVisual Web project to enable that project to access the Travel database through Hibernate's mappings. The HibernateTravelPOJO project contains the required mapping file, configuration file, utility class, and POJO persistent classes, as described in Introduction to Hibernate. The following figure shows the project's contents.

If you are using a different port number than the default port number of 1527, or if you are using a different database, edit the hibernate.connection.url property in the HibernateTravelPOJO > Source Packages > default packages > hibernate.cfg.xml configuration file.

Please note that the above method will cause all sorts of problems if you are sharing this project or using SCM. Some more portable ways of adding third party jars include adding the jar as a NetBeans library, creating a library project, or using Maven and placing the dependency in the POM. All of these approaches are beyond the scope of this article.

Before we start, we have to register the application server with the IDE and copy over the Hibernate JAR files to the application server's lib folder. We also have to create a library in the IDE for the Hibernate entity manager.

Using the hibernate tools, ddl sql scripting can be generated to create all the tables and relationships for the business model and to clean up the database with drop statement for all the generated tables. In the project build.xml file that is located in the top level directory of the project, add the following script to the end of the file.

You can add support for the PrimeFaces, ICEfaces or RichFaces JSF component suites when you create an application in the New Project wizard or add support to an existing Java web application in the Project Properties window. To add support for the component suite you need to create a class library for the component suite and specify the location of the required JARs. After you create the library you can select the component suite in the Frameworks panel of the New Project wizard or the Project Properties window.

The IDE provides Spring support for various Java-based applications, such as Java SE, EJB, and web applications. You can add Spring support to a project by either adding the Spring Framework 3.2 library to a project's classpath, or by creating a new Spring configuration file using the Spring XML Configuration File wizard. Along with creating the configuration file, this wizard will also offer to add the Spring library to the classpath if it has not already been added.

When you click Finish the IDE creates the Hibernate configuration file hibernate.cfg.xml in a source package with the name . The wizard also adds the Hibernate library to the project classpath. After you create a web application with Hibernate support, you can use wizards to generate Hibernate mapping files, a helper file and POJOs from a database.

The IDE provides Hibernate support for various Java-based applications, such as Java SE, EJB, and web applications. You can add Hibernate support to a project by either adding the Hibernate library to a project's classpath, or by creating a new Hibernate configuration file using the Hibernate Configuration File wizard. Along with creating the configuration file, this wizard will automatically add the Hibernate library to the classpath if it has not already been added.

To use Hibernate your application must have a Hibernate configuration file that contains the database connection details enabling the application to connect to a database. The file also contains information about the location of Hibernate mapping files. You can edit this file if you need to change the database connection details. You can have multiple Hibernate configuration files, but the default name for the configuration file used by Hibernate is hibernate.cfg.xml.

When you click Finish, the file hibernate.cfg.xml is created in the location you specified and the file opens in the Source Editor. If you did not specify a location the file is created in a source package with the name . The wizard also adds the Hibernate library to the classpath if it has not already been added.

The hibernate.cfg.xml editor enables you edit the configuration properties for an application that uses the Hibernate framework. You can edit the hibernate.cfg.xml file in a visual editor or edit the XML directly. In the visual editor you can use the Add, Edit and Remove buttons to open dialog boxes to modify the properties. In the XML editor you can use the IDE's code completion to assist you.

Many of the properties in the configuration file are supplied and modified by other wizards in the IDE. For example, if you create Hibernate mapping files using the Hibernate Mapping File wizard, hibernate.cfg.xml is automatically updated with information about the mapping files.

To use the Hibernate Mapping Files and POJOs from a Database wizard, you need to first create a Hibernate reverse engineering file (hibernate.reveng.xml). The IDE provides a wizard for generating the file based on the data contained in the Hibernate configuration file and the tables you are using in your application.

The reverse engineering file is an XML file that can be used to modify the default settings used when generating Hibernate files from the metadata of the database specified in hibernate.cfg.xml. The file can be used to explicitly specify the database schema that is used, to filter out tables that should not be used and how JDBC types are mapped to Hibernate types.

To use Hibernate you need to create a helper class that handles startup and that accesses Hibernate's SessionFactory to obtain a Session object so that you can load and store objects. The helper class calls configure() and loads the hibernate.cfg.xml configuration file. The helper class then builds the SessionFactory to obtain the Session object.

When you execute an HQL query, you see the result of the query in the bottom pane of the HQL editor window. The HQL query is executed against the database specified in the project's Hibernate configuration file (hibernate.cfg.xml) that is selected in the editor toolbar. You can click the SQL button above the bottom pane to view the SQL query that corresponds to your HQL query. 2351a5e196

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