Today was the first session of a new campaign I've been playing with a playgroup that I just finished Tomb of Annihilation with, and a player chose to be a Rune Knight. While the giants might feature is really cool, the "If you are smaller than Large, you become Large, along with anything you are wearing" clause has been confusing- the player is claiming that, while citing the rules for oversized weapons in the monster creation guide in the DMG ("Big monsters typically wield oversized weapons that deal extra dice of damage on a hit. Double the weapon dice if the creature is Large, triple the weapon dice if the creature is Huge, quadruple the weapon dice if it's Gargantuan."). Does this really work how he's claiming, giving him the equivalent of a critical hit on every hit?

Dice are the central mechanic of Die in the Dungeon. Your deck is made up of dice, which can be added or removed throughout a run. You hold up to five dice and can usually place only three dice each round. Dice are placed on the board and take effect at the end of your turn. Used dice are discarded, then new dice are drawn from your deck at the start of your next turn. If the deck runs out, discarded dice are shuffled and returned to the deck.

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Enemies also use dice for their actions, though they work slightly differently. Instead of placing dice on the board, enemies have set "attacks" which are telegraphed at the start of the turn and executed at the end. The Evil Frog is the exception to this.

Attack Dice (Red): Deals the damage to an opponent for the amount rolled. For the player, all attack dice damage is dealt at once to a single enemy (which can be changed by clicking on the desired target).

Boost Dice (Purple): Adds its value to any dice for the amount rolled. For the player, this only affects dice in a certain range from the boost die equal to its value. Boost Dice are unaffected by other Boost Dice. When used by enemies (such as the Copycat), boost dice instead grant a buff that increases the value of all that enemy's dice by 1 for a turn.

Mirror Dice (Grey): Copies the type and value of a dice. Like Boost Dice, they will only copy a die from a distance equal to its original value, which is always four (or sometimes nothing, if it is Basic, Silver, or has the Hollow property).

Terrain Dice (Pink): After the turn it is played, the area it was played in will get a buff of +X where X is the number on the die. Is affected by boost dice. The buff goes down by 1 point per turn. Requires winning a fight at the Terrain Altar, after which you get a Terrain die and the dice type is unlocked for future play and runs using the same app.

Heavy: Dice with this property remain on the board after it's used, affecting future rounds. After each round its value is reduced by one, leaving the board upon reaching zero and returning to your dice deck.

Altar Dice Properties: The following properties (Grow, Area, Pierce, and Bomb) are unlocked by fighting at the corresponding Altar. After winning the fight, you receive a die with that property, and the property can appear on randomly generated dice for the rest of the run and for further runs using the same app.

Dice come in three Tiers: Basic, Silver and Gold. Dice in your deck can be upgraded by choosing "upgrade dice" perk in post-battle rewards and some special events. Enemy dice also have Tiers, which are built into their attack sequences. Their potential values are identical to those of the player's.

Sometimes, when you choose the "get one new die" option in post-battle rewards, you are offered a named dice. These are usually gold and have unique values compared to other gold dice. Enemies do not use named dice.

"Cloud infrastructure spending remains resilient in the face of macroeconomic challenges," said Kuba Stolarski, research vice president for IDC's Infrastructure Systems, Platforms, and Technologies Group. "However, the segment is grappling with substantial price hikes and Q1 marked the second consecutive quarter of declining system unit demand. Although the overall outlook for the year remains positive, its growth hinges on the expectation that volume will drive it. Prolonged stagnation in demand could pose a significant obstacle to growth for the remainder of this year."

IDC tracks various categories of service providers and how much compute and storage infrastructure these service providers purchase, including both cloud and non-cloud infrastructure. The service provider category includes cloud service providers, digital service providers, communications service providers, and managed service providers. In 1Q23, service providers as a group spent $21.5 billion on compute and storage infrastructure, up 14.6% from the prior year. This spending accounted for 60.8% of the total market. Non-service providers (e.g., enterprises, government, etc.) decreased their spending 0.5% year over year. IDC expects compute and storage spending by service providers to reach $94.5 billion in 2023, growing at 5.6% year over year.

