To start and name a new group chat, select New chat at the top of your chat list. Select the down arrow at the right side of the To field and then enter a name in the Group name field. You'll see the name at the top of the group chat.

RASCOE: ...The group chat is popping off. Now, which one is it? Is it the ones with your college friends? Maybe the one with your work pals? Or maybe it's the dreaded family group chat. We all know it's nice to be in touch with friends and family, but it can also be overwhelming to keep up with hundreds of messages. Faith Hill gets it. She's an editor at The Atlantic and wrote about group chats in her new article titled "Group-Chat Culture Is Out Of Control." She joins us now. Welcome to the program.

Download Group Chats


RASCOE: Full disclosure, I heard about this article in my group chat with my friends. That's how I heard about it. And you write that the group chat is now the new social media. Like, why do you think that?

RASCOE: Yeah, yeah. But, you know, even though they can be a bit overwhelming, like, group chats, especially, like, during the pandemic, were a way to feel more connected 'cause you could still have these ongoing conversations with people that you, you know, love and care about.

HILL: Yeah, absolutely. I think, you know, group chats have a lot of amazing features. It would be impossible to just sort of, like, reach out to all these different people separately about, like, every dumb thing that happens in your day, you know, like the cute dog you see on the subway or, like - but when you already have these spaces, like, it's really easy to just sort of casually let all these people know at once about this thing. And then you get that from other people. And it is, like, I think really a space to feel this sort of, yeah, regular, mundane intimacy. And it can almost be like you're going through your day together, which - I think it can be really nice.

HILL: Yeah. I mean, I think the good features about group chats that I was just talking about can also be, like, the very features that make them overwhelming. Like, it's kind of a double-edged sword. And then there's also not really a set etiquette for group chats.

HILL: Some of the researchers I was talking to were saying that, you know, because, like, in the span of history, we haven't had group chats or even just, like, texting for that long, and also because the features keep changing, we just, like, haven't been able to settle on expectations that everyone can agree on.

You know, one thing they talked about in terms of just advice for how to handle this is, like, sometimes you need to just be real with yourself about which group chats matter the most to you. So, you know, someone used this term, like, zombie chats, which are sort of the chats that just keep going even though you are not that interested in them. You know, sometimes, like, if a group chat just has too many people, and it's no longer people that you're close to anymore, that's almost, like, turning into what we were trying to get away from with the social media where it feels, like, crowded and empty at the same time - just, like, sort of public and not as intimate.

Spaces are a feature of Google Chat that allows persistent team chat and collaboration, with the ability to share files, assign tasks, and review message history. Spaces are perfect for groups of any kind who want to work on a project or communicate around a shared interest.

To send a group MMS message on an iPhone, turn on MMS Messaging. Go to Settings > Messages and turn on MMS Messaging. If you don't see an option to turn on MMS Messaging, contact your carrier to see if your plan supports Group MMS Messaging.

With iOS 15, iPadOS 15, or later, photos, links, and other content that is sent within the group message will appear in the Shared with You section of the corresponding content apps. If you don't want to see the photos and other content in Shared with You, go to the group message, tap the group members at the top of the thread, then turn off Show in Shared with You.

In iOS 17 and later, you can delete and block an entire group MMS message. If you receive new messages in a group MMS message that you blocked, an unread messages count appears next to Recently Deleted on your list of filters.

Anyone know when this will happen? It is proving difficult for group projects and workspaces when you have no idea who has seen messages. This was an extremely useful feature in hangouts. Why they forced the switch to google chat before having this feature present has made me wonder if we need to find another platform.

I'm in a group chat with 3 others. We all have iPhones. About a month ago, a new group chat was created with the same group. I deleted it, but it came back. 3 of the 4 of us experience this problem. The other guy has no idea what we're talking about when we say "this is driving me crazy."

Welcome to Apple Support Communities. Are you experiencing this behavior with a specific chat group or multiple? Also, are you having issues with the search feature within any apps other than Messages?

