I have an issue, where I am trying to avoid dropping my grid to a graphic element and manually aligning the Lat/Long labels to the grid lines. The projection that we are using means that the grid lines are curved, and across the continent of Australia the angles can be significant in the lower latitudes. I have attached a screen cap of a sample map if anybody is having trouble visualising what I mean.

A map grid line is a regularly spaced series ofconnected vertices that separate the map into equal areas and is asystem by which locations can be identified on a map using the x,ycoordinates based on the lines. Longitude and latitude linestypically make up the grid lines in a map.

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When my students are using the tape measure tool they put in a measurement and click enter but the grid line does not show up. I have to have them now manually try and get as close to the measurement as possible., I do not know why it is not showing up on the model. We are using the education version of sketchup.

Hello just started using onenote. I would like to have the grid lines on my notes but is there anyway to change the color other then bright blue. I'm using the ipad btw and i don't see an option to change color so just wondering if there is a way. Thank you.

For example, between the Name and Description column, there is a line which I assumed that it is grid line. I have no idea to remove it using css. I can do it in Java Swing using setShowGrid(false); but this does not available in javaFX.

The Grid Line add-in draws a grid line with automatic labeling. This add-in allows you to specify line extension length, label text, label frame and label text size. For changing default parameters, follow command line keywords. It has options for labeling at the start, end or both of the grid line, extension length, label frame and text size.

Thank you for your good comment and suggestions. I had some development plan for new release for a while. An attributed block for annotation was in my development plan. But layer specifying and aligning from existing grids are wonderful suggestion. Thank you.

Is it possible to change major grid spacing to 0.5? Rhino will only allow me to put integers, no decimal numbers. However I saw my professor change it to 0.5 on a tutorial video, though she is using Mac not Windows.

Anyone having issues with Rhythm package CurtainGridLine.RemoveSegment node? I can see the preview correctly indicating which gridlines should be removed but when actually run only a couple of random lines from the list are actually removed from the model. I am trying to create a staggered curtainwall panel pattern but really any application where a list of curves corresponding to gridlines is removed from the curtainwall is the main goal. Attached the file and some screenshots - any help would be greatly appreciated!

I noticed that if I plug the exploded geometry node directly to the curves input in the CurtainGridline.RemoveSegment it does remove the grlidlines, but when I try to modify the list and then return in the same format, or a flattened list it does not work.

Your curtain grids (blue lines in Revit viewport) are not on your wall element after you extracted them via Dynamo. Something is going on regarding your project location, a translation or something like that.

For example I have panels of 400, 600, 800 and 1200 sizes in height. Cause of the 600, all lines are based on 200 distance. The order of them appearing is scrambled. creating this:

image1021435 1.91 KB

I can think of a couple quick things:

Have you checked out options you can do with the Sidebar? Combined with the Inspector the formatting of one line could be changed to help illustrate a break;

Other quick option would be to insert a blank line and add either an underline ("_") or dash ("-") charater across the page.

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I have a2300 Powershot black and just can not get to the display menu that turns on to the the Grid lines. The only display I get starts with" Lamp Display" on top. This is a really basic question but it has me stumped. Could somebody help me with a very simple explanation...........thanks................

According to the manual, the grid lines are not available in Auto mode. If you go into the P mode, you should be able to access the grid lines option from the menu. This will be near the end of the list.

Lines can be addressed using their line number. In a left-to-right language such as English, column line 1 will be on the left of the grid, row line 1 on the top. Lines numbers respect the writing mode of the document and so in a right-to-left language for example, column line 1 will be on the right of the grid. The image below shows the line numbers of the grid, assuming the language is left-to-right.

The lines created in the explicit grid can be named, by adding the name in square brackets before or after the track sizing information. When placing an item, you can then use these names instead of the line number, as demonstrated below.

That would be a something you should be able to change in the preferences but at the moment I do not see an option for this either. I agree that it definitely be nice to have cause. I had to use a work around of creating a guide layer and draw out a pseudo guideline in the color I wanted and lock the layer but that doesn't really help me with the default snapping colors.

I think that is a reasonable offering in lieu of full-on customization. I think most of the issue people will have is when the grid blends into their own work and then at that point the grid is uneffective. I think more people could live with this solution if they have few setup choices to choose from. Thanks Ben.

only "cheap" and temporary solution I can think of is create a layer called guide pick your stroke color of choice maybe a bright blue and draw your guidelines with the pen tool. If you want to make a grid just create a second line and and power duplicate it. When your done lock the layer and proceed on drawing. litte more work but its a temporary solution that might be useful now for ya.

When you enable the grid lines for printing in Format > Page > Sheet tab they get a thin black appearance by default. I would like to be able to change either their thickness/width to make them thicker, and/or their colour to make them dark grey instead of black.

I've been looking through Preferences for a location that will allow me to enable Major Axis Grid Lines in Graph Builder. Currently, the default is no major axis grid lines which I have to turn on each time. Is it possible in Preferences, or some other way, to set the default Graph Builder major axis grid lines to on?

Even though the grid lines (which I have set to print) show up correctly in the print preview screen, the print comes out with EVERY-OTHER horizontal line printed. This is in the regular workbook, row height 16, Excel 2016, Windows 10.

I am attempting to create a plan sheet with 4 insets that show design items that are off of the page limits. I created an inset file, referenced all needed files into there as well as an aerials file. In the drawing model space for this plan sheet I then referenced this inset file 4 times to show the different areas. Grid lines and shading issues are showing up for 3 out of the 4 insets. I do not understand how this can happen when all 4 references are from the same file and I did not change anything or do anything differently. I thought maybe something was wrong with the location so I showed the same inset twice yet one still has grid lines.

I am aware of a similar answer here Printing shows Grid lines when printing double stack plan sheets with aerials but only on the bottom plan view. However, the answer states to remove any 3D files. I do not have any 3D files referenced into my inset file or the printing file.

I am using Mathcad Prime 7.0

Attempting to add grid lines to a plot but the information in the help section for 7.0 does not match what I am seeing in the application.

According to help I am supposed to click the Axes tab in the Ribbon then click Axes Styles: X Gridlines

However the only tab in the Ribbon I have is Plot. There is an Axes area under that but there is no option to change styles.

Guessing there is something I need to turn on or change to I can see and make changes to the Axes Styles but as yet I have not been able to find what that is.

This sample shows how to use scriptable grid options for an axis to control styling. In this case, the Y axis grid lines are colored based on their value. In addition, booleans are provided to toggle different parts of the X axis grid visibility. 006ab0faaa

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