Normally though, if you are using a commercial certificate, eg one that your purchased, you would normally put this in /etc/gitlab/ssl directory. The certificate file would be named and the key would be The crt file would be the cert + rootca + intermediate in that one file (not separate). No changes would have been needed in gitlab.rb if just replacing the old cert.

Anyway, please confirm if you did it like I wrote, or something different so we can help what to do next. Also consult /var/log/gitlab/error.log or /var/log/gitlab/gitlab_error.log files as this might also hint if something is incorrectly configured.

Download Gitlab Ssl Certificate


Hello! Yes, I downloaded our cert, and placed it in the /etc/gitlab/ssl directory as well as the key file and combined cert file. They are named correctly as you indicated. I then ran sudo gitlab-ctl hup nginx registry as indicated here: NGINX settings | GitLab

you have /var/log/gitlab/nginx in that screenshot above (my bad I missed nginx from my post), there will be error logs in there that you can check, but try the steps above for restarting gitlab completely or using the reconfigure.

Or something along those lines in gitlab.rb. Otherwise you need the cacert exporting from AD and configured on your gitlab server for capath to get it to work if you dont want to ignore certificate verification.

There are other posts on this forum about it. If you do not have a purchased certificate verified by an external authority, then it will complain about your Active Directory certificate since the default one is not verified by an authority. It is generated internally, so effectively self-signed.

[edit:] Ignoring the authenticity of the certificate even in these poor circumstances kind of beats the purpose of security to a substantial extent, despite the fact that the encryption itself does work.

The less control you have over your environment (over the media between the AD and gitlab), the worse it is.

The same happens if I run my own internal CA. All certificates I generate must be accompanied with the exported CA certificate from my internal CA for them to be trusted. I can import the CA certificate into Firefox, and then every single certificate I generate in the future will be trusted by Firefox. Otherwise, I would have to import hundreds (accepting the untrusted certificates) of internally generated certificates for my system. By doing the CA, I just import one.

Not all applications let you import the certificate itself, they are configured to use the CA certificate to verify against the system that it is attempting to connect to. And this is by far better a method than the one you are suggesting which is a far worse method.

@lethargos this is a great conversation between you and @iwalker. @lethargos, certificates have become much more complicated in the last five years. @iwalker, there are hopefully other configuration options such as broadening the scope of accepted certificates as opposed to dropping them altogether. Where does one set certificate constraint options for gitlab?

In your Firefox example, the self-signed certificate did not chain up to anywhere else or the certificate included the entire chain. In other words, no CA was involved or the CA was included in the certificate.

The TLS_CACERT directive certainly looks like a Certificate Authority directive, not just a single downlevel certificate. The CA certificate you need for AD must already be installed in your AD joined systems. If your existing my_ad_certificate.pem does not include the chain up to your primary domain controller, then on your MS Windows PC, open certlm.msc and look for the root CA there. Put that in TLS_CACERT.

There could be many other reasons the certificate is failing. It might not have enough bits or not digitally signed with an old and no longer trusted algorithm. For instance, some web browsers will not trust any homemade certificate chain if the root is signed with SHA1. A SHA256 root will work fine. For instance, we have old hardware that java does not trust the certificate because it is only 1024 bits. Telling java to accept certificates of 1024 or greater and it works fine. Google Chrome may accept a longstanding well known root CA signed with SHA1, but will not accept a locally generated infrastructure of the same type. SHA256 is required from the top down.

The certificate may not have roles needed for the what is expected of the operation. For instance, a valid personal certificate does not work for code signing unless that role is stipulated in the certificate chain.

Can you install sslscan (apt install sslscan or brew install sslscan) and run it against your LDAP server to see the certificates and TLS versions being offered? Alternatively, you can use openssl s_client -connect address:port.

Certificate Authorities and Web Browser Interoperability Forum Baseline Requirements Documents (SSL/TLS Server Certificates) | CAB Forum

For some reason, i cannot find the emails from way back, but the CABforum is how web browser developers such as Mozilla and certificate authorities, ie: comodo or digicert, discuss and agree on constraints. These baseline requirements are updated frequently.

