Script Hook V is the library that allows to use GTA V script native functions in custom *.asi plugins. Note that it doesn't work in GTA Online, script hook closes GTA V when player goes in multiplayer, see details in the readme.


The main concept is that compiled script plugins depend only on ScriptHookV.dll, so when the game updates the only thing that user must do in order to make scripts working again is to update script hook runtime (i.e. ScriptHookV.dll).

Download Gta V Script Hook Dot Net


I've downloaded and installed the new script hook v for the chop shop update and even without my trainers which were causing my game crashes before the updated script hook the game still crashes on loading, can anyone help me? I just wanna mess around with the gauntlet interceptor

3. Compatibility

Everyone assumes a patch just means new DLC will be added, focused on GTAO, but it can also mean changes to the RAGE (game engine and its native functions) as well as the way GTA V behaves with respect to mods. This is clearly exemplified by the expiration of scripts (they no longer work or are buggy) and major issues such as falling through the map (change in static collisions) which we saw after the infamous Contract Update. OIV installers can also replace files, not only in update.rpf, and there isn't any guarantee these files will be compatible with the new 3095 version.

4. Prevention

Backing up update.rpf, possibly update2.rpf, files such as dlclist.xml, and GTA5.exe can save you lots of grief in the future (summer update forthcoming). Reverting is also a wonderful strategy to keep playing old mods and old scripts and you can swap back files to play current or GTAO without having two installations. In fact, reverting (with or without the bypass mod) is the only guaranteed way to play trouble free. With a reverted game you can grab some popcorn, continue to play your modded game, and ignore the hundreds of issues on forums and how to fix GTA V videos on YT.

@LRNSR If you updated correctly and your game is still crashing, as many games do, then you need to get back to if you had a fresh install. The first step is to disable all your mods and see if the vanilla game works. Then you go through a process of elimination to find out if a script or other mod is causing the issue. Keep in mind that a gameconfig.xml, under ordinary circumstances, will never guarantee a stable game - especially after an update.

I've just started the game and been trying to get through the story but every time I fail a mission a get an error from script hook that saids, "SCRIPT HOOK RDR2 CRITICAL ERROR" "FATAL: Creating threads while previous are still active" Does anyone know what causes this and/or how to fix it?

You can now run scripts in the main thread rather than a decicated thread by setting NoScriptThread of ScriptAttributes to true. Note that Script.Yield() and Script.Wait() are not available and instead throw an exception when NoScriptThread is set to true (even via some scripting API such as World.CreateVehicle() without having the model loaded in advance).

NativeHashes enums are updated (v3 API only) as some leaked source revealed all the exact native function names that exist in 1.0.2699. Compiled scripts do not take effect since enums are embedded as constants when directly used. See f2edb0e for the changes.

As for ScripthookV, the complexity goes way beyond a version check. The author of ScripthookV is an elite level programmer who also participated in the development of OpenIV, Alexander Blade. So we should be very thankful because absolutely nobody here has the skills and knowledge to do what he has done for this community. And continues to do freely as in for free on his own time.

Script Hook V is a free video game program that enables unique ASI plugins to use GTA V script native capabilities. This mod is a plugin library created by Alexander Blade that also includes the latest ASI Loader and Native Trainer. Your mods for the popular game Grand Theft Auto V will be able to work and interact properly with each other as a result of this.

This works all fine and dandy, but I hope there's a cleaner way to implement this as I have about 20 of these scripts that need that same pre-script. When I have to change the command for some reason, I will have to do that 20 times for every project in the repo (about 5 projects).

I know that there's a way to add pre-scripts by creating a script with the same name and the prefix 'pre' to make sure it runs before that specific script, but that doesn't work for multiple scripts, as far as I know.