I would like to suggest a feature request for ChatGPT that I believe would improve the overall user experience. The feature I am proposing is the ability for users to add custom folders to group chats manually.

As you may already know, ChatGPT currently lists all group chats in a single list. While this may be suitable for those with a few group chats, it can quickly become overwhelming for users with numerous group chats. It can be difficult to keep track of all conversations and to find the one you need when they are all lumped together in a single list.

To solve this issue, I suggest that ChatGPT allows users to create custom folders and group their chats accordingly. This way, users can easily organize their chats and find the conversations they need with minimal effort. For example, users could create folders for work-related chats, personal chats, hobby-related chats, and so on.

Not only would this feature make it easier for users to navigate through their group chats, but it would also provide a more streamlined and personalized experience. Users could customize their folders to suit their needs, making ChatGPT more versatile and user-friendly.

Currently I have a table users, a table chats, however I want there to be "Group chats" and "Private chats (dm)".A group chat needs more data than a private chat, such as for example: Group name, picture, ....

What is the best way to approach this?Do I make 1 table chats, and put a type attribute in there that deteremines if it is private or not and leave some columns blank if it is a private chat. OR Would I make 2 tables one for private chats, and one for group chats?

What about a third option, why not just model a Private Chat as a Group Chat that only has 2 members in the group?. Sometimes splitting the model into these types is a premature optimisation, especially in the context of a chat style application. For instance, couldn't a private chat benefit from having an image in the same way that a group chat does? Could there not be some benefit to users being able to specify a group name to their own private group?

In the context of Chat, TPT can work from a Composition point of view. All chats have the same basic features and interactions, but Group Chat records can have extended metadata and behaviours. Unless you envision Private Chat having a lot of its own specific implementation there is not really a reason to extend the base concept of Chat to a Private Chat implementation if there is no difference in that implementation.

For that reason too though, is there a need to differentiate between Private and Group chats at all from a database perspective? Your application runtime shouldn't be using blind SELECT * style queries to access the data in either case, it should be requesting the specific fields that it needs for the given context, whether you use a Field in the table, or the Name of the table to discrimate between the different concepts is less important than being able to justify the existence of or the difference between those concepts.

Background: I want to organize user reported issues with unique ID in teams. Since all group chats are plain lists, my idea is to have multiple chats where title contains ID. Then me and others can switch between chats to update specific issue, continue discussions, etc.

It should not encrypt each message for each member individually. The Signal Protocol does this, turning group chats into many one-on-one chats, which is not a proper, scalable solution to the problem. With potentially hundreds of members in a group, even encrypting an encryption key for each member is a considerable downside.

Every new member may receive everyone's public key upon joining, and any group key(s) must be rotated when a member leaves. This scales reasonably enough, and there might not be a way around it without compromising security, so this is allowed and does not count as 'encrypting every message for everyone'.

I've looked for existing protocols, but came up with zero results that meet these requirements. I thought I read about something a few years ago where the group derived a common key and used that or something, but I cannot find anything like that.

Protocols like PGP have been around for some time and offer "group messaging" by simply encrypting the content with a randomly generated symmetric key and then encrypting that key asymmetrically with the public keys of each of the recipients. These protocols only sends the encrypted content once but encrypts the encryption key to each of the members of the group. Note that similarly to PGP, this approach does not provide any perfect forward secrecy, deniability or conversation integrity (and thus no transcript consistency).

OTR was introduced to address some of the shortcomings of PGP, improving on perfect forward secrecy, conversation integrity and deniability. Ian Goldberg, the author of OTR also wrote a paper on a multi-party variant of the protocol, named mpOTR. mpOTR was designed with the XMPP transport in mind and inherently synchronous in its design, meaning that each group member is expected to be online at any time to negotiate new keying material. The described protocol does not provide in-session perfect forward secrecy and has not been largely deployed. N+1Sec is a similar protocol with some improvements. Note that these protocols have a lot of algorithmic complexity and tend to scale badly, especially when you add latency into the mix. 006ab0faaa

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