What amount of likes do you get per view on your reels? What is your goal in terms of comments per view and likes per view? Right now, I'm thinking maybe 5% likes would be good, but I'm curious to know everyone's thoughts

As a YouTube creator, you should try to get as many likes and as few dislikes as possible. Since every like and dislike comes from a human viewer, you cannot physically control whether or not someone gives your video a thumbs-up or a thumbs down. You can, however, monitor your like to dislike ratio to determine if your videos are being received positively.

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You should want to get as many likes and as few dislikes as possible. 50% like to dislike ratio is a bad sign. Any like to dislike ratio over 10% should be a cause for concern. However, just remember that you cannot control whether someone likes or dislikes your video. All you can do is put your video in the best position to be received positively.

While some dislikes might be ingenuine, it's important to pay attention whenever you get them. If your like to dislike ratio becomes an issue, it might be a sign that your viewers are trying to tell you something. As a content creator, it's your job to serve your viewers. So, knowing when to sound the alarm and take notice is a good skill for you to possess.

Having a good like to dislike ratio on YouTube is ideal. But why is this? What do likes and dislikes do on YouTube, and why should you maximize likes and minimize dislikes? After all, so many YouTube content creators ask viewers to like videos, so they must be benefitting the creator somehow, right?

Likes and dislikes both counts as engagements. The YouTube algorithm likes engagements, as engagements show that a video was engaging enough to get a response from viewers. Many people believe that dislikes are bad and likes are good. In reality, both likes and dislikes are good from the viewpoint of the algorithm.

In the past, likes and dislikes held a significant amount of weight as metrics. Nowadays, however, this isn't the case. You see, both likes and dislikes can be easily manipulated with bots. Knowing this, YouTube has made it so these engagements do not impact the performance of videos in a significant manner.

Here's how you should view both likes and dislikes: They're both good, but likes are ideal. If you get a dislike or two, don't be concerned. If, however, you begin to get a significant number of dislikes regularly, then you should be concerned. After all, you should want your like to dislike ratio to be as good as possible.

Finding the like to dislike ratio of a YouTube video is a pretty easy process. As with most data, your YouTube channel analytics will provide you with what you are looking for. Believe it or not, YouTube provides the likes vs dislikes percentage for each video you upload. This makes it easy to determine the percentage of likes vs dislikes a video gets.

At this point, you might be asking yourself: What is a bad dislike ratio on YouTube? To be completely honest with you, there is no definitive answer to this question. As a content creator, it's in your best interest to get as many likes and as few dislikes as possible on your videos.

If you are looking for a benchmark to use, however, then there is a number for you. Ideally, you should be getting a minimum of 90% likes and a maximum of 10% dislikes. If your ratio begins to drop, meaning your likes decrease and your dislikes increase, you should take notice.

As I mentioned above, sometimes dislikes are ingenuine. However, this doesn't mean they should be ignored. Most of the time dislikes (and likes) will be genuine. Meaning, a viewer provided their feedback on your video in the form of a rating. It's your job to provide value to viewers, so listening to this feedback is crucial for success.

What is a good like to dislike ratio on YouTube? The number does not actually exist, but you should strive to get at least 90% likes on your videos- asking for likes can help with this! Engagements are meant to provide you direct feedback from your viewers. Knowing this, your like to dislike ratio can be a direct indicator of how your videos are received by viewers.

Using Instagram hashtags will help get your post in front of more users, leading to more likes. Once you use a hashtag, your post will appear on the page for that hashtag. That makes it easier for people to find you (and like your content).

Eyeroll, right? Obviously, one of the most basic ways you can get more likes on your photos is by posting photos that are good: think high-quality, well-composed, engaging images that are as shareable as possible.

The fact that our protagonist is a terrible human being tends to dissuade potential readers/viewers. My friends who tried the series on my recommendation dropped it for dislike of Joe. Nobody likes Joe. I respect the series for that.

These two examples are different but they still produce the same results. One is informative while the other is plain silly. However, both directly ask followers to tag a friend. The result is plenty of likes and high engagement.

Way I look at it- she probably doesn't know what she wants. You sound like the nice guy because you cuddle with her and her family likes you... just talked about it in another forum but girls aren't usually attracted to that though... but then again I always thought this too but then my past crush went and got a disgustingly nice, clingy boyfriend that makes me look like a wife beating drug addict.... lol. so who knows.

{"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org\/","@id":"https:\/\/browsermedia.agency\/blog\/instagram-without-likes-is-it-good-business\/#arve-youtube-3a_nspgmso0659643f611e72113186057","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/www.youtube-nocookie.com\/embed\/3a_NspGMSO0?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=1&enablejsapi=1","name":"Are Instagram Right to Get Rid of Likes and Views? | This Morning","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/i.ytimg.com\/vi\/3a_NspGMSO0\/hqdefault.jpg","uploadDate":"2019-07-25T09:40:53+00:00","author":"This Morning","description":"Some people have welcomed it, others are dreading it, and some are thinking of boycotting the platform altogether; one thing\u2019s for sure, Instagram\u2019s recent decision to test a feed without visible Likes has caused uproar amongst consumers and businesses alike.\u00a0 The announcement was made at Facebook\u2019s"}So will this move from Instagram be the death of the influencer? Unlikely, but it will make life somewhat harder for them, especially those new to the influencing world.

Knowing your likes and dislikes is an integral part of self-awareness. It allows you to navigate life more effectively by giving you an insight into what will bring you joy, satisfaction, and comfort.

The social media platform Instagram made headlines last year for suppressing likes in an effort to curb the comparisons and hurt feelings associated with attaching popularity to sharing content. But do these efforts combat mental health issues, or are they simply applying a band-aid to a wound?

In addition to limiting likes, as Instagram has done, Sperling suggests social platforms consider decreasing mass sharing altogether. They might function more as messaging services by highlighting one-on-one communications. 17dc91bb1f

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