Other methods export all mail contacts whether or not they are hidden. I just need a way to quickly export the global address book with only the contacts that appear when users browser the address book. Not any system accounts or hidden contacts. 

The built-in global address list (GAL) that's automatically created by Exchange Online includes every mail-enabled object in the organization. You can create additional GALs to separate users by organization or location, but a user can only see and use one GAL. For more information about address lists, see Address lists in Exchange Online.

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I'm trying to query the Global Address List using Microsoft Graph. I've worked with and adapted the sample code from -csharp-snippets-sample.git -- however, I'm still having trouble. I've seen this article -- Global Address List Graph API -- which indicates I need to use the "/contacts" endpoint. However, I don't see how this helps me when I'm using the Microsoft.Graph library. Is there some method or collection within the Microsoft.Graph library that will allow me to read the GAL?

"GAL" is a MAPI concept that doesn't really apply to Graph. With Graph, you just read the users or contacts in your company's Active Directory. By combining both lists, you come close to what you'd see in the GAL in a MAPI client.

For contacts, it's a lot trickier with the Graph library. Organizational contacts are only supported in the beta version of Microsoft Graph, which the client library doesn't support unfortunately. (See this issue for info). Michael Mainer did a write up of how you can generate your own beta version of the library if you're interested.

Why there is no address book in Teams like in Outlook? I guess that it has not been requested enough for Microsoft to create it. But there is a uservoice requesting this, vote for it and spread it and Microsoft might consider to implement it.


@Mik Hartel Sorry about that. Vote for the uservoice, talk to Microsoft contacts like your SDM. Promote this uservoice on social media to get others to vote for it and get attention from Microsoft. I think it is a good feature that will be useful in Teams.

- Microsoft has a central place for it, the global address list, but Teams seems to ignore it (except for the /org command). So even when someone is calling me and their phone number is in my GAL, it will not show these details....

To find a phone number, I recommend using OCS/Lync/Skype for business client as your search tool. Try searching using just the last 4 digits as there is no enforced data standard for entering this information. Search under the contacts tab, and if this number is in the system you should see a match come up.

I selected all the contacts from the global list and added them all to my personal contact list.. took about 5 Min to select 1000 employees and 10 minutes to add them because of the thinking time from the pc

When I click on global address list, it takes me to a search box. If I search a colleague's name, it correctly finds their details. However, when I click cancel to exit the search, it returns me to the Groups screen and the global address remains unchecked.

There are several places Outlook uses to store contacts. Your personal contacts are stored in folders either in an Outlook Data file or in your Exchange or Microsoft 365 mailbox. Organizational contacts are stored in a Global Address List. You can add, edit, or delete contacts stored in your personal contacts folders. You can't add, edit, or delete contacts stored in the Global Address List. Contact your administrator for assistance with Global Address List contacts.

The GAL is a shared, searchable directory of all the users, groups, shared contacts, and resources defined for your Google Workspace domain. These same global contacts are available from the Gmail interface on the web.

As a Directory administrator, you can manage the GAL to control user information visibility in Google Contacts and other Google services. If users in your domain cannot access any global addresses in either Outlook or Gmail, verify contact sharing is turned on in the Google Admin console.

By default, global addresses include the First Name, Last Name, and Email Address fields defined when each user is added to your Google Workspace account. GWSMO supports the following fields during a sync:

Many users use the global address list in Outlook every day for e-mail communication with colleagues. The global address list often contains other useful information, such as mobile numbers. If you want to access this address list on your mobile device, you will quickly find out that this is not so easy. In this article we show two ways how it can be done.

It is a global address list provided by Microsoft Exchange across all end users within an organization. The GAL helps employees to contact their colleagues. It can also be used to create and edit distribution lists.

Most often, the GAL is used in the context of email contacts. However, since it can also contain other contact data, such as the landline and mobile numbers of all employees, it is also a useful source of contact data on the mobile device.

The big disadvantage of this type of synchronization is that changes to the GAL are not automatically synchronized to your personal Outlook contacts, and therefore not to your mobile device.

PeopleConnect provides a overview of all contacts within the organization, plus the ability to import external contacts from third-party systems, sort by category, and more.

The big benefit of this solution is that PeopleConnect is always automatically up-to-date, unlike personal contacts. In addition, each user does not have to individually synchronize the contacts from the GAL, but there is a global address book for all.

It is possible to synchronize the global address list from Microsoft Exchange to mobile devices. This means that all important contacts are also available on mobile devices. However, it is cumbersome and the contacts are not automatically kept up to date. When changes are made to the GAL, a new, manual synchronization must be performed.

Probably you want / are looking for a shared contact folder which is created in the Public Store? The GAB is not really used to store personal or group contacts but rather all user contacts within the (groupware) organization / company.

For software interfacing with Kopano (so Android, iPhone, Outlook via KOE) the contacts would then be in the GAB. The GAB is synced via the linked gab-sync script to Outlook (as Outlook otherwise does not know how to query it) and Android and iOS can query it when searching. If the GAB should physically exist on Android and iOS then there is also a way for this through -hub.io/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=5734563.

If it should be possible for users to create contacts in their own addressbooks, then this gets more complicated. The general solution in the future should be our rest api, which can simply be queried by interested parties. A shortcut can be -contacts-exporter/browse which can export a given contact folder as csv to process it further am import it into another application.

I'm trying to figure out a way to sync the full global address book in O365 with Zoom. I've already done the integration per Zoom's instructions, but it only syncs the current users contact list. From my understanding, this is a change. I'm hoping we can revert to the previous settings.

I've tested this out a few times myself and received support from Zoom concerning this. Currently, there is no way to sync the GAL in O365 to Zoom. I can't vouch to say if there ever was a way to sync the entire GAL to the contacts list in Zoom, but at least for now there is no way. I submitted my request for this to be added as a feature to zoom.us/feed. Hope that helps. Thank you.

Use this dialog box to select contacts from the Microsoft Exchange Global Address List to add to the Project Center Server contacts database. Mark the checkboxes of the contacts you want to add, then click OK.

I know that there is a work around by creating a user and then create a custom address book and share that out to all authenticated users, this would work only if the share can be automatically be added to to all users, rather then each user having to add it them-selves.

Doe anyone if that is possible?

If you use the sogo webinterface, you can automatically share a self generated addressbook with authenticated users. Click on sharing, choose the user, give the rights and choose subscribe user.

Addressbook_share975601 48.7 KB

At the user it looks like the following picture:

Addressbook_shared_by_user975635 43.8 KB

By doing it this way we can then create a php web page on the internal customer portal, so a the users will be able to edit/update their own details, and only administrators can add new accounts, or even create a Db trigger to add a new account to the contacts table, then as part of the onboarding the user and update the rest of their details.

Here's what I understand -- We are running Exchange 2010, and from what I understand, each time a new user is created, it adds that user to the global contacts list, and then pushes that out to Outlook, correct? Also, with individual contacts added on each machine under the Contacts tab in Outlook, you can add all the user info and add a picture whereas the global contact list pulls straight from Active Directory. But, there is no where to add a picture in active directory for each user. Using google I found this which writes a script that uploads a 10K .jpeg photo to each active directory user, based on user name. Obviously that isn't the easiest way to do it. 2351a5e196

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