I was using grammarly, one of the top editing softwares around. I had written 10k words, and the grammarly plugin crashed my Word document and prevented Word from auto-saving my document. I even had a warning from Word pop up and say that Grammarly is the result of the program crash, and to disable it.

Grammarly is easily a writer's best friend. This sophisticated set of grammar-checking tools can assist you in your writing endeavors. Grammarly helps improve your writing by improving your grammar, word choice, and basic spelling and punctuation. 

If you have Microsoft Word, then you may already know some of what an excellent spell-checking app can do for you. Grammarly is a lot more sophisticated because, unlike MS Word, Grammarly also scans for your readability, your contextual issues, and other issues. 

The basic features include:

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Grammarly scans the punctuation along with the sentence structure to make it perfect. Grammarly is even capable of fixing your missing articles, comma splices, weak adjectives, and unwanted usage of words repetitively.

Your writing style will also be scanned by Grammarly, which can significantly impact your writing style. The company sends you a weekly update on words that you use a lot and words that you misspell a lot. This helps you to discover and try and work on your vocabulary.

is a helpful productivity tool that users can use to check if there are any grammatical errors in their text while they are typing a composition. Made especially for Microsoft Word, the most commonly used typing application all around the world, the app cuts down the time you would spend searching for errors. It automatically highlights possible grammatical errors, typos, and misspelled words. With this, you can correct them immediately as you type. The app is very handy to have, especially if you are a writer or you constantly compose long texts. If you are looking for a way to enhance your writing, this app is a no-brainer recommendation.

The errors that Grammarly is capable of identifying goes beyond typos and misspelled words. Sentence structure will also matter in this tool, and it will offer suggestions to change some phrases or a whole sentence into what it thinks would sound better. For instance, it will try to point out that you are using a passive voice in your sentence rather than an active one, which is usually better and straight to the point. Correct usage of punctuation marks is also one of the crucial things it will check, seeing that it is one of the most common mistakes that writers tend to not notice. Another good point of Grammarly is that even with all its editing suggestions, it is not an intrusive tool and will not mess up your writing.

If you want to grammar check outside of Word, you can copy and paste the contents of your Word file into the Grammarly web app. You might also find our explainer on how to find the word count in Microsoft Word helpful.

Launched in 2009, its dynamic algorithms cover a wide range of context-based text editing issues like basic spelling and grammar errors, but also word usage, sentence style, wordiness, and punctuation. Users can also upgrade to paid subscription tiers for individuals or businesses, and receive assistance with more complex issues like fluency, tone, clarity, plagiarism, and more.

I am not sure what is causing this, but every time I restart my system, the paste options in MS office apps such as outlook and word get disabled. I also see that the value of PasteOptions in \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\office\16.0\common\General is set to 0 even after I manually set it to 1.

Grammarly is one of the most reliable tools for keeping written content crisp and correct. It always sits on the right-hand side of Microsoft Word, Docs, and other word processors to alert users to different types of writing errors.

Like the free version of every spell-check tool, Microsoft Editor shows grammar and spelling corrections for users. It indicates misuse of capital letters, hyphens, and subject-verb. The built-in tool also spots indirect questions and confusing words.

Grammarly Premium also offers sentence structure suggestions when you use the passive voice or when your writing style is inconsistent. It detects offensive and non-inclusive language while offering other context-appropriate word suggestions.

Grammarly is the go-to add-in for checking grammar in word processor applications, and catching grammatical errors is a breeze with it. Unfortunately, it may sometimes encounter a problem with its grammar checking process. A fresh install usually gets it up and running again, but sometimes the problems just get worse and worse.Grammarly sometimes doesn't want to play ball with Microsoft Word. Sometimes you can't add it, it won't open, Microsoft Word does not show the add-in, or Grammarly fails to connect to the server. Whichever problem you have, the fixes listed below will help solve your issues.