On a geographic basis, year-over-year spending on cloud infrastructure in 1Q23 increased in all regions except Central & Eastern Europe (CEE) (impacted by the Russia-Ukraine war), China, and Canada. Spending in CEE declined 27.1% year over year, while China was down 20.4%, and Canada declined 4.9%. Latin America, the United States, the Middle East & Africa (MEA), Japan, and Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan and China) (APeJC) grew the most at 39.2%, 34.3%, 33.5%, 17.1% and 16.4% year over year, respectively. Western Europe grew at 7.4% year over year. For 2023, cloud infrastructure spending is expected to grow in all regions except CEE and Canada, with Latin America expected to grow fastest at 16.1%. All other regions (APeJC, Canada, Japan, Latin America, USA, and Western Europe) are expected to post annual growth in the 0-15% range.

Long term, IDC predicts spending on cloud infrastructure to have a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.2% over the 2022-2027 forecast period, reaching $153.0 billion in 2027 and accounting for 69.0% of total compute and storage infrastructure spend. Shared cloud infrastructure will account for 72.0% of the total cloud amount with an 11.9% CAGR and reaching $110.1 billion in 2027. Spending on dedicated cloud infrastructure will grow at a CAGR of 9.6% to $42.9 billion. Spending on non-cloud infrastructure will grow at a 1.3% CAGR, reaching $68.6 billion in 2027. Spending by service providers on compute and storage infrastructure is expected to grow at a 10.6% CAGR, reaching $148.2 billion in 2027.

Our goal with Room to Grow is to bring your kids through a series of games that grow in complexity. We do our best to start with a game that shows a mechanic or play style very simply, and then move up to a game that is a little more complex, and then one even more complex.

Roll for It! is a wonderfully simple family game from Chris Leder and published by Calliope Games. Roll as many dice as you currently have, then assign some to cards that are out on the table. If you can match all the dice values on a specific card, you get that card (worth points) and all dice assigned to that card are returned to their owners.

While those numbers are not the double-digit growth seen in the previous two years for cybersecurity budgets, the modest increases show cybersecurity remains a top priority for many enterprises and organizations, even as other parts of the IT budget are trimmed and hiring tech talent remains tight.

A continuation of our Room to Grow series. If you're interested in tile laying games but you're not really sure how to bring kids in and then grow them into more complex games, we've got suggestions for you.

Every year, the AIAS hosts the Design, Innovate, Communicate and Entertain Summit (DICE), where game industry professionals the world over meet to discuss the latest news and advances in the game industry. Currently held in Las Vegas, Nevada and specifically only for game executives, Rae hopes the DICE summit will continue to grow into other areas of the game industry.

If you happen to come across plants of the Balanophoraceae family in a corner of a forest, you might easily mistake them for fungi growing around tree roots. Their mushroom-like structures are actually inflorescences, composed of minute flowers.

But unlike some other parasitic plants that extend an haustorium into host tissue to steal nutrients, Balanophora induces the vascular system of their host plant to grow into a tuber, forming a unique underground organ with mixed host-parasite tissue. This chimeric tuber is the interface where Balanophora steals nutrients from its host plant.

Because molluscan shellfish (those that have a hinged shell, such as clams, mussels, oysters, quahogs, etc.) are filter feeders, the quality of the waters in which they grow is a key factor in determining whether they are safe to eat.

The Water Quality Component evaluates all shellfish growing areas in the state of Maine to determine their suitability for harvest. This program is guided by the NSSP standards. Please select this link to find the 2019 NSSP Guide for the Control of Molluscan Shellfish (PDF, 502 pages, 4.4 MB) (commonly called the "Model Ordinance").

Each commercially harvested growing area is assigned a "classification" according to the results of its evaluation. A growing area may be classified as Approved, Conditionally Approved, Restricted, Conditionally Restricted, or Prohibited.

Once classified, all shellfish growing areas are regularly monitored. Marine water samples are collected throughout the year. Shoreline surveys are conducted less frequently, but each year some portion of the Maine coast (47 shellfish growing areas) are surveyed. During those surveys, all actual and potential pollution sources that may impact water quality are evaluated.

The purpose of continued water sampling and shoreline surveys is to ensure that growing areas continue to meet the standards associated with their classification, to modify classifications when needed, and to notify the responsible agencies about identified and potential pollution sources. e24fc04721

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