However, updating a bunch of scripts can be a simple find/replace which only happens a couple times a year. In general, I can pretty definitively say that you don't want to introduce any "magic" in the way npm scripts are run. Even the built-in pre/post hooks are a bad idea for several reasons:

In virtually every app I've ever developed, I eventually needed to run lots of scripts similar to what you are doing... especially as I started using monorepos and managing complex projects with complex builds. In such cases I create actual JS/TS files and manage the complexity with code - it's much easier to read and it's much easier to compose complex pipelines. I know this is not what you want to hear... and I'm sure I'll get some downvotes, but I highly recommend you don't fall into the hooks trap.

So im fairly new to coding in general, basically just dabbled in it if i needed something done via googling, but not really profficient in any sense like i understand some terms and lines depending on the program, just not how to put them together to make anything useful atm xD

So i have a couple of questions,

1.Where would i look if i was after guides on how to specifically make scripthooks for games? becuase googling basically just comes up with GTA stuff and "guide"just sends me to installing a script hook someone else made :/ and coding is a vast plethora of languages and i am one confused cookie.

2. for anyone whos made one, if im fresh to coding would it even be feasable or likley that ide be able to make or even update an existing script hook? without learning a ton of extra things about coding (like i just want to specialise in this one thing atm for what i want to get done) 

Any help would be super appreciated! :D

1.Where would i look if i was after guides on how to specifically make scripthooks for games? becuase googling basically just comes up with GTA stuff and "guide"just sends me to installing a script hook someone else made :/ and coding is a vast plethora of languages and i am one confused cookie.

Most script hooks work by replacing parts of the original game code with its own hook routines, just locating the parts of the game code that you need to patch would usually require extensive knowledge of assembly language and reverse engineering.

2. for anyone whos made one, if im fresh to coding would it even be feasable or likley that ide be able to make or even update an existing script hook? without learning a ton of extra things about coding (like i just want to specialise in this one thing atm for what i want to get done)

I'm just a admin for a Bitbucket/JIRA project and I miss the option to use custom script hooks in the scriptrunner BitBucket plugin. I don't have access to the administration of BitBucket. What needs to be done to make this custom script hook visible as an item in this view.

With that being said we're going to be working on a feature to allow admins to write a custom script and then the project or repo admin can enable it. Please see SRBITB-233 for further details of this and to keep an eye out for when it will be released.

In my situation the system admins don't have the knowledge of writing such scripts. And if I provide a ready to go script to the system admins it's not visible to me whether it has been activated for my repository or not. The simplest solution I would already agree is to show the Custom Hook script read-only to the repository owners in the same view where I can also edit my condition based hooks.

This module will let you create a custom script thread in C++ and have GTAIV process it along with its real scripts threads. Additionally, a type-safe manner to access native functions in GTAIV is provided.

I guess for non programmers, being able to do simple, text based scripts, that don't need to be compiled is a big plus. Of course with C++ there is much more possible, altough we have to see, what alice will support in future.

Nice way to prove me wrong. I'm super glad to see C++ hooks being developed so quickly (A month. A FREAKING MONTH!!!). Great work to you all; having worked with a lot of them, I have a good idea of how much difficulty is involved.

@asd23... there's no easy way of doing this... you'd probably have to create a .def file with all the function names exposed in Scripting.h. You might have to remove the static keyword from it to be able to do this. Additionally, you'll have to ensure that your VB code executes under a context of a NativeThread because some functions such as CreateCar, etc are thread-based... i.e., when you create a car, its attached to a script thread... when the thread gets killed, the car gets deleted. You'll get some unexpected behavior if you randomly start creating cars on someone else's thread.

You can download a ZIP-archive with the required files here. Extract the contents into your game folder and you're good to go. The trainer script has examples on how to integrate them into existing scripts.

I just want to thank you because people are ungrateful bitches how are not event trying to understand the amount of work just to release this kind of thing.

f*ck all people asking for updates and whining when the script doesnt work. Next time try to be patient. You are not paying anything

Hooks are midPoint mechanism for injecting a code to or intercepting of normal midPoint flows.E.g. a hook can be used to insert custom notification after an operation is complete, modify the operation request before it is even processed, redirect processing to a workflow or trouble-ticket system or do any other kind of advanced customization magic. ff782bc1db

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