Note that the --data-binary option copies the file contents first to RAM, so if you have large files say close to 2048MB i.e. the absolute limit for github releases and if the RAM isn't enough, it fails with curl: option -d: out of memory.

To download the asset's binary content, set the Accept header of the request to application/octet-stream. The API will either redirect the client to the location, or stream it directly if possible. API clients should handle both a 200 or 302 response.

Download Github Asset Curl


This endpoint makes use of a Hypermedia relation to determine which URL to access. The endpoint you call to upload release assets is specific to your release. Use the upload_url returned inthe response of the Create a release endpoint to upload a release asset.

Most libraries will set the required Content-Length header automatically. Use the required Content-Type header to provide the media type of the asset. For a list of media types, see Media Types. For example:

GitHub expects the asset data in its raw binary form, rather than JSON. You will send the raw binary content of the asset as the request body. Everything else about the endpoint is the same as the rest of the API. For example,you'll still need to pass your authentication to be able to upload an asset.

The curly brackets {} in a path denote path parameters that you need to specify. Path parameters modify the endpoint path and are required in your request. For example, the path parameters for the "List repository issues" endpoint are {owner} and {repo}. To use this path in your API request, replace {repo} with the name of the repository where you would like to request a list of issues, and replace {owner} with the name of the account that owns the repository.

Most GitHub REST API endpoints specify that you should pass an Accept header with a value of application/vnd.github+json. The value of the Accept header is a media type. For more information about media types, see "Media types."

By default, curl sends a valid User-Agent header. However GitHub recommends using your GitHub username, or the name of your application, for the User-Agent header value. This allows GitHub to contact you if there are problems.

All custom media types for GitHub look like this: application/vnd.github.PARAM+json, where PARAM is the name of the media type. For example, to specify the raw media type, you would use application/vnd.github.raw+json.

Identify any required path parameters. Required path parameters appear in curly brackets {} in the path of the endpoint. Replace each parameter placeholder with the desired value. For more information, see "Path."

The request method automatically passes the Accept: application/vnd.github+json header. To pass additional headers or a different Accept header, add a headers property to the object that is passed as a second argument. The value of the headers property is an object with the header names as keys and header values as values.

I am storing zips of my xcframeworks as the asset of GitHub private releases. As such, their URL isn't publicly available, so this thread looks relevant to my case (I'm using Xcode 13 with swift tools 5.5)

The tricky extra part is the requirement for a specific Accept header in order to receive the binary asset; without the header you only receive a JSON description of the asset details. @ksluder I can confirm that when passing the necessary Accept: application/octet-stream header in the curl request that it works (with ~/.netrc) so everything seems fine on the GitHub front (according to their design at least).

@sstadelman I'm not familiar with requirements for GitHub Enterprise; were you adding support for pulling binary assets from the GitHub releases feature? And did it follow the API guidelines set out in the repos docs for "Get a release asset"? I'm just lost on how to indicate to SPM to include the Accept: application/octet-stream header (or if there is a way around this).

It looks like Xcode 13 fails to add Swift packages that specify a binaryTarget with the URL of a GitHub asset in a private repo (even with a correctly formatted ~/.netrc file with suitable credentials):

@NeoNacho yes indeed, as that header would be required. However that's insufficient as it seems like HTTPClient.Request only accepts 200 as a valid response code and the GitHub REST API initially responds with a 302 when we ask it for a release asset (see my sample curl call above).

The preview media type is "application/vnd.github.manifold-preview". Manifold isa member of the Avengers, with the ability to teleport through time and space. He's the one in the middle holding the spear.

I needed to script the install of the Digital Ocean CLI " doctl " tool from Github using curl, but there was a problem: The filename varied as it incorporated the version number- so hard-coding it would have required editing the script every time a new version was released, negating the entire point of automating it!

The inner command substitution asks the github API for the latest release of that repo; it then pipes it through jq to select the element whose name contains the string -linux-amd64.tar.gz and return back the download URL.

You can automate publishing releases to GitHub to save some time and prevent human-factor mistakes. The hint shows you how to create the release and then upload an attachment with GitHub API using curl.

Placeholder values {owner}, {repo}, and {branch} in the endpointargument will get replaced with values from the repository of the currentdirectory or the repository specified in the GH_REPO environment variable.Note that in some shells, for example PowerShell, you may need to encloseany value that contains {...} in quotes to prevent the shell fromapplying special meaning to curly braces.

scoop (one of the package management tools on Windows) fails to install 1.14

It tries to get checksum from the release note (now gone, moved into a release asset)

It tries to download, which now changed to,, and

Main/elixir.json at masterĀ  ScoopInstaller/MainĀ  GitHub

Downloading a private release asset from GitHub given only its nameand tag requires a complicated series of interactions with the GitHubAPI. This blog post explains how to write two repository ruleswhich make dealing with private release assets in Bazel easy.

GitHub does not expose the URLs of private release assets directly.Instead, you must use the GitHub API to download private releaseassets. Naturally, you need to have a valid GitHub authenticationtoken with permissions to download the private asset.

Copy the URL of the nextflow-VERSION-all asset and enter the download command in your terminal, e.g. wget -qO- ASSET-URL. It will create the completely self-contained nextflow-VERSION-all executable file in the current directory.

One way of authenticating is via basic authentication as specified in

RFC2617. In this form of authentication you provide the GitHub

username and password. Using curl one can pass in the -u or --user

option, providing the corresponding password with each request.

If you can find the compatible, pre-built release on GitHub, you can use curl to download it and tar to extract it. The process is the same with or without Docker if you need to automate the installation instead of doing it interactively on a desktop machine. Try to write a script on the host which uses curl to download the release and tar to extract it. If that works, you can copy the code to Dockerfile and build the image.

Curl / tar for a specific release is what I have running but was wondering if there was a clever way to pull from the latest release on the page instead of a hardcoded .x.x.tar value in my curl string.

A System Asset is a core business object in the VersionOne Lifecycle model. Each asset represents the stories/backlog items, defects, sprints/iterations, and the members who use the system. The diagram below illustrates the relationship of these assets to one another and how they work together to help you manage your workflow.

Asset types describe the "classes" of data available. Each asset type contains a collection of attribute definitions, a collection of operations, and a number of useful attribute definitions for things like sorting. Asset types form an inheritance hierarchy, such that each asset type inherits attribute definitions, operations, and rules from its parent asset type. Those asset types at the leaves of this hierarchy are concrete, whereas asset types with children asset types are abstract. Assets are all instances of concrete asset types. Asset types are identified by unique names.

Most asset types have the same name as found in the application user interface. A Defect in the user interface is also a Defect as an asset type. However, many of the most common asset types have a different name.

Attribute definitions describe the properties that "make up" each asset type. Each attribute definition describes the type of data it can contain, as well as whether it is required, read only, multi-value, and many other qualities. Attribute definitions are identified by a name that is unique within its asset type. Attribute definitions are defined as either value types or relations to other assets. Furthermore, relation attribute definitions can be either single-value or multi-value.

For example, the Estimate attribute definition on the Workitem asset type is a scalar (specifically, a Number). On the other hand, the Workitem asset type's Scope attribute definition is a single-value relation (to a Scope asset). The reverse relation, Workitems on the Scope asset type, is a multi-value relation (to Workitem assets). 006ab0faaa

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