As mentioned before, ssl often needs need your local AD certificate to have the entire chain, meaning it not only includes your gitlab host/user certificate, but also any intermediate certs, the CA cert, and the root certificate.

I'm running Gitlab:13.12.15-ce.0 in docker container with my private ssl certs and key. But it's expired few days back and i have updated the .crt and .key files in /etc/gitlab/ssl directory but Gitlab still throws error that my certs are expired with loading old certs.

So it was actually a load balancer issue, we have configured the old ssl certificate by mistake assuming it's the new ssl certificate.After configuration of new ssl certificate in load balancer it worked as expected.

I do this, with self-signed, or even with commercial certificates that I purchased, and it works every time. The key part, is putting the certs in /etc/gitlab.ssl and making sure they are the same name as your server FQDN as the example above.

I currently have two Gitlab CE servers running 10.8.4 (installed via the Omnibus package), on which I am trying to setup repository mirroring. Let's call them and Both servers are running Ubuntu 16.04.

I used my domain's Microsoft Root Certificate Authority to generate both of these servers' SSL certificates, and am able to correctly login and browse the web interface without problem for each of these installations, each using their own unique SSL certificate.

I then try to configure to mirror and push to, but get the error "SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate". Thinking I simply had to add the Root CA to both servers, I followed the instructions here to install custom CA certificates:

Upon running gitlab-ctl reconfigure, I can indeed see that there is a symlink that was created in /opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs that points to the certificate I put in /etc/gitlab/trusted_certs. Upon trying to force a push from to, it still gives me the same error.

Just in case, I also tried adding the certificates to the server's local store (although I believe Gitlab Omnibus comes packaged with its own cert store) and running update-ca-certificates. Didn't solve the issue.

EDIT: In /opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl there is an "openssl.cnf" file, which I assume is the openssl configuration for the Omnibus package. It currently has default values, but I tried modifying the "certificate" attribute to match the CA certificate in /opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs, to no avail. Do I need to modify this file at all, or should I always leave it with default values?

We are using a self-signed certs on our server. In order for the server to trust your own CA, you need to add the certs to the CA certificates store. This link describes most ways of the ways to do this on Linux systems. Basically, you need to add the cert to /usr/local/share/ca-certifcates and run update-ca-certifcates on Ubuntu systems.

I am using the gitlab-ce omnibus rpm with SSL certificates issued by an internal CA, and while my system is correctly configured (openssl verify is happy with the certs), I was still getting this error in /var/log/gitlab/mattermost/mattermost.log

While I had already added my Internal CA root certificate to the /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ directory and then ran the update-ca-trust as root. This updates certificates in the /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted directory.

update-ca-trust enabled, which enables this to override all certificates to use the extracted ones

update-ca-trust extract, which will extract your custom ca source certifcates into the the combined/extracted certificate path.

I followed the default approach here that says "Default - Read the system certificate", and so I added the certificates (CA and Intermediate) to the Ubuntu CA list. Everything seemed to work because the runner appears in GitLab.

To host a GitLab server over Tor I would like to get an https certificate. Gitlab provides the opportunity to use a let's encrypt certificate. Let's encrypt requires a domain for registration, hence I tried to set:

letsencrypt_certificate[.onion](letsencrypt::http_authorization line 5) had an error:Acme::Client::Error::RejectedIdentifier: acme_certificate[staging](/opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/letsencrypt/resources/certificate.rbline 25) had an error: Acme::Client::Error::RejectedIdentifier: Errorcreating new order :: Cannot issue for ".onion":The ACME server refuses to issue a certificate for this domain name,because it is forbidden by policy

In addition to being a collaborative software development platform, it is also an open-source code repository used for large DevOps and security projects. There is no charge for GitLab for individuals. With GitLab, you can store code, track issues, and conduct continuous integration and delivery. It is important to ensure the security of your server by adding an SSL certificate. In online communications, an SSL certificate provides security on your web server. In the event that a user contacts your secured website, an encrypted connection is established through an SSL certificate. Our goal in this article is to show you how to install a SSL certificate in your Gitlab server. 2351a5e196

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