If you can't open the extension or can't locate it in Microsoft Word, the internet isn't the culprit, and the problem often lies with the word processor or the add-in. However, it doesn't hurt to restart the router and ensure the internet isn't causing the issue.

If it works perfectly on other documents, and the problem occurs on one specific document, consider removing any privacy checks you've put on that document. Take the password protection off and disable the privacy permissions temporarily. Hopefully, this will enable the add-in to work again.

Before tackling major fixes such as tweaking firewall settings, reinstalling the add-in, or changing the user account, ensure it is not a temporary glitch. Therefore, close all Microsoft Word windows and give the word processor a fresh start.

Developed in 2009, Grammarly is a spelling and grammar checker that detects grammar, spelling, punctuation, word choice, and style mistakes as you write on websites, emails, Word documents, social media, and so much more.

Although it is not a replacement for a human editor, Grammarly Premium also offers accurate recommendations for correcting writing style, passive voice, word choice, sentence structure, and comma placement.

Vocabulary Enhancement is a premium-only feature to help you expand your lexicon and write more clearly by suggesting context-optimized alternatives and synonyms in response to word repetition or overuse.

When you use Grammarly on your computer, it offers real-time suggestions by marking spelling or grammar errors with a colored underline. You can use Grammarly on your desktop, on grammarly.com, or with Microsoft Office.

Is ProWritingAid better than Grammarly? When comparing free versions only, Grammarly is better than ProWritingAid. Grammarly is more user friendly and more accurate. Its free version can handle over 10,000 words at a time, whereas ProWritingAid Free can only handle 500 words at a time.

I took one of my articles on Kindlepreneur (over 2,000 words) and put it into Word, where it showed no grammar or spelling errors. I took the same article and put it through Grammarly Free and Grammarly Premium. Here are the results:

Grammarly is a powerful writing aid tool that helps all content writers to create masterpieces with words. Without this super tool, we might make a good amount of errors in our content. Those errors can consist of spelling mistakes, improper punctuation, or awkward spacing. So dealing with its absence of invaluable programs such as Microsoft Word is no joke. I hope the solutions mentioned above will help you bring back your Grammarly extension and make you do magic with words again!

in making a MS Word add-in spellchecker, i'm faced with the issue of "underlines". I can use the formatting functions of the Word Object Model in order to color the misspelled words or to underline them just how a user would with the U button, but it's not the same as the native ms-word curly underline which doesn't show if you copy-paste the text elsewhere, doesn't get printed or saved and doesn't show in undo actions. I have been searching how to do it, but everyone keeps saying it's not possible.

There is this English spellchecker called Grammarly, they do have a ms-word add-in and they somehow underline the misspelled words (though it's not curly, just a straight thick line) and it works just like MS-Word:

Unfortunately, MS Word doesn't provide out of the box functionality that would allow you to implement this. The way how Grammarly and other add-ons with similar functionality do it is they show the transparent window on top of MS Word window using Windows API. Then they identify coordinates of words that need to be highlighted and draw the highlighting (rectangles or underlines) inside of that transparent window on top of those words. This is not an easy solution because it requires to identify the visible range which is currently shown on the screen, find the words in that range that need to be highlighted and also track the user's actions such as scrolling and window resizing so that to redraw the highlighting after those actions. But for sure it's possible because we have recently done it in the product I'm working on. As far as I know, there is no ready open-source solution for this so you will need to implement everything yourself.

You may also consider a much easier solution which is highlighting the words using the Find.HitHighlight functionality. An example of how it works you can see when you search for a simple word in MS Word. Although this is not a very flexible solution because the only thing you can change is the color of the highlighting.

I believe the way Grammarly adds emphasis to words and phrases it wants to flag is to change the document temporarily in a very smart and controlled way. Grammarly only works when one clicks the Open Grammarly button on the Grammarly ribbon. If you do a simple experiment, you may be able to observe how Grammarly controls its temporary changes. e24fc04721

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